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Most high schools in the United States publish a yearbook once a year, usually in spring. It is a record of the school year—a “book of memories” for the students.

Inside a yearbook is each student’s photo. The seniors are graduating soon, and their photos appear first. Next are the juniors. They are one year behind the seniors. Then come the second year students. The last photos are the first-year students. The yearbook is not only about students. The teachers have photos, too.

The yearbook also has photos and descriptions of many activities. These are activities that students do after school, such as the chess club and Spanish club. There is even a yearbook club. Students in this club write, design and take photos all year for the yearbook.

In the yearbook, some students receive special titles. The seniors vote and choose   the “class clown” (a funny student), the “most likely to succeed” (a student who got the best grades), and the “best dressed” (a student with a good fashion sense). There are also other awards.

Students usually sign each other’s yearbooks. This is especially important for the seniors because they are graduating. Students write notes to each other, such as, “We had a lot   of fun,”or “I’ll never forget you.” They also write about the fun and funny experiences they shared in school together.

【小题1】When do American schools usually publish a yearbook?
【小题2】Whose photos can we see in a yearbook?
【小题3】Why is it important for senior students to sign each other’s yearbooks?
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The Clubs Fair
Linda and Leo are new students at Rosie Bridge School. Last month, they attended the Clubs Fair. First, Linda and Leo learnt about the Rocket Club.
“Our club will teach you how to build rockets. Then you can launch them into the sky”, a boy said, “watch!” He took a rocket and launched it. The rocket disappeared into the sky. Linda and Leo were very surprised. “Will it go all the way into space?” Linda asked.
“Of course it won’t,” a girl from another club shouted. “Our club is better. Come and join the Solar Power Club.” “What do you do?” asked Leo. “We make wonderful machines. They only use solar power. Look!” She took a toy car from the table and then used a remote control to drive it all around the playground. “It uses power from the Sun,” said Linda. “That’s amazing!” After the fair, they felt very excited. “I want to join all the clubs,” said Linda. “Me too!” said Leo.
【小题1】Where do Linda and Leo study?
【小题2】When did Linda and Leo attend the Clubs Fair?
【小题3】How did Linda and Leo feel when they saw the rocket disappeared into the sky?
【小题4】What did the girl in the Solar Power Club show Linda and Leo?
【小题5】Did Linda and Leo want to join all the clubs?

Drew, Emilio, and Mike sat at a picnic table in the park on a beautiful autumn afternoon. They did not notice the sounds around them. They were focusing on the task they planned to complete.

They wanted to start a school garden at Jefferson Middle School. At first, it was Drew's idea. He first saw a school garden during his visit to his cousin P.J. in Washington. He was amazed at the variety of fruits and vegetables the students at P.J.'s school grew. “It's a lot of work,” P.J. had warned. “But it's also my favorite part of the week.”

When Drew returned from his trip to Washington, he told Emilio and Mike all about what he had seen. Now the three of them decided to make a plan to bring a school garden to Jefferson. Drew opened his notebook and prepared to record any ideas they had to let Mr. Milano, the school headmaster, agree that the garden was a good idea.

“We are going to need a teacher to give us some advice,” said Drew. “I know that Mr. Hasselbach does gardening at home. Just last week he brought in a whole basket of tomatoes from his garden. We can ask him for help.” Drew wrote down Mr. Hasselbach's name in his notebook.

“We might need some money to get the project running,” added Mike. “We could tell Mr. Milano that we will organize a book sale to raise money.”

“That's a great idea,” said Emilio. “I think my aunt can help us design the garden, select plants, and create a budget(预算).”

Drew made some more notes. “P.J. mentioned that the students at his school cooked meals with the vegetables from their garden. We can do the same. And if we tell Mr. Milano that what we learn in the science lessons can be practiced in the garden, he will probably accept our plan.”

【小题1】The three children decided to start a school garden, didn't they?
【小题2】When did Drew first see a school garden?
【小题3】How did Drew feel when he saw the things the students at P.J.'s school grew?
【小题4】Who would help design Jefferson's garden?
【小题5】How would the children raise money for the project?
【小题6】What do you think of school gardens? Why?
