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“It’s so cold”

“Yes, it is. I wear my long johns(秋裤)today.”This little talk happens when you run into your classroom at school. It’s an example of “ small talk” .In our everyday life, small talk is a big deal. It can help you meet new peopleand make new riends. The topics(话题) of small talk usually include(包括) the weather, hobbies,family and travel. These topics are great because they are easy to talk about.You can also talk about what is around you. For example, you can talk to yourclassmates about an interesting teacher in your class. If you’re at a party, you can talk about the food, music or the people there. Sometimes, it is a bit difficult to start talking with someone you don’t know. But that’s OK! Just be nice and show people that you like them. Share (分享)your happiness or worries with them. People can be friendlier than you think.

【小题1】The example at the beginning is about family.
【小题2】Small talk can help you meet new people and friends
【小题3】Weather and hobbies are difficult to talk about
【小题4】Talking about the food at a party is small talk.
【小题5】It is a good start to show people that you like them
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Earlier, only face-to-face communication was possible, but with the development of technology, we now have the phone, email, video calls and so on. It has become easier and much cheaper to communicate or have a conversation. We can easily communicate with our loved ones, whether they’re close or far away.

Face-to-face communication includes direct personal interaction (互动). Both parties can see each other’s body language and facial expressions, and understand them easily, leading to more effective communication. A study has shown that in our day-to-day life when we interact with someone face to face, we have a nonverbal (非言语的) communication of about 93%. In addition, face-to-face communication is more effective in building trust and making deeper connections.

But considering the long distance (距离) and time cost, face-to-face communication may not be the best choice. So there, telephone, email, etc. are preferred. Without telephone conversation, some work may be difficult to get done in time. The conversation varies depending on what relationship you have with the caller. For example, it will be informal (非正式的) if you talk to your close friends or relatives. But if you are having a professional telephone conversation, then it will be formal. You must have a lot of practice and confidence to interact with the caller.

Telephone conversations have no nonverbal cues (暗示), but they offer the convenience of communicating from a distance and at any time. Also, as they cannot see each other, both parties can speak without being under pressure.

So, which do you prefer?

【小题1】According Paragraph 1, what makes communication easier and cheaper?
A.The growth of population.
B.The improvement of education.
C.The development of technology.
【小题2】What are the advantages of face-to-face communication?
① Building trust.                                    ② Making deeper connections.
③ Interacting directly.                             ④ Communicating from a distance.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “varies” mean in Paragraph 3?
【小题4】What’s the best title of the text?
A.The Power of Face-to-face Communication
B.The Strength of Telephone Communication
C.Communication Choices: Face to face vs. Telephone

The most basic and powerful way to connect with another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our full attention.

When people are talking, there is no need to do anything but listen to their words. Just take them in. Listen to what they are saying. Care about it. Caring is even more important than understanding. It has taken me a long time to believe in the importance of saying “I’m so sorry” when someone is in trouble.

One of my friends told me that when she tried to tell her story, people often broke into tell her that something similar happened to them. For some reason or other, her trouble became a story about them. In the end, she stopped talking to most people. She was just too lonely. We connect through listening. When we interrupt(打断) someone to let them know that we understand, we move attention to ourselves. When we listen, they know we care.

It’s not that easy to learn to listen. It certainly went against everything that I was taught. I thought people listened only because they were too shy to speak or did not know the answer. A loving silence often has more importance to help and to connect than the kindest words.

【小题1】What is the most important when others are talking according to the passage?
【小题2】What will happen if we interrupt others when they are talking?
A.We move attention to ourselves.B.We care much about them.
C.We help them.D.We don’t want to listen anymore.
【小题3】What is the opinion of the writer in this text?
A.We should like listening.
B.We are too shy to talk.
C.We should interrupt someone to make them learn.
D.A loving silence is more important than the kindest words.
