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One day, a lamb(羔羊)walked away from the other sheep in the forest . Then she met a wolf. The wolf told her that he wouldn’t hurt _______. However , he planned to eat her ! But first he needed to find a good reason for eating the lamb.

So he _______. “Dear Lamb, did you say _______words about me last year?”

“I don’t think that’s possible,” she answered in a sad _______, “I was born in January this year. I was not born at that time.” Then , the wolf continued, “You’ve once eaten the _______in my field.” “No sir, ”replied the lamb, “I have not tasted grass yet. My mom says I’m too young to eat grass. You see , I don’t have any teeth yet.”The wolf tried again, “I saw you _______ the water in my well (井)when I walked home last week.”He shouted angrily. “Unbelievable!”explained the lamb, “My mother’s milk is both food and drink to me. I don’t _______drink any water in your well.”

All _______a sudden, the wolf jumped onto the lamb, saying, “Well! I don’t mind if you have something against my opinions. Now you are my delicious lunch!”

Sometimes it’s unnecessary for us to listen to the “bad _______”in our lift. We will not know ________ the last minute, but it’s too late.

A.stick toB.have toC.fail to
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Once upon a time, there was a teacher and his student lying down under a big grass area. Suddenly, the student asked the teacher, “Teacher, I wonder __________ I can find my soul mate(灵魂伴侣)? Can you please tell me?” __________ for a second, then the teacher answered, “Well, it’s a pretty hard and easy question.”
The student __________hard.
The teacher continued, “Look that way, there is a lot of grass there. You just walk there but please __________ walk backwards(向后地), just walk straight ahead. On your __________, try to find a beautiful grass and pick it up and then give it to me. But just one.”
The student replied, “OK ,wait for __________.” Then he walked straight ahead to the grass field.
A few minutes later the student came back.
The teacher said, “Um, I don’t see any beautiful __________ on your hand.”
The student explained, “On my journey, I __________ a few beautiful grass, but I thought that I would find a   __________one, so I didn’t pick it up. But I didn’t realize that I was at the ___________of the field, and I hadn’t picked up any ___________you told me not to go back so I didn’t go back.”
“That’s what happened in ___________life,” the teacher told the student.
What is the message of this story?
Grass is people ___________ you. Beautiful Grass is people that draw your attention. Grass field is time.
In looking for your soul mate or your right job, please don’t always ___________and hope that there will be a better one. By doing that, you’ll ___________your lifetime ,because “Time Never Goes Back.” So the moral (寓意)of the story is LOVE & take the chance that you have now! Treasure it, don't wait until you lose it.【小题1】
Monday morning is an important time at our school. All of the students go to the playground. We listen to music, and we _____ the national flag go up.
Usually, one student gives a talk on Monday mornings. One Monday last year, a boy gave the talk. He was _____ and excited! When I saw him, I wanted to have a try, too.
Can I really do it?
Last week, our teacher said our class should give the talk. My teacher _____ me, "I know you want to have a try. Next Monday, you can give the talk. Go and write something down._____ for it, I'm sure you'll do well."
"Thank you," I answered, It was such a great _____ for me! When I got home, I was excited. I wrote two pages for the talk. I read them again and again. When I read, I asked my parents____. I wanted to make my teacher happy.
Monday morning came. I began to feel ____. When did I last give a talk to _____ many people? Never! This was my first time. Could I really _____ it ? Maybe I couldn't finish the talk.
When I got to school, we all went out to playground. I______in front of everyone. I opened my mouth, but I couldn't say anything.
"Take it easy," I said to ______. "Don't be nervous. You can do it."
Just then, I looked down at everyone. I saw about 1,000 eyes. They were all looking at me ! I couldn't ______ stand up.
I looked at their eyes more carefully. Their eyes were saying, "You can do it! Don't be afraid, just talk!"
I ______ a big breath. Then I began to talk. It wasn't hard. It was easy.
I don't know ______ I finished my talk. But I did it. I felt so good that day. I showed myself____everyone what I can do.【小题1】
A.watchB.seeC.noticeD.look at
A.toldB.asked forC.said toD.showed
A.Look outB.Come onC.Take careD.Get ready
A.to listen toB.to listenC.listen toD.listen
A.standB.stoodC.was standingD.have stood
A.meB.my classC.myselfD.my parents
A.be able toB.hardlyC.everD.even

Henry is going through a very hard time. His wife has just passed away. He feels that life _______ her is meaningless. For months, Henry sits in his house, doing _______. His family try to encourage him to do new things and enjoy life, but they're not_______.

Henry's neighbor, an old woman named Lisa, sees him from her yard one day. She has not seen him outside in days! She asks him to _______ closer to the fence(篱笆)next to her house.

"Hello, Henry! Just look at this fence. It is, falling apart. You are a _______ man. Can you help me fix this fence?” Lisa asks.

Henry is angry inside. He is the one who needs _______ right now. He thinks the old lady is being kind of impolite. But she is too old to fix the fence _______, so he agrees.

Henry works on the fence for days. Lift brings hire orange juice _______ he works. When he finishes, she thanks him. Henry _______ for the first time in months.

"What a wonderful job! Could you please paint it ________ me?" Lisa says to him. Henry cannot believe she needs more help. Doesn't she know stow sad he is? But ________ he respects (尊敬) her, he agrees. He works hard painting the fence in the hot ________, but Lisa's orange juice and encouragement are helpful. As their neighbours ________ by, they all tell Henry what a beautiful job be has done. Henry feels very happy.

Henry no longer feels that ________ is meaningless. He finally realizes that Lisa wasn't being impolite. She knows that staying ________ can help us forget our sadness. He helped her, but she truly saved him.

