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Top Five Secrets of Success

Do you want to succeed? Here are some secrets of success. Follow them and you can make it!

【小题1】That's what pop star Shakira did. She first performed in public at age of 4. And for nine years, she wrote songs and sang for her friends. For the last 15 years, she has been one of the most successful pop singers in the world.

【小题2】 When Steven Spielberg didn' t get into film school, he pretended he had a job at Universal Studios He walked confidently past the guards and worked there for three months. For nearly 40 years, Spielberg has directed many Hollywood films

【小题3】 Microsoft founder Bill Gates is a good example. For about five years, when he was a teenager, he spent 10,00g hours working on a basic computer. His hard work gave him a big advantage over other people.

【小题4】At the age of five, Nocak Djokovic decided he didn't want to be a good tennis player, and he wanted to be the best tennis player in the world. In 2011, he became the World Number One

【小题5】J K. Rowling didn't give up after being refused by twelve publishers. For two years, she never stopped trying to get them published. For the last ten years, J.K. Rowling has been a very successful writer.

Follow our five-point plan and you will succeed!

A.Work hard- very hard
B.Set your goals high
C.Be confident
D.Start as young as possible
E.Keep trying.
F.Set your goals as early as possible.
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Speaking exams can be stressful! What if you don’t understand the examiner(考官)? Remember that everyone gets nervous in exams. And our tips will help you feel more confident in a speaking exam.

★ Listening to as much English as possible will help to improve your speaking. Listening to songs and watching films will help you feel more confident about speaking.

★ Speak as much English in class as possible. If you always speak English in class, you will find it easier to speak in an exam.

★ Slow down! Before you speak, think carefully about what to say and speak a little slower than normal.

★ Use the correct language that you know. Use words and expressions you have used before. If you don’t know a word, think of another way to say it.

★Listen to yourself when you speak and if you hear a mistake, correct it.

★Look at the examiner’s face and eyes when you speak. Does he understand you? If not, say it again with different words.

★Speak clearly so that the examiner can hear you. If you find this difficult, practice with a friend at home. Speak to each other in English on your computers.

★ Remember that everyone feels nervous in exams. So take some deep breaths before the exam and try to relax.

【小题1】What will you do if you don’t know a word when you are speaking?
A.Look it up in a dictionary.
B.Express it in another way.
C.Ask the examiner for help.
D.Call your friends for help.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “this” refers to?
A.Talking with your friends in English.
B.Talking with friends on computers.
C.Looking at the examiner’s eyes.
D.Speaking clearly in front of the examiner.
【小题3】Put the events about speaking exams in the passage in the correct order.
a.Use words and expressions you have used before.
b.Slow down your speaking speed.
c.Correct the mistakes when you find them.
d.Listening to as much English as possible.
【小题4】What is the main idea of this passage?
A.How to slow down your speaking speed.
B.How to choose the right listening materials.
C.How to deal with speaking exams.
D.How to correct the mistakes while speaking.
下面文章中有五处(第1—5题) 需要添加小标题,请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)为各段选小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。

How to start a conversation when you have nothing to talk about?

Starting a conversation to get to know someone or ending an awkward(尴尬) silence can be very stressful. To start a conversation when you have nothing to talk about, use these guidelines.


Open questions like “What kind of books do you like?” “What are you doing right now?” are better than closed questions like “Do you like books?”. Because an open-ended question requires an explanation for an answer rather than just a simple yes or no.


If you like animals in general, it’s easy to relate to other animal lovers whether they prefer dogs, horses, birds, cats or wildlife. Asking the owners about their pets is a great way to get people to open up and start having fun.


Negative(消极的) worries like “Am I boring/good enough/too unimportant?” can leave you feeling stressful. Feeling awkward when carrying on conversation with others is usual but it’s also not good for continuing the conversation. Just relax and be brave.


If he or she appears interested, then continue. If he or she is looking at a clock or watch, or worse, looking for an escape strategy, then you’ve been going on for too long.


Show respect to someone who remains awkward or uncomfortable in front of you. If your conversation partner appears unwilling to share information with you, don’t continue too much.

A.Try not to make them uncomfortable.
B.Ask an open question.
C.Notice body languages.
D.Learn about your feelings.
E.Let go of your fears.
F.Ask them about their pets.

How many tests do you have to take at school for a day? How do you usually prepare for them or are you really able to prepare for each of them well? Understanding how your brain works can be very helpful for you.

Our memory is in fact made up of three parts—sensory memory, short-term memory and long-term memory. Sensory memory takes in information from our five senses and stays for only a few seconds. Short-term memory is where we store the new information that we have just taken in. However, the information also won’t stay there very long if we don’t keep doing something to that information. In other words, we turn it into long-term memory, which includes everything from all our best friends’ birthdays to our favourite poems. When studying, either for tests or other purposes, you are trying to turn the information from the books into long-term memory.

Remember that our brain works better when we are interested in a subject, already have basic knowledge about it, and know that we are going to need it for future use. So helpful methods include speaking out the ideas loud in your own words or draw a picture of the information. Also, remember that our brain can deal with limited information at one time, so filling your brain with materials for several tests in one night isn’t a good idea.

【小题1】In which part of a magazine can you read this passage?
【小题2】Lucy did badly in the History test. Which is the best advice according to the passage?
A.You’d better turn what’s written on books into your long-term memory.
B.To do well on the tests, you must build up your short-term memory.
C.Being good at short-term memory is helpful for learning history.
D.Remember to use your sensory memory as it’s the first step in learning.
【小题3】How does the writer organize Paragraph 3?
A.By telling stories.B.By explaining the reasons.
C.By making questions.D.By comparing differences.
【小题4】What is the main idea of this passage?
A.The best way to prepare for several tests at a time.
B.Different parts of the brain work in different ways.
C.Better use of the brain leads to better learning results.
D.How the brain turns sensory memory into long-term memory.
