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Graham Cracker Smoothies(全麦饼干冰沙)

Graham crackers


2T. peanut butter

2T. butte:

2C. powered sugar


Breaking graham crackers in half. Mix peanut butter, butter and powdered sugar with a spoon. Add enough milk to make creamy icing. Stir vigorously until no lumps remain. Spread on graham cracker half and top with another graham cracker half, sandwich style. Enjoy!

The smoothie icing will keep in the refrigerator for two days.

Number the steps in the correct order.

【小题1】Spread icing on graham crackers.

【小题2】Add milk and stir until creamy.

【小题3】Break graham crackers in half.

【小题4】Eat and enjoy.

【小题5】Mix the peanut butter, butter and powdered sugar together

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Dear Sara,

You asked me how to make fruit salad in your email. Here is one way.

What we need: fruits, condensed milk(炼乳),sugar, ice-cream.


Wash all the fruits and cut them into pieces, then put them into a big bowl. Pour condensed milk into the bowl. Then you can add a little sugar. Mix them well and place the bowl in the fridge to cool. Take it out in 10 minutes and add a spoon of ice cream. You can enjoy the fruit salad now.


If you can’t find condensed milk, add enough sugar to the fresh milk, mix them well and pour it over the fruits.

Make sure you choose foods that are not too sweet.

This is a great dish for kids who don’t like to eat fruits.

If you have an unexpected visitor and don’t have much time to make a snack(小吃), the salad will help you.



【小题1】Lisa taught Sara how to ________ in this email.
A.make fruit juiceB.make fruit saladC.cook fishD.cook fruit
【小题2】Sara doesn’t need ________ to make the dish.
A.sugarB.ice-creamC.yogurtD.condensed milk
【小题3】We can learn from the tips that________.
A.nothing can take the place of condensed milkB.it takes a very long time to make the dish
C.the dish is great for children who dislike fruitsD.we should choose the sweet fruits to make the dish
