任务型阅读-阅读表达 适中0.65 引用1 组卷63

Frank and his friends used to go camping every summer, and once something happened which he wasn’t able to explain.

They were always camping in a place above a river. After that, they all rushed down to the river and had a swim. Standing by the river, they noticed that it was surrounded (包围) by cliffs. If someone wanted to reach the river, he had to walk past their camp. Several days later, their camping leader had to be away for a day. That afternoon, they had supper early. They were sitting round the fire, eating and talking, when an old man walked past and went down towards the river. They all felt that man looked very frightening. Each of them kept silent and said nothing.

They ate very slowly, talking as long as possible. After finishing, they collected their plates together so that they could take them to the river where they always washed them. But no one moved towards the river. Then all shouting at once, they began talking about the man who had walked past them. They agreed that how strange he looked and they wondered what he was doing by the river. They knew that he could only return by passing through their camp.

An hour passed. Then one of the boys suggested they should creep down by the river so that they could see what he was doing. Moving very slowly, they crept down (蹑手蹑脚) towards the bank. One boy climbed a tree and he could see everything clearly. He called to them that there was no one there, so they ran down to the bank, looking everywhere carefully. They could not understand where the man had gone.

When it got dark, they went back to their camp feeling unbelievable. They told the leader what had happened in the evening. Smiling, he suggested they go and look again. They did, but there was no one there.

【小题1】What were Frank and his friends always doing above a river?
【小题2】What did the boys see when eating and talking round the fire one afternoon?
【小题3】Why did no one go to the river to wash their plates after finishing eating?
【小题4】How did they go towards the river to see what the man was doing?
【小题5】Did they tell the leader what had happened in the evening?
【小题6】Why did the boys think the camping experience unbelievable?
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Back in her room, Miss Polly opened the letter from a far away town in the west and read it again.

Miss Polly,

I have sad news for you! Your sister’s husband, John died two weeks ago. He left a girl, 11 years old, behind him.

John was the minister ( 牧师 ) in the church here, and wasn’t very rich. Nobody could care for her now, only you, her family in the east. John spoke of this before he died.

Can you take care of her? We can put Pollyanna on the train to come to you. When I get your answer, I can tell you the day and time of the train.

Jeremiah O. White

Miss Polly sat with the letter and thought of her sister Jennie, the girl’s mother. When Jennie was twenty, she wanted to marry young John for love. Her parents weren’t happy about it, but she didn’t listen to them. She married, left home, and went west with her husband.

Miss Polly remembered it well. Of course Jennie wrote for a time. Her letters told them about her little girl. Jennie gave her the name Pollyanna after her two sisters, Polly and Anna. Some years later, a letter came to them from a small town in the west. It was from John and brought sad news. Jennie was dead.

Miss Polly thought about the past 25 years. She was 40 years old. Her parents and sisters were all dead. The big family house and money were now in her name. Some people said to her, “Why don’t you live with a friend?” But she didn’t want a friend, she liked living alone and quietly. And now ...

【小题1】Did Miss Polly get a letter from a far away town in the west?
【小题2】How old was Pollyanna when her father died?
【小题3】How will Pollyanna come to Miss Polly according to the letter?
【小题4】Why did Jennie give her daughter the name Pollyanna?
【小题5】Who did Miss Polly live with when she received the letter?
【小题6】What do you think will happen next?

No one wants to be in a life-or-death situation. However, if you are getting into such a dangerous situation, what will you do, fight or flight?

When 13-year-old Joe Rowlands and his dad were in a kayak(皮艇)accident, the brave teenager chose to fight. He not only fought for his own life, but also saved his father’s.

On that day, Joe and his father Paul were out on their kayak off the coast of Anglesey in the UK. Suddenly they noticed that the kayak was starting to fill with water. Then they found out there was a hole in the floor of the boat. Without another choice, Paul turned the boat over. He asked Joe to climb on the top of the kayak so that he could push the boat to an island.

However, the rough(汹涌的) waves made it too hard for Paul to push the boat to land. They had to swim without the boat. Luckily, Joe made his way to the island safely. But when he looked back, he found his dad was no longer swimming. Risking his life, Joe jumped back into the cold water and managed to drag(拽)his dad up onto some rocks. Then Joe did CPR(心肺复苏) on his dad until he came around.

“I know I can never pay him back for saving my life and I’m very proud of him. He acted with courage beyond his years,” Paul said of his son.

【小题1】How old is Joe?(no more than 5 words)
【小题2】What did Paul do when he found out there was a hole in the boat?(no more than 5 words)
【小题3】Was Joe’s father alive at last?(no more than 3 words)
