阅读理解-五选五 较难0.4 引用1 组卷46

Walking through the winter park, the trees stand cold and bare (光秃秃的). 【小题1】 As I keep walking, a noise in the background is becoming louder and clearer. Now, 100 meters ahead, is a group of women gathered (聚集) at the sides of a path. In the cold wind of winter, they’re moving their arms and legs to a rhythm (节奏). 【小题2】

It seems that if you go to any public space around China, you’re likely to see these dancing aunties. When I first came to China, it was the first thing that stuck (定住) me. 【小题3】 You won’t see any age group swinging their arms and tapping their feet in a park. Usually, they just take a walk for exercise.

Now and again the dancing aunties have hit the headlines (标题). Some people find them annoying. 【小题4】With most of them middle-aged, they finally have some free time to do whatever they like. There is no more work, and their kids have left.

Personally, I like seeing these women enjoying themselves. They remind us of the importance of exercise as we get older.

【小题5】 Now is their time to have fun and enjoy some peace.

A.That’s because in Britain dancing in public is not a cultural habit.
B.The winter has shaken their yellow leaves to the ground.
C.Besides, most of them have raised (抚养) the whole families.
D.They are, of course, the dancing aunties.
E.But others respect (尊重) their right (权利) to dance in public.
知识点:青少年问题 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

①Have you ever shown your photos on your favorite social media(媒体)? Or have you expressed your feelings and emotions on your online page? If yes, do you know what you have posted on the social medias can cause problems you could not expect?

②Cathy, who is going to be fifteen, posted online an invitation to her birthday party with her address in it. And guess what! 500 people came to the party, and some even broke the windows and plants, making a total mess of the house. The girl’s birthday party turned into a nightmare(噩梦).

③Many teenagers(青少年)think they know everything about social media, and that such a thing could never happen to them. Studies show that each year more than three million young people in the world get into trouble because of their online activities.

④So do remember these if you really want to share something online.

Share with care! Not everyone will like what you write online. Think before you post anything. You never know who sees your texts, pictures or videos. Before clicking “post”, you should ask yourself, “How will I feel if my family or teachers see this?” and “How might this post be bad for me in five or ten years from now?”

Be polite when you write! Imagine someone is unfriendly in real life. The same is true of online communication. No one likes it when you “shout” in your messages. If you feel angry or frustrated while you’re writing a message, wait a bit. Read it again later and then send it.

Protect and respect! Never share your passwords with anyone. It’s not wise to post your home or email address online. Don’t say bad things about people. If you get messages like that or see them online, talk to your parents or your teachers.

⑧I’d say none of these things promises 100% online safety, but each will help you to be safer.

【小题1】(写作手法)The writer starts to introduce the topic by ________.
A.telling storiesB.giving examplesC.asking questionsD.sharing experiences
【小题2】The party turned into a nightmare because Cathy ________.
A.made a total mess of the house.B.shared the photos of her house online
C.invited hundrends of people to her partyD.posted an invitation with her address online
【小题3】(跨学科试题)The writer uses the mark “!” in the underlined sentences of Paragraphs 5~7 to ________.
A.draw the readers’ attentionB.give orders that readers should follow
C.express the strong feelings of worryD.give the decisions that have been made
【小题4】What does the writer mean by saying the last sentence?
A.You should spend much less time online.
B.It’s necessary to think before you act online.
C.You have to make a promise before you go online.
D.If you want to be safer online, do as the writer suggests.

I used to hate my mother because she worked a lot and didn’t spend much time with me. Then one Friday morning I took part in a three-day self-help program for teenagers. Whether you believe it or not, that weekend changed my life.

About 100 other teenagers were there. During the first two days I met a lot of great people. I was glad because I made so many friends there.

On Sunday, the leader did an interesting exercise called “Chocolate or Toys”. He asked a girl which she liked better, chocolate or toys. She chose chocolate. Then he asked her to choose again between chocolate and chocolate. Of course, she didn’t have a choice.

This exercise told us that sometimes we don’t have a choice in life, and that sometimes we have to accept something, rather than complaining (抱怨).

A girl stood up and started talking about her mom who was a drug addict and how much she hated her mother.

“I want a new mom,” she cried.

“Unfortunately, you can’t have one,” the leader replied. “You have to accept the mother that you have.”

This hit me hard. I realized that, for better or worse, my mom was my mom. I couldn’t choose another mom, but I could try to make the best of the situation.

【小题1】The self-help program for teenagers lasted ________.
A.a weekB.two daysC.three daysD.only one day
【小题2】The writer used to hate his mother because ________.
A.she didn’t care for himB.she had no time to be with him
C.she was a drug addictD.she was too strict with him
【小题3】The writer started to change his thinking ________.
A.during the first two days of the programB.after the exercise named “Chocolate or Toys”
C.as soon as he took part in the programD.after he left the program sometime
【小题4】From the end of the passage, we can know that ________.
A.the writer used to love his mom for yearsB.the writer’s mom is a very bad person
C.the writer’s mom loves her son very muchD.the writer will try to get along with his mother
【小题5】What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Choices can be made as we like.B.Everyone should take part in a self-help program.
C.Chocolate can influence one’s attitude toward things.D.We should try to accept things instead of complaining about them.

① Conflict (冲突) happens when two people disagree because of their own goals, values, or beliefs. It’s not always as simple as an argument. Instead, conflict is what happens right before the argument; it’s what the two people disagree about before they start calling each other names.

② Parents and teenagers have many chances to experience conflict with one another. Teenage years are a time when independence and parental influence fight, since teens are able to think on their own but still live with parents who have rules and expectations for them. Teenagers don’t necessarily hold the same beliefs and values as their parents, and their goal to have fun often conflicts with their parents’ goal to keep them safe.

③ If kids don’t come back home at the time when they’re supposed to, their parents will get worried. A worried parent becomes a scolding (责骂的) parent. When the kid finally arrives home, he / she will get punishments.

④ Sometimes, teens want to have noisy fun while their parents want to sleep. This is a common conflict that happens every day. Also, parents and teenagers usually prefer different types of music. So when parents don’t like the music the kids are listening to, they are more likely to tell them to turn it down. Then conflict begins.

⑤ This may not be totally true. However, one thing is for sure: parents might use the teenager’s exam results to judge (判断) him/her. Every time the parents’ expectations aren’t met, they will scold their kids. And the conflict happens.

⑥ Knowing the reasons is the first step to solving conflict. Here are a few tips for parents and teenagers.

⑦ See each other as friends in the common goals you agree on. Such goals usually include keeping teens safe and seeing them make success. Pay attention to these goals to avoid getting unsatisfied with each other.

⑧ List possible solutions to the conflict together. You can try listing creative ideas, whether they seem reasonable or not. Creativity is your friend when you’re solving any problem in life, including conflict with others.

【小题1】What does the underlined phrase “calling each other names” mean?
A.To make a call to someone.B.To speak angrily to someone.
C.To make someone feel at home.D.To meet someone for the first time.
【小题2】Why do teenagers and parents get into conflict?
A.They have different beliefs and values.B.They live independent lives separately.
C.They hold common views on teenage years.D.They don’t show much patience to each other.
【小题3】How can a teenager solve conflict with parents?
A.By listing creative ideas together with parents.B.By starting an argument about different opinions.
C.By spending more time talking with parents.D.By making parents change their opinions.
【小题4】What’s the writer’s purpose in writing this passage?
A.To show why there is conflict.B.To explain what conflict could be.
C.To give examples about daily conflict.D.To help parents and teenagers solve conflict.
【小题5】Which is the right structure of the passage?
