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Men have always wondered about the earth they live on and about the ① ______ above them.

When early men looked at the night sky, they asked themselves a lot of questions. They looked at the moon, and wondered what this strange bright object in the sky was. They did not understand why it changed its shape from night to night. They looked at the stars and planets. They also wondered why some of them changed their positions, while others did not. ② 他们也思考地球的形状。Most early people believed the earth was flat.

In different parts of the world, there were different ideas about the universe. The ancient Greeks were the first people to study the universe more scientifically. In the sixth century BC Pythagoras put forward the idea that the world was round. However, he could not explain why people at the bottom of the world did not fall off.

It was not until the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries that scientists found the answers to some important questions. ④ With the help of Galileo’s telescope, people could see the sky more clearly, and find the positions of the stars and planets. Finally in 1665,Isaac Newton explained to the world what gravity (重力) was and people at last understood why they did not fall off the earth.

What questions did early men ask themselves when they looked at the night sky? Write down one of them.
Galileo’s telescope made ______ ______ for people to see the sky more clearly, and to find the positions of the stars and planets.
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Scientists think that there has been life on the earth for hundreds of millions of years. However, we have not found life on any other planets yet.

The earth is a planet and it goes around the sun. Seven other planets also go around the sun. None of them has an environment like that of the earth, so scientists do not think they will find life on them. The sun and its planets are called the solar system, and our solar system is a small part of a much larger group of stars and planets, called the Galaxy or the Milky Way. There are billions of stars in the Galaxy, and our sun is only one of them.

Scientists have also discovered many other galaxies in the universe. They are very far away and their light has to travel for many years to reach us. So how large is the universe? 这是无法想象的。

Scientists have sent spaceships to the planet Mars to take photos. They have even sent spaceships to travel outside the solar system. However, no spaceship has travelled far enough to reach other stars in our Galaxy.

Scientists have always asked the questions: with so many stars in the universe, are we alone, or is there life out there in space? Have there been visitors to the earth from other planets? Why has no one communicated with us? We do not know the answers...yet.

Why don’t scientists think they will find life on seven other planets?
What does the underlined word “them” in the paragraph 2 refer to(指的是)?
But spaceships haven’t travelled so far that they can’t reach other stars in our Galaxy.

Mars is full of surprises. Not long ago, something strange showed up in a picture of this planet. It is a pattern (图案) on the ground that looks like a bear face.

The picture was taken from high above Mars. Scientists took a closer look at the bear. Different marks on the ground make up the face of the bear. Its two eyes are big holes known as craters (坑). Rocks from space hit the surface of Mars long ago and then made the craters. The nose of the bear is a hill. Part of the hill has broken off in the shape of a V. The circle that forms the head is a crack (裂缝) in the ground. It might be the edge (边缘) of a crater that was much larger. Later, something like lava (岩浆) filled it. The “lava” might have come out of the hill that formed the nose.

Seeing a bear face on Mars is not as unusual as it might sound. The human mind is finding patterns in the world all the time. This is why you might see a cloud and think that its shape is like an animal or object.

People watching the surface of Mars have had experiences like this. In 1976, people were excited to find something like a human face in a picture of Mars. But it was just a huge rock.

These days, people take pictures of all kinds of things on Mars. Some have strange shapes. They might look like Martians made them, but it is probably not true. So far, Mars seems to be lifeless. The strange shapes people see are just patterns in the land.

Recently, a pattern was found on Mars. It looks like a face of a bear. Scientists took a closer look at it. In fact, the bear face is made up of different marks on the ground. The eyes are two large 【小题1】 that were hit by rocks. The nose is a hill. The circle that forms the head is a crack in the ground. It might be the edge of a much larger crater. Later, it was 【小题2】 with something like lava.

It might not be as unusual as it sounds to see such a face on Mars. The human mind is 【小题3】 finding patterns in the world. For example, in 1976, people found something like a human face in a picture of Mars.

Now, people take pictures of all kinds of things on Mars. Some in 【小题4】 shapes might look like Martians made them. But so far, Mars seems to be a planet 【小题5】 life. So they are just patterns in the land.
