任务型阅读-阅读填表 适中0.65 引用5 组卷369

Today more and more students like going shopping on the Internet. Do you have any ideas about it? Here are four girls’ ideas.

Sandy, twelve

I like new skirts and jeans. At the weekend I usually go to the shops on the Internet. When I see my favourite things, I can pay for them by my credit card (信用卡).

Kitty, thirteen

I think it is very easy and cheap to buy things on the Internet. I only need to stay at home and choose the things I like. I can get them quickly without going out It doesn’t take too much time.

Wendy, eleven

I’m not good at computers. I never do the shopping on the Internet. I don’t think it is interesting. When I want something, I ask my parents to buy it for me in the shopping mall.

Shirley, twelve

Shopping on the Internet is not good. I can only see some pictures about the things. I don’t believe the notes near the pictures.

NameAgeIdeas about shopping on the Internet
Sandy12At the weekend she usually goes shopping on the Internet. She 【小题1】 by her credit card.
Kitty13She thinks it is very easy and 【小题2】 to buy things on the Internet. She doesn’t need to go out and then gets the things she likes.
Wendy11She 【小题3】 goes shopping on the Internet. Her 【小题4】 usually help her buy things in the shopping mall.
Shirley12She thinks shopping on the Internet is not good. She doesn’t believe the notes 【小题5】 the pictures.

知识点:其他人个人购物喜好记叙文细节理解网购 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Guo Xiaowen is a middle school student from Tianjin. She is a 16-year-old girl now and she is Star of the School this year.

Guo Xiaowen likes fashions (时装). She wants to be a fashion designer (设计师). When she is a little girl, she often makes clothes for her baby toy. Now she makes dresses for her friends in the parties. The dresses are very beautiful, and her friends like them very much. In her free time, Guo always goes to some fashion shops. She often looks at things around her with the eye of a designer.

There is a very good fashion school in Italy. Guo wants to go there to study fashion in the future. So she studies hard at school every day. She says she will go back to China to work after finishing the study, because she is the only child in her family and she doesn’t want to be far from home, either. Guo plans to work in Shenzhen in the future. She says it’s a good place for young people with dreams.

【小题1】How old is Guo Xiaowen?
She is ________________________.
【小题2】Who does Guo Xiaowen make clothes for when she is a little girl?
She makes clothes for ________________________ when she is a little girl.
【小题3】What does Guo Xiaowen like to do in her free time?
She likes ________________________ in her free time.
【小题4】Does Guo Xiaowen have any brothers or sisters?
【小题5】What does “it” refer to in the last sentence?
It refers to ________________________.
