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Most of you will enter high school this autumn. By that time, you'll find yourself immersed in (沉浸于) traditional Chinese culture.83. The traditional Chinese culture can help students build cultural confidence. Nowadays, the education focuses more on the traditional Chinese culture.

At public schools, the students are called for to recite(背诵) 72 ancient poems or articles. Besides Chinese language, other subjects such a fine arts, music and physical education will also focus more on traditional Chinese culture. For example, fine arts will include new lessons on Chinese calligraphy(书法) and painting

China has also seem a growing interest in traditional culture in the private(私立的) education area. It is reported that more than 3,000 traditional private schools have been built since 2004. They mainly teach traditional Chinese classic(经典).

According to Fu Yan, a Chinese language teacher at Hangzhou Xuejun High School, learning about traditional Chinese culture is a good thing for students.84."At their age, the students may be too young to understand some classics." Fu told Qianjiang Evening News. “However, as their life experience builds up, they may develop their own thoughts about the wisdom(智慧)of the classics, which could be a driving force for their growth."

【小题1】How many ancient poems or articles do the students need to recite at public school?
【小题2】What does Fu Yan think of learning about traditional Chinese culture?
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请阅读 Amy 在她的个人主页上写的一篇日志,根据所提供的信息,回答下列问题。
A few days ago, I was walking down the street when I met a group of students in uniforms. I was shocked to see that the girls’ skirts were very short and they were wearing a lot of make-up. The boys looked very untidy. Their shirts were dirty and some of them even had their shirt fronts open. I noticed that some of the students had their ears and noses pierced, which should not be allowed at school.

And the other day, I was on the subway when I saw some boys wearing uniforms of the same local school. Instead of sitting quietly, these boys kept making noises and saying dirty words. All the other passengers were looking at them and wondering how it was possible for students like these boys. They were really showing a bad image (形象)of their school, which was shameful.

I am a mother of two teenagers of the same school. After seeing those boys and girls, I am worried if my children also behave like this. I don’t know about it. Do students in this school know what is allowed when they are wearing the school uniforms ? I think the school should be stricter with the students. And I think all the students should be taught how to be polite.

【小题1】Why was the writer shocked at about the girls’ skirts?
【小题2】Where did the writer see the badly-behaved boys?
【小题3】What bad image did these badly-behaved boys showed?
【小题4】How many children did the writer have?
【小题5】What does the writer think all the students should be taught?

Should I study in the US?

Dear Jonathan,

If I want to study journalism or psychics at a university, should I go to America for undergraduate courses? I also want to get a job in America when I finish my studies. Many thanks.


Dear Lyrids,

Journalism or physics, huh? There is a pretty big divide between those two subjects. However, that might be a great reason why you should go to university in the United States. American universities do not expect students to know what they want to do with their lives at age 18. This gives students the opportunity to explore and experiment and discover what truly motivates and interests them. In fact, most universities will not even expect a student to select a major until the end of their sophomore year.

Given that you want to find a job in the US after graduation, you have even more reason to attend university in the States. You are far more likely to get interviews with recruiters on an American campus, and living in America will provide you with a much wider and more international group of contacts than you could hope to get at even the finest schools in China.

With the American economy struggling as China continues to soar, I might question your judgment in wanting to work in the US. However, if that is your dream, an American degree will be a huge asset.

Finally, I would like to make a general note about undergraduate majors. Many students choose universities based only on what they think they are going to study.

In reality, however, many people change majors midway through college. I had friends who set out to become engineers and majored in creative writing only to go on and work for banks on Wall Street. The quality of the school and your performance when you get there are far more important factors than your undergraduate major.

When you go to graduate school, the strength of the specific program is far more important. For your undergraduate years, don’t sweat it too much.

【小题1】Which major does Lyrids want to study?
【小题2】Why does Jonathan say Lyrids should study in America?
【小题3】When will students select a major in America?
【小题4】What will you get if you study in America?
【小题5】What is more important than the major you choose?

Students in the US work hard and play hard

There are some stereotypes about students in the US – that they have little homework, that their teachers are too nice, that they have no rules to follow, that they are bad at math, that they don’t work hard like students in China. I would like to break (打破) these stereotypes.

Let’s take a look at the lives of American students. They get up at six in the morning for school. Many students take classes that are higher than their current (目前的) grade level. There are lots of rules in their schools. Even nicknames (绰号) can be against the rules sometimes. 

When school is over, there is a small amount of homework. But there is more to do than that. Students have their choice of after-school activities, such as drama (戏剧), swimming, softball (垒球), golf, art, speech and debate (辩论), and many more. Students take these activities seriously. They don’t do them just once a week, as many Chinese students do, but for hours a day, every day of the week.

Students in the US might have more free time than those in China, but they are hard workers as well. Getting up early, skipping (跳过) grades, going to different activities… Students, whether in China or the United States, should not be underestimated (低估).

【小题1】When do American students get up for school?
【小题2】What else do American students do besides doing homework?
【小题3】What are American students’ attitudes towards after-school activities?
【小题4】How often do Chinese students do after-school activities?
【小题5】Do you think American students are hard-working?
