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Zumba For Kids

IWA Kidzventure Club Event

Enrol your kids for a fun dance party set to hip-hop, salsa(萨尔萨舞) and more ….
Achieve confidence building, teamwork, teamwork, leadership, memory and creativity while learning difficult rhythms around the world.
For Whom: Kids of ago 5~10 years
When: 5 June 2019 4~5 pm
Where: A& J Creative Danceworld 18 cross street
What to Wear: Sportwear with socks & sports shoes, water bottles

FREE Event. For Few IWA Members’ Kids

Contact Free Tickets@ iwasinggapore, org/events for Free Tickets No Later Than 29 May 2019
                       $ 3   Per Person;
                       $ 2.5 Per Person for a Group of 4 & More;
                       $ 2.3 Per Person for a Group of 10 & More;
Interested? Register@ iwasingapore. org/events or
                       Fill out an application (申请表) on site or
                       Call at 66413982
Question? Questions@ iwasingapore. org/events

【小题1】Who can join in the club event?
A.Dance lovers.B.Hip-hop stars.
C.Kids aged 5~10.D.Parents interested in the club event.
【小题2】Where is the club?
A.In singapore.B.In UK.C.In China.D.In Australia.
【小题3】A group of 10 kids will go to the club with a free ticket, they should pay _____in total.
A.$ 27B.$ 22.5C.$ 20.7D.$ 20
【小题4】How can you join in the club event?
A.Fill in an applicaion online.
B.Mail to Register @ iwasingapore. org/events.
C.Mair to Questions @ iwasingapore. org/events.
D.Mail to Free tickets@ iwasingapore. org/events.
【小题5】Which one is TRUE according to the ad.?
A.Kids may wear casual clothes to the club event.
B.If you want to get more information, call at66413982.
C.IWA Members’ kids do not have to pay for the club event.
D.Though the club event, kids may learn to cooperate with others.
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Do you dream of being a reporter? Are you a good English writer who loves the news? We’re looking for 100 students from around the world. They will join the BBC Kid Reporter team for the 2015–2016 school year.
In the past, BBC Kid Reporters have:
★ Interviewed leaders and other people.
★ Written news stories for BBC For Kids.
★ Talked about their work on television.
Next year our team will continue to report local news stories for BBC For Kids magazine and bbcforkids.com.
How to Enter
Visitwww.bbcforkids.comand fill in the entry form (报名表). Be sure to read the rules and share them with your parents, who must sign (签名) your form. Entries must be done by June 19, 2015. You must be OVER 13 years of age. Good luck!
【小题1】100 students from around ________will join the BBC Kid Reporter team.
A.the worldB.the nation
C.the UKD.the USA
【小题2】In the past, BBC Kid Reporters have ________.
A.made a lot of movies
B.read letters to British kids
C.given speeches in the USA
D.interviewed leaders and other people
【小题3】Next year the team will go on to report local news stories for ________.
A.Chinese newspapers
B.American televisions
C.British middle schools
D.BBC For Kids magazine and bbcforkids.com
【小题4】What will you do first of all to enter the BBC Kid Reporter team?
A.Visit the website and fill in the entry form.
B.Read the rules and share them with your parents.
C.Ask your parents to sign your entry form.
D.Do your entry on June 19, 2015.
【小题5】How old must you be to join the BBC Kid Reporter team?
A.12 years old.
B.10 years old or so.
C.More than 13 years old.
D.Less than 13 years old.
