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The famous actor, Huang Xiaoming, has been honoured as the UNAIDS National Goodwill Ambassador for China(联合国艾滋病规划署中国亲善大使).

Huang is not only a gifted actor, but also a warm-hearted philanthropist. He says he will do his best to help prevent HIV. “I am very happy to become the UNAIDS National Goodwill Ambassador,” Huang said. “I can play a part in helping prevent HIV. I hope young people can protect not only their own health but also the health of the people they love.”

In his new role, Huang will promote the importance of HIV prevention, treatment, care and support, especially among young people.

Huang started to help the poor children in 2004 and has decided to take charity as his career since then. He was the first celebrity to donate to the 2008 major snowstorm. He was the first celebrity to take part in the rescue work of 2008 Sichuan Earthquake. He donated TWD1,000,000 to Typhoon Morakot Disaster of Taiwan, becoming the first Chinese celebrity in donation again.

Over the past 12 years, Huang has donated lots of money and goods, started charitable fund, and helped social vulnerable groups. Huang was considered as the “Most Influential Charity Celebrity” in 2016.

【小题1】What is Huang Xiaoming?
【小题2】What’s Huang’s new role?
【小题3】Why is he happy to become the UNAIDS National Goodwill Ambassador?
【小题4】When did Huang decide to take charity as his career?
【小题5】What do you think of Huang Xiaoming?
知识点:公共服务其他著名人物 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Does your city have a program of garbage classification(垃圾分类)? Yes? What are the benefits (好处) of it? Saving resources, turning waste into wealth and making our city more beautiful. So it's important to do the garbage classification in people's daily life.

On June 25. a group of volunteers (志愿者) from Class C1706 of Nanya Middle School wore small red caps, school uniforms and took some brochures (宣传册) to Nanya Neighborhood to have activities on garbage classification.

At noon of the same day, more than 40 volunteers stood in the sun and handed out brochures to the people there. They also told the meanings, ways and the rules of garbage classification.

To let the people have a better understanding of classification, they did all kinds of activities, like asking questions and playing garbage throwing games. Everyone there could easily get the basic knowledge (基本知识) of garbage classification if he/she joined the games.

In the next step, the volunteers will study more about garbage classification and give suggestions (建议) to others. In this way, more people will learn a lot about garbage classification and our city will become more beautiful

【小题1】How many benefits of garbage classification are mentioned(提及) in the passage?
【小题2】Where were the volunteers from?
【小题3】What did the volunteers wear?
【小题4】Did the volunteers tell the ways of garbage classification to the people?
【小题5】How can people get the basic knowledge of garbage classification?

A community in Pudong New Area, Shanghai, has a “mobile library” with the help of community planners. It allows people to enjoy reading at their doorsteps (门槛) and brings great convenience to people.

The mobile library is a tricycle. The yellow tricycle carries a pink bookcase. The bright color catches people’s eye easily. On the bookcase, there are lots of books. Every weekend, the mobile library goes around the community. People can give away or read books.

“Now, people are often too busy to go to the library and read,” Lu Jiayi, a community planner, said. “So we bring books to their doorsteps and hope they can enjoy reading instead of (而不是) spending lots of time on mobile phones.”

To start the mobile library project, the community planners invited eight families in the community to work together. They designed (设计) the library, fixed the tricycle, painted the bookcase, and picked books. Parents and children of the families worked together and knew each other better.

Now the mobile library has hundreds of books. Many people in other communities give away books to the mobile library and come to read. “I really enjoy reading here. I often bring my sister along with me” a child said.

The mobile library is a place to read, learn and relax. Many people like it very much and they say that the mobile library brings parents and children closer, and makes the community a warmer place.

【小题1】The mobile library in Pudong is a yellow tricycle with ________.
【小题2】People can give away books to the mobile library on ________.
【小题3】________ and eight families in the community designed the mobile library.
【小题4】The mobile library can help people spend more time ________ instead of playing on the phones.
【小题5】Do you like this mobile library? Why or why not?

Last summer, Zhengzhou was hit hard by the floods(洪灾). Some people lost their lives. A lot more lost their homes. In the face of such a difficult time, many Chinese people reached out their hands and helped the people in Zhengzhou to get through it together. Among these helpers, Erke(鸿星尔克)caught many people’s eyes. Although the company was running at a huge loss, it still gave 50 million yuan to help Zhengzhou. As the saying goes, kindness will be paid back. Erke won many Chinese buyers’ trust and respect. Many Chinese people showed their thanks to Erke by buying its products.

There is nothing wrong to support(支持)the company you love by spending money. However, some buyers went too far. The news reported that a man ran away quickly after shopping in an Erke store. Many people thought he ran because he didn’t pay. 事实上,他花了1000元买衣服。 But the clothes cost only 500 yuan. He didn’t want to get back the rest of the money. Many other buyers bought things crazily without thinking about their real needs. One buyer bought 20 pairs of the same kind shoes, none of which was his size, just to show his support for Erke. Some people even complained about the price, “Only 169 yuan for a pair of shoes? Erke should sell its shoes at least 699 yuan each pair.”

This kind of impulsive(冲动的)and wild shopping can do little to help a company. That is why Mr. Wu, the boss of Erke, has asked people again and again to shop rationally(理性地).

How much money did Erke give to help Zhengzhou according to the passage?
To show their thanks to Erke, many Chinese people bought its products.
Why did one buyer buy 20 pairs of the same kind shoes in an Erke store?
