任务型阅读-阅读表达 较易0.85 引用1 组卷113

Being fit (强健的) means a person cats well, gets a lot of exercise, and has a healthy weight. If you’re fit, your body works well and feels good. Here are five rules to live by, if you’re a kid who wants to be fit.

Eat Different Kinds of Food

You may have a favorite food, but it is best to cat different kinds of food. If you do this, you’re more likely to get what your body needs. Taste new foods and old ones you haven’t tried for a while. Some foods, such as green vegetables, may taste better, the older you get. Try two fruits and three vegetables a day.

Drink Water and Milk

When you’re really thirsty, water is what you need. It’s also OK to drink some fruit juice once in a while. But not too much. And there’s a reason why you need to drink some milk. Kids need milk to build strong bones (骨骼). If you’re nine or older, drink three cups of milk every day.

Listen to Your Body

What does it feel like to be full? When you’re eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach (胃) feels comfortably full. Sometimes, people eat too much because they don’t notice when they need to stop eating. Eating too much can make you feel uncomfortable.

Limit (限定) Screen Time

What’s screen time? It’s the time you spend watching TV or playing games, and using a smart phone or computer. Try to spend no more than two hours a day on screen time.

Be Active

Find ways to be active every day. You might even write down a list of fun things to do, so you can use it when your mum or dad says it’s time to stop watching TV or playing computer games!

Tell your parents about the five rules. If you’re a fit kid, why shouldn’t you have a fit mum and a fit dad?

【小题1】How many rules do we know from the passage?
【小题2】What can help kids to build strong bones?
【小题3】Why should we write down a list of fun things to do?
知识点:方法/策略健康饮食说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Imagine you have a desk with built-in storage for your school things, but you may find there is no enough room for all your books. Your desk may get untidy. Here are some steps to clean out your school desk.

Taking everything out of your desk

Place things on top of the desk first. In this way, you can see what you have. You may have to pile (堆) things up a little bit, but that’s okay for now. If you don’t have quite enough room on top of your desk, you can put some of the things on your chair, on the floor, or on a nearby table.

Sorting (整理) everything into piles

These piles could be textbooks, notebooks, graded papers and supplies like pens and rulers. Check over supplies like pens, pencils, markers and erasers. When you sort, throw away anything that is broken or no longer useful.

Packing up old papers

Your desk is most likely filled with graded papers and handouts. Put some of the papers into your backpack because you may not need them at school or your parents want to see them. Keep the papers that you may need later in a new folder (文件夹).

Wiping (用布擦) down your desk

While everything is out of your desk, take a wet towel and give the whole desk a once-over. Don’t forget to wipe around the inside of the desk as well as the legs. You may have to let the desk dry before putting anything back in it.

【小题1】Why should we place things on top of the desk first?
【小题2】What should we throw away when we sort?
【小题3】Where should we keep the papers we may need later?
【小题4】What is the passage mainly about?
