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How fit are your teeth? Are you lazy about brushing them? We brush our teeth every day but few people know how well we're brushing. Today, a French company has introduced an electric toothbrush, which can work wirelessly(无线地)with a smartphone. It's called the Kolibree toothbrush. It has different models, and will cost from$99 to$200 .The US is the first target market.

Users download an app and connect via Bluetooth, and the Kolibree will record: 1 .the time you spent brushing teeth. 2.whether all areas of your mouth are reached.

       3 .whether you brush up and down instead of just side to side. Then it will send the information to a mobile phone via Bluetooth, telling you whether you have brushed in a proper way. The Kolibree records your progress and scores your brushing way to help you improve brushing habits. It's kind of like having a private dentist actually watch your brushing on a day-to-day basis.
       The toothbrush can also talk to other apps on your phone, so developers could create a game controlled by your toothbrush. When you brush your teeth, you can score your points for beating the monsters in your teeth. That's really very interesting. The Kolibree toothbrush is created to be smart but also fun.
       The Kolibree toothbrush was invented by Thomas Serval. He says the idea of inventing it came from his experience as a father. He would come home from work and ask his kids if they had brushed their teeth. They always answered "yes", but Thomas used to find their toothbrush heads dry. He decided that a kind of brush was needed to tell him how well they brushed their teeth.
     Thomas says that one day, it'll be possible to use a brushing unit with a camera. The camera can even examine holes in your teeth while you brush.
【小题1】The Kolibree toothbrush was invented by_      .
A.a French company
B.Thomas Serval
C.Thomas Serval's father
【小题2】How much is the Kolibree toothbrush?
A.From$99 to$200.
B.From$90 to$200.
C.From$20 to$900.
【小题3】What can the Kolibree toothbrush do?
A.It can record how often you brush your teeth.
B.It can tell you what time you should brush your teeth.
C.It can score your brushing way.
【小题4】What's the reason for inventing the Kolibree toothbrush?
A.Its inventor was interested in toothbrushes.
B.The toothbrush heads were too dry.
C.Its inventor wanted to know whether the kids brushed their teeth.
【小题5】What will the Kolibree toothbrush probably be like in the future?
A.The Kolibree toothbrush will be able to talk to other apps.
B.There will be a game controlled by the Kolibree toothbrush.
C.A camera will be installed(安装)in the Kolibree toothbrush.
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Have you ever seen a solar panel(太阳能电池板) in your neighborhood? Solar panels take energy from the sun and turn it into electricity. Over the past ten years, the price of solar panels has gone down greatly. In many parts of the world, solar energy is now the cheapest form of electricity. More and more people have started using solar energy to power their homes.

However, solar panels also have their problems. They stop working at night and on rainy days. Is it possible to make them produce electricity all of the time?

Scientists at Suzhou University, China, have invented a new solar panel now. It can produce electricity not only from solar energy but also from falling rain. When a raindrop falls on the solar panel and then rolls(滚动) down, it creates friction(摩擦力)on the surface of the panel, which can then be turned into electricity.

Sun Baoquan is one of the inventors. “Our new invention can produce electricity in any weather during the day,” he says. “It can even provide electricity at night if there is rain.”

The solar panel, however, does not make much electricity from falling rain. So Sun Baoquan is still working hard to improve it. The scientist also wants to make solar panels more flexible, which are as soft as clothing.

The field of solar energy is developing fast. Scientists around the world have been improving solar panels. Some have been working on ways to join solar panels and wind power together. Some have been trying to use sunlight to produce liquid and gas fuels(液体和气体燃料).

【小题1】Which energy is now the cheapest form of electricity in many parts of the world?
A.Solar energy.B.Water energy.C.Wind energy.D.Ocean energy
【小题2】What is one of the problems of common solar panels?
A.The price of them is rising.B.They can’t work all of the time.
C.They can hardly power people’s homes.D.They aren’t so clean as other energies.
【小题3】Why is the new solar panel which is studied more scientific and useful?
A.It has a larger size than a common one.
B.It produces more electricity from falling rain than solar energy.
C.It probably will take plenty of time and money.
D.It can produce electricity day and night and even in rainy conditions.
【小题4】What does the underlined word “flexible” mean in Paragraph 5?
【小题5】We can infer(推断) from this text that ________ .
A.there is no room for developing solar energy
B.there is no end to the research in the field of solar energy
C.solar energy has completely taken the place of other kinds of energy
D.the field of solar energy is developing slowly all over the world.

Every year, TIME for Kids highlights inventions that are making the world better and a bit more fun. These inventions are changing the way we live, play, and learn. Which one are you most excited about?

OrCam Read

Reading is a challenge for millions of people. They may struggle with poor eyesight or other things. But with a computer, the OrCam Read can read any piece of text aloud. Users put the device (设备) above a page of a book, press a button, then the device starts reading aloud. The OrCam Read can also read text in different languages.

Mega Cyborg Hand

The Mega Cyborg Hand helps kids build a robotic hand that copies the movements of a real hand. You won’t find any wires (电线). Instead, the device has plastic pieces and tube (导管) filled with water. The Mega Cyborg Hand can fit arms of almost any size and it can pick up things easily.

Robin the Robot

A girl in a hospital had not eaten anything for two days. A nurse took Robin the Robot into the girl’s room. After chatting and playing games, Robin encouraged the girl to eat some food. Sure enough, she began to eat. With big eyes and cheerful voice, Robin is designed to help kids in hospitals. That’s not just a robot but a peer and a friend.

The mobiWAN

The mobiWAN helps you communicate by directing calls through your head. The headset speaker and microphone are created by Mobilus Labs and sounds are sent through the wearer’s head. This lets workers stay in touch in noisy places. “You can still hear someone talking, clear as day,” says Jordan McRae, the founder of Mobilus Labs.

【小题1】OrCam Read can ________.
A.read the text aloud for people
B.play tapes for people
C.help people move things freely
D.help people improve writing skills
【小题2】Where does Robin the Robot work? ________
A.In the park.B.In the library.
C.In the hospital.D.In the factory.
【小题3】The mobiWAN can ________.
A.help people talk with the robot freely
B.help deaf people hear the sound
C.protect people’s eyes in noisy places
D.help people communicate in noisy places

Pick the sounds you want


Do you wear noise-canceling earphones (降噪耳机)? They can keep noise out. But sometimes, they can be dangerous when you cross a busy street and need to hear some noises around you. The US scientists made a new Al. It lets people pick a sound. If you pick the sound of people’s voices, all you will hear in the headphones is that sound. People can pick from 20 kinds of sounds, such as bird sounds and baby cries.


Check out this Wind Tree! It looks like a tree with 36 green “leaves”, but it’s a small wind turbine (涡轮机). It’s about 5 to 10 meters tall and easy to build. Each “leaf” can turn with the wind and create electricity (电). It can make 18, 000 kilowatt-hours (千瓦时) of energy in a year. That’s enough to power a house of four people.

Driving through to charge cars

Drivers usually need to wait for a long time for their electric cars to charge (充电). Now, a road in the US can charge electric cars (电车) as they drive along the road or park on it. There are charging coils (线圈) under the road, and the cars have special receivers. When the car comes near, the coils send electricity through a magnetic field (磁场). It’s safe for people and animals to walk on the roads.

【小题1】In which SECTION of the newspaper can we read the news?
【小题2】The new noise-canceling earphones ________.
A.will cause many accidentsB.can’t keep all noises out
C.can let people hear the sound it picksD.give people 20 choices of sounds
【小题3】The best heading for the second piece of news would be ________.
A.Power a HouseB.Trees Create Power
C.Build Trees EasilyD.Leaves Create Wind
【小题4】People can charge their electric cars by ________.
A.driving them on this special roadB.put charging coils in them
C.parking them beside the roadD.building new roads
【小题5】What do those things have in common?
A.They make people’s life safe.B.They must use AI.
C.They are helpful to people.D.They are about electricity.
