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Have you ever regretted(后悔)what you did in the past?Anyone around you will have no difficulty in telling his regrets.As we get older,we look back and wish that we had made better choices.What can we do to avoid future regrets?

Make better plans

If you begin to do something, you need to make a plan before doing it. The earlier, the better. You will know what comes first and what comes last. You' ll also know what you should do and what you shouldn' tdo. If changes happen, you can have more time to deal with them.

Live a more active life

You can go around more often. More outdoor activities can keep you relaxed. You also need to be kind."Thank you"can bring a smile to someone's face. Learn to say "sorry"and don't be angry with others.

Find the right friend

A friend may make your life and he or she can break your life as well. So you need to think twice when you choose a friend. Good friends will always better your ideas.

When you have problems,ask others for help.That little help may get you good results.

Never fear failure

Everybody fails.Even the greatest person failed.We should not fear failure,because failure is not the end of the road.We must take failure as a chance to learn and improve ourselves.

Life is good.We don't have to live in our past,but we do hope that we can plan better,live better,and work better when we have the chance to do so.

Title:【小题1】 to avoid future regrets

Make better plansMake a plan before 【小题2】 to do Make something.
Know what you should do or 【小题3】.
【小题4】a more active lifeDo outdoor 【小题5】 more often to relax.
Be kind to the people who are 【小题6】 you.
Find the best friend Think 【小题7】 when you choose a friend.
【小题8】 to others for help if you have problems.
Never fear failure Don't be 【小题9】 of failure.
Take failure as a chance to learn and make ourselves

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When was the last time you laughed from heart? Laughter (笑) is the best medicine. It helps solve problems, improve relationships and look after health. Here are some suggestions that can help you make laughter part of your life.

Laugh at yourself

Laughing at yourself in front of people is no big deal and it’s one of the biggest differences between happy people and unhappy people. When something bad happens, try to make it a humorous story that makes you and others laugh instead of regretting it.

Surround (包围) yourself with funny things

Keep a toy on your desk or in your car. Put up a funny poster in your office or your room. Choose a screensaver that makes you laugh. Keep funny pictures taken with your mobile phone. All of these are good sources (源泉) of laughter.

Spend time with funny people

Even if you don’t consider yourself a humorous person, you can still find friends who can make you laugh. They are people who can find humor in everyday events. When you are around them, you’ll always be made to laugh.

Don’t go a day without laughing

Spend 10 minutes each day doing something that makes you laugh. You can watch humorous videos or look at funny photos. You can also think back to a joke you heard or read, or a comedy you watched. If you have a joyful heart and purposely make time to laugh, you’ll be amazed to find you’re beginning to think differently about your job, your family, your relationships and yourself.

How to 【小题1】

Laughter helps solve problems, improve relationships and look after health.


When facing an embarrassing situation, happy people will make it a humorous story instead of regretting it.

Surround yourself with funny things

Let your funny things make you laugh 【小题3】 you are.

Spend time with funny people

If you don’t have the ability 【小题4】 in everyday events, try to find friends who can make you laugh.

Don’t go a day without laughing

Laughter can 【小题5】 on what you think about your job, your family, your relationships and yourself.

Critical thinking isn't about thinking more or thinking harder, but about thinking better. Training your critical thinking skills can open up a door to a better world. But the journey of being a person with critical thinking is difficult. It requires a lot of hard work and practice.

Train your questioning skills.

Asking questions is perhaps the key act of critical thinking. If you don't know what questions to ask, or don't ask the questions in the first place, you may as well not get the answer. Finding the answer is what critical thinking is all about.

Think several steps ahead.

Don't just think one or two steps ahead. Think several. Imagine you're a chess grandmaster who's fighting with someone with the ability to think several steps ahead. You have to match intelligence with him. Once the problem you are working on may begin, use your imagination to guess what the possible futures will be.

Spare at least 30 minutes a day to improve your brain function.

Spend 30 minutes in your busy day making your brain more powerful. There are a few ways that you can do this:

●Try to be active in finding the solution to a problem a day. It could be a theoretical or a personal one.

●Find the time to exercise regularly. 30minutes of exercise—   as little as a walk around the neighborhood——can help improve brain function.

●Eat the right kinds of foods. Avocados, blueberries, wild salmon, nuts and seeds, as well as brown rice play an important role in keeping your brain healthy.

As long as you keep practicing, you can improve your critical thinking a lot.

Critical Thinking

It is not 【小题1】 to be a person with critical thinking.

Ways to Improve Your Critical Thinking

You may get the answer【小题2】 you know what questions to ask.

【小题3】 the possible futures once the problem may begin.

Spend 30 minutes a day training your brain function.

●Try to solve a problem a day 【小题4】.
●Do regular exercise every day.
●Eat right kinds of foods to keep your brain in good 【小题5】.
