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You may know the song Happy Birthday very well. But do you know about its writer? It was written by an American girl. And she became very rich after that.

When she was a child, she was poor. Once, Her friend invited her to her birthday party. She was pleased but sad because she didn’t have enough money to buy a gift for her.

“The party is coming soon, but now I have little money.” Tears ran down her face.

Later that night she was in bed, thinking about the gift when the door opened and her grandma came in.“ What happened? ” her grandma asked. Hearing the girl’s story, she said, “Don’t worry. I think I can help you. How about singing a song together? Happy birthday to …”What a beautiful song! They sang and sang. Suddenly she woke up. It was a dream! She decided to write it down at once and sing it to her friends at the party.

When she sang the song at the party the next day, her friends were very happy. “How wonderfully you sing! We haven’t heard such a beautiful song before. Thank you for giving me the special gift.” said her friend. And they learnt to sing it together. Later the girl became well-known in America.

【小题1】Who wrote the song Happy Birthday?
A.an American girlB.an American girl’s grandma
C.an American boyD.an American girl’s friend
【小题2】The girl was sad because _________.
A.she didn’t want to go to the party.B.she would be busy that day.
C.she didn’t have enough money to buy a gift.D.nobody invited her to the party.
【小题3】What gift did she give her friend? _________
A.A flower.B.A toy.C.An interesting book.D.A song.
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The girl was still poor after writing the song .
B.The girl sang the song with her grandpa in her dream.
C.The girl’s friends had heard the song before.
D.The girl became famous because of the song.
知识点:音乐与舞蹈记叙文细节理解推理判断 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Good morning, the program today is about music. The word "music" comes from the Greek word "muse". The Muses are the goddesses of the arts. Music is only one of the arts. It is like the spoken language, but it uses sounds. Today's program brings together music from different corners of the world. Who invented music? Who sang the first song? No one knows exactly the answers to these questions. But we know that music plays an important part in almost everyone's life. Babies and young children love to hear people singing to them. When they are a little older, they like to sing the songs they have heard. When children go to school, their world of music grows. In the middle grades students take music lessons. When they reach high school, they become interested in listening to pop music.

The records we have chosen for you today are from American country music, Indian music, pop music and so on. Music has meaning for everyone. It can make people happy or it can make them sad. In this program we shall study the language of music. We shall be trying to find out more about how music works. We shall try to find out how music says what people feel.

Now, here comes the music today. I shall explain why they are all good music.

【小题1】The first paragraph is mainly about the ______.
A.styles of musicB.history of musicC.taste of music
【小题2】Which is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The Muses invented music.
B.Everyone is interested in pop music.
C.Music can bring people some feelings.
【小题3】The speaker believes that ______.
A.music is a spoken language.
B.music is above the other arts.
C.music plays an important part in our life.
【小题4】What is NOT the purpose(目的)of this music program?
A.To introduce a music competition.
B.To learn more about the music.
C.To give people some music to listen to.
【小题5】The speaker is probably ______.
A.a hostB.a singerC.a teacher

Many students often choose to listen to music while doing their homework or studying for exams. But is listening to music a smart choice for students who want to improve their learning?

Indeed, music makes life better in so many ways. It elevates(振奋) mood, reduces stress and eases pain. Music is heart-healthy, because it can reduce blood pressure and heart rate. It also connects us with others and deepens social relationships. Music can even enhance our enjoyment of challenging activities.

But the effect of music on cognitive tasks appears not to be “one-size-fits-all”. A new study by Manuel Gonzalez of Baruch College and John Aiello of Rutgers University suggests that for some students, listening to music while learning is a wise strategy, but for others, it is not.

Whether or not listening to music will benefit your mental work depends on your personality—specifically, on your need for external stimulation(外部刺激). People with a high requirement for external stimulation tend to get bored easily. They often do worse when listening to music while engaging in a mental task, while people with a low need for external stimulation, on the other hand, tend to improve their mental performance with music.

Moreover, before students decide to put on their earphones, though, they should carefully consider their musical selection. Complexity(复杂性) of the music seems to promote excitement, and it is suggested that a moderate level of excitement produces ideal performance. When there is too little or too much excitement, performance drops. Thus, the benefits of music for those with a low need for external stimulation could decrease or even disappear with the added complexity of music.

Similarly, the rise in the complexity of a cognitive task might also reduce or wipe out the benefit of music. With a highly challenging cognitive task, even those with a low need for external stimulation may fail to show such an effect with music.

The study brings to our notice that only with the right personality, music and task can the presence of music significantly improve cognitive functioning. So next time when you want to switch on the music before you study, please think twice.

【小题1】Why is music good for heart health according to the passage?
A.Because it can make links among people.
B.Because it can reduce stress and ease pain.
C.Because it can improve workout staying power.
D.Because it can reduce blood pressure and heart rate.
【小题2】The underlined word “cognitive” in Paragraph 3 is similar to “ ________________”.
【小题3】The author writes this passage to tell students about ____________.
A.the effectiveness of listening to music while studying
B.the disadvantages of listening to music while studying
C.the factors about how music affects their mental performance
D.the methods of how to choose right music to improve their learning

Powering up with a Catchy Tune

When watching sports events, we often notice athletes with their earphones on while preparing in the locker room or entering the stadium.They keep their eyes shut, and gently nod along the beats. It seems as if the music is empowering them and toughening(使更坚强).

According to recent research, it turns out there is. Music actually does make us feel powerful, but not all songs have the same effect.

The research was led by Dennis Hsu of the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in the US. His team had people listen to 31 songs of different types. The listeners felt powerful after listening to some songs, such as Queen’s We will Rock You and 2 Unlimited—Get Ready for This.

Researchers also found that high-power music made people want to take control in social events and come first in competition. That matters a lot in sports. “It’s commonly said that sports are 90 percent mental and only10 percent physical,” The HuffPost reported.

Great athletes know this idea well. Former NBA player Kobe Bryant, for example, often put on big headphones and even did a little meditation to boost his game and ease his anxiety.

As for the reason for music’s magical power, Hsu’s team came up with one possible explanation: when people hear music that expresses a sense of power, they mimic(模拟)these feelings in their mind. When choosing music, we also need to look at the type of music, according to researchers.

In previous research by the Music in Exercise and Sport Group at Brunel University in London, they found that pop was perfect for slower, more repetitive-type tasks. If you’re warming up or cooling down after exercises.

Dance music was found to be best suited to strength and weight training because it’s “fast and rhythmical(有节奏感的)”.

During high-intensity(高强度的)workouts, though(节拍)can affect your rhythm.

【小题1】What is the main purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To introduce favorite songs for morning exercises.B.To lead in the topic that music matters in sports.
C.To give an example of athletes’ daily life.D.To explain how to choose music.
【小题2】According to the passage, Dennis Hsu probably agrees that ________.
A.listening to music always makes athlete relaxed.B.powerful music can make people produce similar feelings in their mind
C.the result of a game is mainly affected by the physical condition of the players.D.most athletes still don’t know the effects of high-power music on their performance
【小题3】The word “boost” in Paragraph 5 probably means “________”.
【小题4】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Pop music is a reasonable choice for high intensity workouts.B.Rock music helps people keep their rhythms when exercising.
C.People are advised to listen to pop music before and after exercises.D.People should dance to music while doing strength and weight training.
