任务型阅读-阅读填表 较难0.4 引用3 组卷204
This is my family. My grandpa's name is Harry Brown. My grandma's name is Jean Brown. My father's name is Jeff Brown. My mother's name is Helen Brown. Jeff and Helen are my parents. I have a sister. Her name is Kate Brown. My name is Tom Brown.I
am ten. My sister is eight.
Tom’s Family Tree

知识点:家人和亲人 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
Dear Mr. Henshaw,

I finished Beggar Bears in two nights. It is a really good book. At first, I was surprised because it wasn’t funny like your other books, but then I got to thinking (you said readers should think) and decided a book doesn’t have to be funny to be good, although it often helps. This book did not need to be funny.

In the first Chapter I thought it was going to be funny. I guess I expected it because of your other books and the mother bear was teaching her cubs to beg from tourists in Yellowstone Park. Then when the mother died because a stupid tourist fed her a cupcake in a plastic bag and she ate the bag, too, I knew this was going to be a sad book. Winter was coming on, tourists were leaving the park and the little bears didn’t know how to look for food for themselves. When they hibernated (冬眠) and then woke up in the middle of winter because they had eaten all the wrong things and hadn’t stored up enough fat, I almost cried. I sure was relieved when the nice ranger (护林员) and his boy found the young bears and fed them and the next summer taught them to hunt for the right things to eat.

I wonder what happens to the fathers of bears. Do they just go away?

Sometimes I lie awake listening to the gas station “pingping”, and I am upset because I am afraid something might happen to Mom. She is so little compared to most moms, and she works so hard. I don’t think Dad is much interested in me. He didn’t phone when he said he would.

I hope that ________.


Leigh Botts

【小题1】Who is the author of the book Beggar Bears?
【小题2】What is a good book like, to Leigh’s mind?
【小题3】Is the book Beggar Bears mainly about the life of a mother bear and her children?
【小题4】How did Leigh feel when he was reading the book?
【小题5】Why did Leigh sometimes fail to go to sleep during the night?
【小题6】What can be filled in the blank at the end of the letter?

A Daughter’s Letter

Dear Mum,

①Today is my birthday. I’m writing you this letter because I want you to know how much I love you.

②A few days ago, we learned an English poem named Mom Knows Best. I felt strong mother’s love between the lines, and it reminded me of you, Mum! In class, Miss Li recalled that what her mum had done for her and how her mum had encouraged her. But she mentioned that she felt really regretful because she had no chance to say “I love you” to her mum, for her mother had passed away. This made me think a lot. It seems that I’ve never told you “I love you”. so I can’t wait to write the letter.

③I still remember the times when you held my hand and counted steps with me as we walked along. You told me stones about the brave elephant and encouraged me to be a girl with a positive attitude. I also remember that in our small flat, you read books at your desk while I played with my toys on the bed nearby. In cool autumns, we took many walks along the street, chatting and laughing together. My childhood was filled with these warm memories. Now, I see what an influence you’ve had on my life.

④Time flies and so much has happened. There have been good and bad times, successes and failures, but you were always by my side. When I won the swimming prize, you smiled and said you were proud of me. When I failed my math exam, you encouraged me and said that everything would be fine. Your words helped me to deal with all my difficulties. Now, whenever I have problems, I always think of your words and they really help me so much.

⑤Mum, because of you. I’m brave and strong; because of you, I’m full of power and energy; because of you, I’m living a wonderful life. I can’t help but say, “Mum, I love you!”




A Daughter’s Letter


Theme: A daughter write to express her 【小题1】 for her mum after learning a poem.
Main idea
of each
①Feifei writes to tell her mum “I love you”.
②It tells why Fefei write to her mother.
③Feifei recalls warm memories during her 【小题2】 .
④Her mum always 【小题3】, encourages and helps Feifei.
⑤Feile is thankful for her mother’s love.


of the letter

Beginning: The purpose of writing the letter.
Body: The 【小题4】 for writing the letter.
Ending: Expressing feelings.


To encourage the reader to say “I love you” to his/her 【小题5】 bravely.

【小题6】Whose story made Feifei think of her mother?
【小题7】Why did Miss Li feel regretful?
【小题8】文中哪个句子与 “Today, I understand you have had a great influence on me.” 意思相近?
【小题9】What do you think of Feifei’s mother?
【小题10】What is your mother’s love like in your eyes? (请用一个完整的句子描述)
