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Miss Bailey taught me English in Junior school. She cycled to school, and then when entering the school gate, she would gave her bicycle to anyone of us to park it for her. It was a privilege(特别恩典)when Miss Bailey gave her bicycle to you. One day Shankar stood at the gate, Shankar was a hunchback(驼背的人).
We laughed and said, “Move out of the way, Shankar! Miss Bailey is going to enter!” Miss Bailey drove in and we all rushed to offer our hands to her. But Miss Bailey looked past us all. “Will you park it for me?” she asked. We looked back to see who it was and were surprised to see it was towards Shankar. “I don’t think so, Miss Bailey!” stammered (结结巴巴地说)Shankar. “Why! You lazy fellow!” said Miss Bailey playfully. “You don’t want to help your teacher, do you?” “ Of course I want to, Miss Bailey!” whispered Shankar. “But I might drop your cycle!” “ If you drop it ,you pick it up!” said the teacher with a smile.
With that she gave her cycle to Shankar and didn’t look to see how he’d manage. Pretending she had confidence in his abilities, Miss Bailey turned and walked to class. We watched Shankar as he held her bike, we held our breath as we thought it was going to fall. Dines rushed to help. “Leave it!” Shankar said, and we all stopped. It seemed that his hump(驼背)disappeared as he drew himself up to his full height, and then with growing confidence, he pushed Miss Bailey’s cycle to the parking lot. The school bell rang, and we rushed to class. Shankar was the last to enter, but we were surprised; it was a different boy who walked in.
Miss Bailey didn’t even look at him as he walked to her and handed her the key. From that day on, Shankar was ready to answer the questions in class, his grades went up and a smile appeared on his face.
【小题1】Miss Bailey go to school________.
A.by busB.by bike.C.by taxi.D.on foot
【小题2】When Shankar entered the classroom after parking the bike, ________
A.Miss Bailey praised him
B.his classmates cheered
C.his hump disappeared
D.he was full of confidence
【小题3】It can be inferred(推断)from the passage that Bailey _______.
A.lived a comfortable life
B.had no pity on Shankar
C.was hard on her students
D.treated every student fairly
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At the age of 16, Einstein always played with a group of naughty(调皮的)kids. Because he was so busy playing, he didn’t study enough and failed his final exam.

One morning, when Einstein was holding a fishing rod and was about to go fishing with his friends, his father stopped him and said calmly, “Einstein, you’re so fond of playing all day that you failed your exam. I’m worried about your future.”

“What are you worrying about? Jack and Robert also failed, but don’t they still get to go fishing?”

“My boy, you can’t think like that,”   his dad said. “There is a story that people tell in our hometown. Listen to it now.”

“There were two cats playing on a roof. One cat got caught off guard and fell down the chimney(烟囱)while holding the other cat. When the two cats climbed out of the chimney, one of the cats had soot on his face, while the other cat’s face was clean. Seeing the soot-faced cat, the clean cat thought its face must be dirty, so it quickly ran to the riverside and washed its face. The soot-faced cat saw the clean-faced cat and thought its face was also clean, so it just swaggered(大摇大摆地走)down the street.”

“Einstein, no one can be your ‘mirror’. You have to think for yourself. If you always notice what others say and do, you will never learn.”

Hearing this, Einstein laid down his fishing rod and returned to his room. He decided to pay more attention to his studies and less attention to what his friends were doing. This allowed him to be successful.

【小题1】What was Einstein’s main problem in his father’s opinion?
A.He failed his exams.B.He was not good at math.
C.He liked playing too much.D.He had too many friends.
【小题2】The underlined word “soot” may mean “______” in Chinese.
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE about the story?
A.The soot-faced cat fell into the chimney first.B.The soot-faced cat washed its face clean.
C.The clean cat didn’t wash its face.D.Both of the cats made the wrong decision.
【小题4】What did Einstein decide to do after hearing what his father said?
A.Make more friends.B.Pay more attention to his studies.
C.Learn more knowledge from his father.D.Stay at home every day.
【小题5】Einstein’s father told him a story to ______.
A.make him happyB.tell him a lessonC.teach him a skillD.keep him inside
Lisa never had the chance to know her father.Her father and her mother divorced(离婚) when she was just a young child.Even though he didn't move far,he never came to visit his
Lisa often wondered about her father. What did he look like and what did he do? Many times she
wanted to ask her mother, but she didn’t . All she knew was his name: Jeff White.
After years of hard life, Lisa grew up. She studied very hard and finally became a nurse at a
hospital, where she helped provide medicine and comfort for patients(病人) in their final days.
A few weeks ago, she received a new patient whose name was Jeff White.
When Jeff came into his room, Lisa couldn’t stop her heart from beating fast. Slowly, she asked
him if he had any children. Jeff told her that he had two daughters, Lisa and Elly, Lisa couldn’t hold her tears back. She told him , “I am Lisa, your daughter.”
Jeff burst into crying and hugged her, saying that he was not a good father. And the daughter held his hand and kissed him. Then Jeff began to sing “ This Magic Moment”. Jeff could have just week s left to live, so Lisa wanted to make the most of the time she has with him. Lisa also brought her kids to the hospital to meet their grandfather. The kids even made cards for him, with the words, “Grandpa, I love you”.
Jeff lived happily during his last few weeks . When he passed away three weeks later, smiles were
still on his face. Lisa had a good memory about her father during the rest of her life.Forgiveness is also a kind of love
【小题1】What happened to Lisa when she was young?
A.Her father left the familyB.Her father died
C.Her family moved to another countryD.Her father lost his job
【小题2】What did Lisa know about her father when she was young?
A.Her father’s lookB.Her father’s name
C.Her father’s illnessD.Her father’s job
【小题3】From the passage we can know that _____.
A.Jeff had known about Lisa before he went   to the hospital
B.Lisa always hated her father.
C.Lisa’s sister’s name was Elly.
D.Lisa’s job was   to help patients take medicine and have dinner during their final days.
【小题4】which of following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Jeff never wanted to see his daughters.
B.Jeff felt very happy because Lisa forgave(原谅)him
C.Lisa forgave her father because she wanted to be a good nurse.
D.Lisa knew why her father had left them for years at last.
【小题5】The best of the pass age could be “________”.
A.An Unknown FatherB.The last Moment
C.The most Difficult ChoiceD.Love Means Forgiveness

A bird sat in a tree and watched a cat eat happily under the tree. “The food must be nice,” it said. “Could you let me have a bite (一口) of it?”

“Sure. You can have a bite or two,” the cat agreed.

“Really? You won’t just try to eat me?” the bird asked in disbelief.

“No. I’m full. I don’t want to eat anything that has bones (骨头) or feathers (羽毛),”the cat said.

“Move a few steps back, just in case,” the bird said. After the cat moved back, it flew down and took one piece of food. Then it flew to the tree and started to eat.

“See? I’m too full to care,” the cat said. “Have some more if you want. ”

The bird thought for a moment. It flew down and got another piece, flying back to the tree to eat it. The cat smiled, “It’s good, right?"

“Could I have a little more, please?” the bird asked. The cat replied, “Help yourself. ”

This time, the bird didn’t fly back to the tree. It ate beside the food. The bird was so hungry that it began to eat quickly. After it finished, the bird said, “Thank you. That was a great meal! I’m so full that I can hardly move!”

As soon as it finished speaking, the cat leapt on the bird and caught it.

“That’s what I was waiting for,” the cat smiled.

【小题1】Why did the cat let the bird eat the food?
A.It was already full. B.It was a friendly cat.
C.It wanted to eat the bird. D.It didn’t like the food.
【小题2】What did the bird do at first when the cat agreed to its request?
A.It played a trick on the cat. B.It shared the tree with the cat.
C.It found more food for the cat. D.It was not sure about the cat's words.
【小题3】What do you think of the bird?
A.Not outgoing. B.Not hard-working. C.Not smart. D.Not kind.
【小题4】Which picture best shows the meaning of the underlined word “leapt”?
【小题5】What does the story tell us?
A.A cat has nine lives. B.Fine feathers make fine birds.
C.Behind bad luck comes good luck. D.Be careful at any time.
