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Hello Kitty, the cat with no mouth, has become the first cartoon kitty to go to space. A seventh grader from America came up with the idea for her science project at school.

Lauren Rojas, a 13-year-old girl, once watched a television programme. In the programme, a balloon was released into the sky. She thought she could do the same with her Hello Kitty doll.

Lauren spent about a month building a small silver rocket and a weather balloon by herself. She put the Hello Kitty doll into the rocket and tied it with the balloon. After testing wind direction and temperature, she set the balloon free. Lauren Rojas said she wanted to test the effects of altitude on the balloon’s air pressure and temperature. To record the journey, she put cameras to the rocket.

After a few minutes, the balloon rose more than 90,000 feet above the ground. It was near outer space. There, the air was so thin that the balloon burst. The balloon was 53 times larger than its original size before bursting open. Hello Kitty’s rocket fell back down to Earth with the help of a parachute. It landed in a tree 47.5 miles from the launch site.

Hello Kitty went along for the ride in the rocket just for fun. “I have liked her ever since I was 6 years old,” Lauren told the New York Daily News. “I thought it would be really fun to add a toy inside the rocket.”

Lauren loves carrying out science experiments. This experience sparked her interest in science even further.

【小题1】What idea did Lauren come up with for her science project?
A.Watching a television programme.
B.Making a science experiment with her friends.
C.Sending a Hello Kitty doll into space.
D.Flying a rocket to the Moon.
【小题2】The rocket flew into the space ________.
A.slowly all by itselfB.with the help of a balloon
C.with the help of a parachuteD.in a small plane she built
【小题3】Lauren set the weather balloon free in order to ________.
A.test how altitude influences the balloon
B.record the journey with a camera
C.make herself become a famous girl
D.add a toy inside the rocket for fun
【小题4】What happened to the rocket after the balloon’s bursting open?
A.It flew into outer space at once.
B.It became larger than its original size.
C.It reached 90,000 feet above the ground.
D.It fell down and got stuck in a tree.
【小题5】We can infer from the passage ________.
A.Lauren put the video recordings on the Internet
B.Lauren will become more interested in science
C.Lauren won’t carry out science experiments any more
D.Lauren got an A+ on her project
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Zhang Jianna is a 49-year-old city cleaner from Chaoyang District, Beijing. She has studied English alone for about 10 years. Now she can speak English with foreigners and help them when they are in need.

Zhang became interested in learning English in 2014. She worked in the Sanlitun embassy (大使馆) area at that time. One day, when she was working, a man from another country asked her for help. But she didn’t know what he was talking and couldn’t give a hand. After that, she decided to learn English so that she could help foreign friends.

Zhang’s English learning stopped after leaving high school. She forgot much of what she had learned. Her first problem was about vocabulary. To learn new words, she wrote the new words on pieces of paper and carried them. When she had time, she took them out and read the new words. Zhang learns English by making conversations with her children in English now. With her children’s help, she uses her smart phone to learn English when she has time.

“Keeping learning is the most important thing in learning English! Learn step by step. Learn every day,” Zhang said, “There are no easy ways to learn English alone.”

Zhang wants to learn another foreign language now. Then she can help more foreign friends to visit Beijing and know about China.

【小题1】What does Zhang Jianna do?
A.A city cleaner.B.An English teacher.
C.A guide.D.A doctor.
【小题2】What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?
A.Where Zhang worked before.B.When Zhang started working.
C.Why Zhang learned English.D.How Zhang helped foreign friends.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “them” refer to (指的是)?
A.New words.B.Pieces of paper.
C.The conversations.D.Zhang’s children.
【小题4】What’s the best title (标题) for the text?
A.A cleaner’s story of English learningB.Good ways to learn English
C.Speak English as much as possibleD.Basic questions about English learning

Holding a pair of brushes—one with pigment (颜料) and the other with water—Tian Lili paints peonies (牡丹) on a piece of paper on Monday. 【小题1】 She is at a painting cooperative (合作性组织) in Hongmiao Village of Juye County, Shandong Province.

“My working time here is flexible (灵活的). Usually, I paint peonies seven or eight hours a day when there is no farming work to do,” said Tian. “I love painting peonies. 【小题2】 Working here, I can take care of my parents and children, and I can make some money by painting peonies,” she said.

【小题3】 Most of them are farmers. They would like to make some money on the side. They don’t want to travel away from their homes to make money.

Using brushes, the painters have drawn a road of rural vitalization (乡村振兴) in Juye. 【小题4】 Juye County belongs to Heze City, known as the “Peony Capital of China”.

To date, Juye has more than 160 painting training institutions (机构). There are more than 20,000 people painting or selling paintings. 【小题5】 The paintings are sold to 40 countries and regions (地区), according to the county government.

A.She needs one week to finish the painting.
B.They have also helped Juye become richer.
C.Like Tian, in Juye, there are over 11,000 painters.
D.The painters draw over 1.2 million paintings in a year.
E.Many years ago, Tian learned to draw from her mother.
F.I have been working on painting peonies for 12 years at the cooperative.

Last week I was at my desk in the classroom as usual. I was very tired, and couldn’t concentrate (集中注意力) on the lesson. Soon I fell asleep and had a dream. I looked around and noticed a door behind me. “I’m sure it wasn’t there before!” I said to myself. Very quickly I stood up, opened the door, and saw a long hallway. Soon I found myself in an underground room. There were a lot of strange machines, and people moved around in white coats. Suddenly, I heard a scream (尖叫) from another room, and I began to feel afraid. Just then a tall man with white hair came towards me.

“I am a professor (教授),” he told me. “How nice to see you! Did you come to help with our little experiment(实验)?” I didn’t like the professor, and I didn’t want to stay. I tried to run away, but my legs couldn’t move. He came closer. “Don’t worry,” he said, smiling. ‘We’re just doing a few tests...” No!” I shouted. “No test!” He put his hand on my arm and repeated, “A few tests, tests, tests...”

Just then I woke up. I was back in the classroom, and someone was shaking my arm. I listened to the teacher. “Tests this week and next week,” she said. ‘That’s better,” I thought.

【小题1】The writer fell asleep when he was ________.
A.having a classB.taking a testC.visiting the professorD.writing a report
【小题2】What did the writer see first in his dream?
A.A hallway.B.A room.C.A door.D.Strange machines.
【小题3】In the writer’s dream, the machines are ________.
A.in the classroomB.in the writer’s house
C.in the professor’s officeD.in an underground room
【小题4】Which of the following is true about the professor?
A.He never smiles.B.He is tall.
C.He has black hair.D.He doesn’t like white coats.
【小题5】How did the writer feel at the end of the passage?
