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Having a teenager at home can be a real headache. Many teenagers smoke, drink and even fight. They often do something dangerous.
Earlier studies have shown that teenagers are more likely (可能) to make irrational decisions than people from any other age group, including children and adults. Is it that teenagers are too young to tell right from wrong? Not really. So what’s the reason?
According to Laurence, a teacher from a US university, the reason is that teenagers care a lot about how their peers (同龄人) view them—that is “peer influence”.
As children enter their teenage years, they spend more time with their friends and classmates, and also they care more about what they think of them. This makes teenagers make decisions without thinking about the costs.
In a test, a group of teenagers were asked to play a video driving game. When they played with their friends watching around them, they took more chances and drove more carelessly because that would increase their possibility of winning. But when they played alone, they drove more safely.
Why do peers have such a big influence on teens’ behavior?
As Laurence sees it, a teenager’s brain is like a car with a good accelerator (油门) but a weak brake (刹车). The “accelerator” is fully developed by teenage years while the “brake” is still not fully developed. When teenagers are watched by their peers, they usually push hard on the accelerator. With their weak brake, it is likely that they are going to end up in an accident.
But the good news is that a violent (暴力的)teenager doesn’t necessarily become a violent adult. About two-thirds to three-quarters of violent youth grow out of it. “They get more self-controlled.”
【小题1】What does the underlined word “irrational” in the 2nd paragraph mean?
【小题2】Why are teenagers likely to make wrong decisions according to the text?
A.They like difficult tasks.
B.They don’t care about costs.
C.They are too young to tell right from wrong.
D.They care a lot about what their peers think of them.
【小题3】How does Laurence explain the influence of peer pressure on teens’ behavior?
A.By comparing it with how a car works.
B.By comparing it with an accident.
C.By showing research findings.
D.By giving examples.
【小题4】According to the text, with peers around them, teenagers are more likely to _______ .
A.use more self-control
B.perform better than when they are alone
C.become more careful about what they do
D.care about winning without thinking about danger
【小题5】What can we conclude from the text?
A.Teenagers are easy to have traffic accidents.
B.Peer influence is bad on teenagers.
C.Most of the teenagers become less violent when they grow up.
D.Teenagers shouldn’t spend all the free time with their friends.
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Many of us have had this annoying(令人烦恼的) experience: You are waiting at a bus station when someone nearby begins to smoke. You move away, but there isn't much you can do about it.
In Beijing, a new law is set to fight against smoking. It is regarded as China's toughest ever tobacco control rule(最严厉的控烟条例). Smoking is not allowed in all indoor or public places. If people break the rules, they will have to pay up to 200 yuan.
Smoking in schools is specially mentioned in this law. Teachers can not smoke in front of students in schools. Schools should also help students give up smoking and teach them about the danger of smoking.
To get everybody to take part in the activity, Beijing has set up a report hotline and WeChat account(微信号). The public is invited to vote on no-smoking signs on WeChat The most popular sign is a picture of a gir1. It has got more than 1 million votes unti1 now.
China is not the only country fighting smoking. In March 2004 Ireland became the first country to introduce a law on smoking in workplaces and public places. Many countries, including England and the US, then fo1lowed.
【小题1】When someone begins to smoke, there is little you can do except _         
A.staying thereB.moving away
C.Smoking togetherD.getting mad
【小题2】In order to make people give up smoking, a new _ is passed in Beijing.
【小题3】If people break the new rule in Beijing, they wil1 have to pay up to _        
【小题4】The underlined(画线的) word vote in the passage means_ .
【小题5】According to the last paragraph(段落), we can infer(推断) that _ .
A.Ireland was the last to introduce a law on smoking
B.China is the only country against smoking
C.many countries fight smoking in public places
D.England and the US didn't say no to smoke

Are you carrying too much on your back at school? I’m sure lots of children of your age will say “yes”. Not only do the students in China have this problem, but children in the US also have heavy schoolbags. Doctors worry that younger students are having back and neck problems because schoolbags are too heavy for them.

“It’s hard for me to go upstairs with my bag because it’s so heavy,” said Rick Hammond, an 11-year-old student in the US. Many other students choose rolling (有滚轮的) bags. But even with rolling bags, getting upstairs and buses is still a problem for children.

But how much is too much? Doctors say students should carry no more than 10%—15% of their body weight (重量). Scott Bautch, a back doctor, said children under Grade 4 should stay with 10%. But it is also important that older children don’t stay with over 15%, because their bodies are still growing. “Children are losing their balance(平衡) and falling down with their schoolbags.” he said. Parents and teachers are starting to tell children to only take home library books they will be reading that night. Some teachers are using pieces of paper or thin workbooks for students to take home.

【小题1】What can we know from Paragraph 1?
A.Only children in China carry too heavy schoolbags.
B.Children should just take home library books they will be reading that night.
C.Both children in China and the US carry too heavy schoolbags.
D.Rolling bags are welcome among (在……之中) the children.
【小题2】Why do children feel it hard for them to go upstairs?
A.Because they are too young.B.Because their schoolbags are too heavy.
C.Because they aren’t good at sports.D.Because their legs hurt.
【小题3】From the passage we can know, if a child carries a heavy schoolbag, ________.
A.his back will hurtB.he cannot grow at all
C.he can roll his schoolbagD.it’s easy to fall on the buses
【小题4】According to the doctor Scott Bautch, if a child in Grade 5 weighs about 30 kilos, the schoolbag he carries should not be over ________.
A.3 kilosB.4.5 kilosC.5 kilosD.5.5 kilos
【小题5】What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Don’t Have Back’ ProblemsB.Rolling Bags Are Fun
C.Keep BalanceD.Is Your Schoolbag Heavy
