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阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 16~25 各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
A game of catch is simply two people throwing a ball back and forth(来回地). It seems a little____and many people may not be interested in it. The two people are close enough to talk, but too far to touch. They might have baseball gloves, or they might use their hands.
In fact, playing catch is part of____ practice—to make you get used to using a ball and glove. But any American kid will teach you it’s much more than that. Playing catch is a time for kids to____ with your father. It’s a time when there’s ____ to worry about except catching a ball. It’s a time when words move as seamlessly(准确不误地) as the ball itself, back and forth, easy and relaxing. It’s an excuse to____ time together.
Because baseball is an American sport, and a big part of being American, playing catch is kind of an all-American dad activity. In the suburbs(郊区), most people have backyards — not____ enough to play baseball in, but just big enough for a game of catch. Those who have no____can play in the street or in the park.
When adults are asked to talk about the good____of their dads, many of them will say something about playing catch. Why? Probably because dads are usually very ________ . A catch game is a time that is only for one thing. This is a time when a kid has her dad's 【小题11】 . There is no work, no phone and no other people around to take your dad away from you. For the time that it takes to play a game of catch, your dad is all yours.【小题1】
知识点:寓言童话 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Long time ago, there lived a king. He was irresponsible(不负责任的). He ________ cared about his country and people. All his people complained(抱怨)about this.

One day, the king went hunting in the forest. After some time, he felt ________. He came to a lake. When he drank water from the lake, he saw a swan(天鹅) ________ on a big stone nearby. “I want to catch the swan!” he thought.

As soon as he held up his bow(弓), the swan was gone. ________ his surprise, he heard a sweet voice, “I am the swan. ________ you want to catch me, you must come to the wonderland(奇境).”

The king said, “Please ________ me the way to the wonderland!”

“Do good things for your people, and my messenger(信使)will come and lead you there,” the ________ replied.

With this in mind, the king dressed up and went out into the streets. He gave some ________ to a poor old man. After the old man ________ it happily, he began to chat with the king. When they talked about peoples life in the country, the old man became ________ and said, “Do you know why I’m so poor? It’s because of our king! He has done ________ for us.”

________, the king heard the swan’s voice again. “Listen! It seems that you are doing something ________ only because you want to go to the wonderland. That’s not enough. You should always ________ all your people and be kind to them.” the swan said.

The king realized this was ________. He became responsible and worked very hard. Finally, he understood that making his country a great place was like making a wonderland of his own.

A.laugh atB.take care ofC.keep away fromD.give up

All the time, little Dick was happy. He used to go about singing and dancing the whole day long. Nothing could make him sad.

One day, Dick wanted to travel in the _________. So he set out with excitement, singing till he made the forest full of songs.

He was about to drink near a river in the woods when he was _________. He found himself in the hands of a tall giant (庞然大物), a hundred times as _________ as himself! The giant looked at him and then put him into a large _________ and carried him off.

Poor Dick tried to get out of the bag, _________ the giant only laughed.

At last the giant came to his house-a dark place. When he got in, _________ shut the door, and took Dick out of the bag.

Dick now thought he would _________, for when he looked around he saw a large fire, and before it his two brothers were roasted (烤) for the giant’s dinner. However, the giant, did not kill Dick, but put him into a prison ( 监狱) which he had _________ for him.

The prison was dark, with bars (栏杆) all round it. The only food was bread and water. Dick beat his head _________ the bars. Dick was too __________ to think of eating or drinking.

The __________ Dick thought of his free life-warm home, close friends, the __________ , the trees and the flowers.

The giant came again, and wanted Dick to sing as he __________ do. “Sing, sing!” said he. But Dick was too sad to __________ . A prison is no place in which to sing. __________ the giant grew angry, and took Dick out to force him to sing. Dick cried, struggled, and then died in the giant’s hand!

This is a true story. Poor Dick was a little bird, and the giant was a cruel boy.

A.happened toB.used toC.seemed toD.continued to

Once there lived a wise man. His son, however, was very lazy and did nothing all day. The wise man was _______ about his son's future. One day, he said to his son, "I want you to find some _______. I have drawn a map to guide you/Then he handed his son a bag. Inside the bag were clothes, some food, a little money and the map.

The son _______ the next day. He had to travel across forests, rivers and mountains.

Along the way, he was helped by some with food and by some with rooms to live in. He came across robbers(强盗)who tried to rob him. He also saw changing scenery(风景)and seasons. _______, after a long year, he got to the place his father said. He _______ two days looking and digging for the treasure, but found _______.

So he had to head back _______ his home. On the way, he experienced the same scenery. Sometimes, he would stop to enjoy the beauty of nature. He also learned to make meals. He even had to fix his clothes _______. He was now able to tell time by the position of the sun. He met the same people who had helped him _______. This time, he stayed and helped them in order to repay them.

When he got home, he said ________ to his father for not finding the treasure. "There wasn't any treasure in the very first place, my son, "the father answered with a smile. "But I think you have found your life's true purpose. "

A.sold outB.set outC.gave outD.cut out
