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Americans spend their weekends in different ways. But usually they choose the same aim(目的)—to rest, to enjoy beautiful places and to enjoy the time with their family and friends.

Some Americans hold parties on Saturday night. 【小题1】Then they won't get up until 9,10 or even 11o'clock next morning.As soon as they get up they will go to the nearest corner shop to buy the daily newspaper(日报).【小题2】It will help them to decide what to do on Sunday afternoon.

Before going out on Sunday, they will have a meal, which is called "brunch"—"br" from "breakfast" and "unch" from "lunch”. 【小题3】After brunch some Americans may have a picnic with their family or friends.They will take many things with them, such as fresh vegetables, sea food,drinks,table cloth(桌布)and so on. Usually they drive to a beautiful park, a lake or the seaside.

【小题4】It is the biggest meal of the week and all family members try to present(出席).

Weekends are to be welcome everywhere.【小题5】.

A.They will make it at home or go to a restaurant nearby
B.They will dance,sing and drink together till mid-night
C.Sunday dinner is the most important meal of the week
D.Most people look forward to the coming weekends
E.They can get news about films,plays, shows and sports in the paper
知识点:文化差异 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

The expression “down to earth” means being open and honest. It is easy to get on with some one who is down to earth. A down-to-earth person is the opposite of someone who acts important or proud.

Down-to-earth people could be important members of society. But they do not consider themselves to be better than others who are less important. A person who is filled with his own importance and pride is said to have his nose in the air.

Americans use another expression that is similar in some ways to down to earth. The expression is both feet on the ground. Someone with both feet on the ground is a person with a good understanding of reality(现实). He may have dreams, but he does not allow them to have influence on his understanding of what is real.

The opposite kind of person is one who has his head in the clouds. Someone with his head in the clouds is a person whose mind is not on what is happening in real life. Such a person may be called a day-dreamer.

When we have both our feet on the ground, and when we are down to earth, we do not have our noses in the air. We act honestly and openly to others. Our lives are like the ground below us— solid(牢固的) and strong.

【小题1】A down-to-earth person could be _____________.
A.social and proudB.good and oppositeC.real and importantD.strong and changeable
【小题2】The expression “has one’s nose in the air” means _____________.
【小题3】This passage mainly talks about _____________.
A.the use of some expressionsB.dreams and achievements
C.the lifestyle of honest peopleD.honesty and understanding
【小题4】If you want to understand what is real in life, you have to _____________.
A.get along with other people easilyB.learn from those who are down to earth
C.be a good dreamer with quick mindD.have both your feet on the ground
【小题5】If you only consider your own importance, __________.
A.you’ll think you are better than others
B.your life will be like the solid and strong ground
C.you’ll be hated by down-to-earth people
D.your life will be filed with love

Take a look at teenagers around, dressed in baggy-pants(宽松裤), drinking soft drinks such as coke, reading Japanese cartoons. Whether you are in Beijing, Wuhan or Hong Kong, you will get the same impression. But should we copy others or should we maintain(保留)our differences?

It sounds convenient that people around the world speak the same language, dress in the same style, eat the same food and play the same games. If the world was like this you won't feel strange in any corner of world. But just imagine living in such a strange world. How dull and colorless it would be!

Different kinds of food that people can taste, the colorful and fashionable clothes that we dress in and different languages we speak are all part of the different cultures that our ancestors left us. These difference represent their creativity(创造力)and talent. And we all enjoy different cultures in our daily lives. When you travel to other places, you want to see different things. When you talk to foreigners you expect to listen to interesting stories. These differences in culture are what make life colorful.

But the whole world is shrinking into a small village as globalization(全球化)takes effect and many different cultures are disappearing. In most big cities around the world people wear the same clothes. Fast food stores are everywhere. Hollywood movies are kicking traditional performing arts out of our lives. The colors of our life are disappearing.

There is joke that even the panda and zebra want to live a colorful life. So let’s take action to protect our colorful culture before it becomes as simple as black and white.

It's not difficult. Learning some folk songs, trying on a traditional clothing and even eating local food instead of going to KFC can help. And we're sure you will enjoy it.

【小题1】The passage is written to       .
A.explain cultural differences
B.persuade readers to maintain cultural differences
C.predict(预测)the future of globalization
D.show some cultural phenomena(现象)
【小题2】The writer thinks that cultural differences        .
A.make the world colorfulB.make communication difficult
C.are only in food and clothingD.will never disappear
【小题3】The writer starts the discussion by       .
A.showing certain cultural phenomenaB.expressing his view at the very beginning
C.mentioning the opposite view at the very beginningD.giving examples of cultural differences
【小题4】The underlined word "shrink" probably means"      ".

One day an American man Simon went to London to visit his friend, Rick. Rick told him that his flat (公寓) was on the first floor. When he arrived, Simon went straight to the first floor of the building. But a man told him that there was no Rick on that floor. Do you know why? In fact, the British (英国人) call the first floor of a building the ground floor. The floor above the ground floor is the first floor, but Americans would call it the second floor.

The story shows that there are a few culture (文化) differences between Britain and America, though the British and Americans both speak English.

The British don’t like showing their feelings. They hardly start a small talk with strangers. For example, on the train the British often spend their time reading newspapers or books. But Americans are quite different. They’re more active and easier to talk with.

The British and Americans may use different words for the same things. The British use “football”, “holiday” and “autumn”, but Americans like to use “soccer”, “vacation” and “fall”.

【小题1】What did Simon go to London to do?
A.To visit his friend.B.To spend his holiday.
C.To study English.D.To have a meeting.
【小题2】According to the passage, the British usually spend their time ________on the train.
A.playing cardsB.talking loudly
C.doing some readingD.singing and dancing
【小题3】Which picture shows us where Rick’s flat was?

【小题4】What do the British call the word “fall”?
【小题5】What’s the best title (题目) for the passage?
A.Culture differences between Britain and America.
B.A funny story about Simon.
C.Small talk in Britain and America.
D.British people and American people.
