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One fine winter day some ants were working in the field . They were very busy . Just then a grasshopper (蚱蜢) passed by . “ Good day , kind ants . ”said the grasshopper . “ I am very hungry . Won’t you lend (借给) me a little food ?( A)我没有东西吃了。I will pay you before the next autumn .” “ Have you no food of your own ? ( B) Why didn’t you gather any food during the summer ? You know there was much food in the field this summer . What were you doing then ?” asked an old ant . The grasshopper answered , “ I( C )____( sing ) all day and night during the summer . And I had no time to gather any food .” “ Well , then ,”said the ant .“ (D)____You only played and did not work during the summer . We ‘ll never lend you any food .” (E )And the ants went on working .



a You sang very well and we all liked your songd very much .
b . You could sing all the summer , you could also dance all the winter .
c. You are one of the best singers here and we cheer you.
d. Would you like to perform one for us ?[来源:Z+xx+k.Com]
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Faithful Frankie

Once there was a small town. In this town lived a trader Mr. Smith, and his horse Frankie. Three days a week, Mr. Smith went to sell fruit and vegetables with Frankie. At nearly every house, someone would come out and buy something.

One morning, just after preparing the cart(马车), Mr. Smith felt really sick,”I don’t think we can go out today.” He said. Frankie knew his owner was not rich, so when Mr. Smith went into the house to have a rest. Frankie set off with the cart. He knew where to go. He went to the same streets so many times.

Frankie stopped outside the first house, and a woman came out, “What?” she said,” No driver today? Is Mr. Smith sick?” Frankie nodded, “What a good horse you are!”said the woman,” Here, I’ll buy that cabbage, and here’s a little extra(额外的) for your owner.” The woman put the money into an old box. As Frankie walked on , everyone bought something and gave him a little extra.

When Frankie got back home. Mr. Smith found the empty cart and the money box.”What a faithful(忠诚的) horse you are! Thank you!” He said. With some of the extra money, he bought Frankie many carrots and a straw hat to wear on hot days.

【小题1】Where did Frankie live?
【小题2】What did Frankie’s owner do?
【小题3】Why could Frankie do the job by himself?
【小题4】What did people think of Frankie?
【小题5】What did Frankie get for his good job?

Atlantis, a beautiful and wealthy island, is supposed to exist over 11,000 years ago. In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, it was a centre for trade. Its people were very wealthy and powerful. The rulers of Atlantis controlled their people and land, and their power spread to Europe and Africa.

The weather was very good in Atlantis. Therefore, people could grow food all year around. Many different kinds of vegetables, fruits and nuts grew there, and a lot of different animals lived on the islands, including elephants.

Atlantis was the home of Poseidon, the Greek God of the Sea. Poseidon had many sons, who became the first rulers of Atlantis. The island’s many hills , fields and rivers were divided among his sons. The eldest son, Atlas, was the first king of Atlantis. He controlled the island’s central hill and its area nearby.

On the top of the central hill, a temple was built in memory of Poseidon. Inside the temple was a huge gold statue of Poseidon. The rulers of Atlantis discussed laws in the temple.

For centuries the people of Atlantis lived simple, honest and happy lives. However, over time they began to change. They enjoyed the power they had and wanted to have more of it. When the God Zeus saw how corrupt (腐败) the people of Atlantis were, he was very angry and gathered the other gods together. At last the gods agreed with Zeus and decided to sink(使下沉) the island. In one and a half days, the island of Atlantis, its people and its memory were destroyed forever, swallowed(吞) up by the sea.

Atlantis: The Lost Island

Brief 【小题1】 of the island

•It is a beautiful and wealthy island which is supposed to exist over 11,000 years ago.
•It 【小题2】 in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and became a centre for trade.
•The rulers of it got its people and land 【小题3】 control.

Weather on the island

•It had very good weather.
•It was suitable to grow food the   【小题4】 year.
•It was 【小题5】 in fruits, vegetables and animals.

Stories about the island

•It was the home of Poseidon, the Greek God of the Sea.
•Poseidon’s sons   【小题6】 its hills, fields and rivers with each other.
•The eldest son, Atlas was the first king to   【小题7】 the island.
•A temple was built on the top of the central hill to   【小题8】 people of Poseidon.

【小题9】 for the sinking of the island

•People wanted to enjoy more power which made them corrupt.
•Zeus gathered the other gods to decide to 【小题10】 them by sinking the islands, which swallowed up by the sea in one and a half days.

Read the passage below and answer the following questions(根据文章内容回答下列问题)

Jerusha Abbott was walking to Mrs Lippett’s office when she saw the back of a man. He cast a shadow on the hall. He had very long lees and arms and his shadow looked just like a long-leged spider.

Jerusha entered the office. Mrs. Lippett immediately spoke. “Jerusha! I have news for you. Did you see the gentleman who has just left?” “I only saw his back,” Jerusha replied.

“He is one of our most important trustees(理事). He told me not to tell you his name. He doesn’t want you to know it.” “Why is she telling me this?” Jerusha thought to herself. Mrs Lippett continued, “Do you remember Charles Benton and Henry Freize? Well, this gentleman sent them and other boys to college. Until now, he has only chosen boys. He doesn’t really like girls. However, at the meeting today, you were discussed.

Now you are too old to stay at the orphanage. Normally, you would be expected to work, but considering your excellent grades, especially in English, this gentleman has offered to send you to college.”

Jerusha couldn’t believe her ears “To college?” she said. “Yes, this gentleman thinks you have great talent and wants you to become a writer. He will pay your board and tuition(食宿费和学费)for your years. He will also give you an allowance of 35 dollars a month.

In return, you must write a letter every month telling him of your progress. The letters will be written to Mr John Smith. It is not his real name. He will not write you back, so don’t ask him any questions. You must always remember to have a respectful tone,” Jerusha didn’t know what to say. She was full of excitement. She just said, “Yes. Thank you, ma’am.” Then, she left the room.

【小题1】Jerusha lived in the orphanage, didn’t she?
【小题2】Why did Mrs Lippett call Jerusha to her office?
【小题3】What did the long-legged gentleman do for Chaile Beton and Henry Freize?
【小题4】What two things what made Jerusha stand out and chosen to go to college?
【小题5】How did Jerusha feel about the news?
【小题6】How would you describe the long-legged man’s quality? Explain with reasons.
