选词填空-多句 适中0.64 引用1 组卷44
A. myself B. problems C. forget D. fight E. getting on well with F. brave
G. put off H. turned on I. opened J. Where K. What L. if

One day before my final exam, my dad gave me a gift. It completely changed my life.
On that day I had a 【小题1】with my friends and it was a difficult time with my studies. I was unhappy. Then I noticed the gift. I 【小题2】it and saw a DVD inside. Its name was “THE SECRET”. However, I was in no mood (心情) to watch it. I sat down to study, but the 【小题3】in my life—the fight, the sleepless nights and my poor health … Everything came to my mind. I wanted an answer but I wondered 【小题4】there was any. Just then, I saw the DVD again. Maybe it would be helpful. I 【小题5】my DVD player. I had no words to describe the feelings I experienced while watching it. The moving stories of human beings made me so moved that I wouldn’t 【小题6】any of them.
Thanks to my father’s gift “THE SECRET”, I discovered 【小题7】. Everybody has difficulties in their lives. The important thing is that you should be 【小题8】enough to face them. Now I have started 【小题9】my studies and my friends. And I’m in good health, too. I often hear people say, “Wow! 【小题10】a perfect life you have!”
知识点:初中英语综合库 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
choose   way   make   brave   question   until   common   we   from   have

When we’re thirsty, we get something to drink. When we get sleepy, we take a break. When we cut our fingers, we deal with it quickly. These are just some of the problems which are 【小题1】 and easy to fix in our daily life. But in fact, not all our problems are small or easy to solve. There are some problems that are really serious for 【小题2】 and they may never go away. What will we do in those cases?

You may decide to do nothing. Or, you may choose to run away 【小题3】 the problems. However, neither of them is useful when you are 【小题4】 problems. The best way is to solve them. First, you must know that there’s a problem. You shouldn’t act like nothing happened. Next, ask yourself some 【小题5】 about your problem like, “What caused the problem?” and “What is the situation now?” That will help you understand it better. After that, find a 【小题6】 to solve the problem. Perhaps there are many ways, and you’d better 【小题7】 the best one and put it into action. Be careful not to stop there. Keep an eye on (密切关注) things and 【小题8】 sure your way works.

It’s hard at the beginning for everyone to face his or her problems 【小题9】. But we grow up from every attempt (尝试). We will never make progress 【小题10】 we have a try. So, don’t avoid your problems, but solve them!

tradition   express   painting   stay   hold   friend   word     praise   good   write

In ancient China, when people were separating, they would pick a willow twig (柳条) and give it to the person who was leaving. This was to 【小题1】 their wishes for him or her to stay. In Chinese, the 【小题2】 for “willow” is pronounced the same as the word for “stay”.

Many Chinese poets liked 【小题3】about willows in their works. One of the 【小题4】 poems is A Farewell Song (《送元二使安西》) by Wang Wei. It reads,

No dust is raised on the road wet with morning rain.

The willows by the hotel look so fresh and green.

I invite you to drink a cup of wine again.

West of the Sunny Pass no more 【小题5】 will be seen.

Nowadays, willow twigs can also be seen in modern art. There was an amazing performance about willow twigs, 365 people 【小题6】 willow twigs in their hands on the green stage. At the same time, a 【小题7】 of weeping willows (垂柳) appeared on the LED screen. The setting of 365 people stood for 365 days, and the color green meant the return of spring. The performance was 【小题8】 highly by the audience. “I was deeply attracted (吸引) by 【小题9】 Chinese culture,” one of them said.

In short, giving a willow twig to a person is not saying goodbye but asking him or her to 【小题10】. This is the beauty of Chinese culture.
