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When someone says extinct(灭绝的) animals, you may think about dinosaurs(恐龙). But now many other animals are becoming less and less in number. These animals might disappear from the earth very soon. Take a look at the following animals. They are all in danger.
The African Elephant
The African elephant is a clever animal. It has a very good memory. But people kill it for its tusks(长牙). Half of the African elephants have disappeared.
The African Lion
The African lions have nowhere to live because of wars in Southern Africa. Besides, hunters and farmers often kill them.
The Tortoise
George is a tortoise. It is the last Pinta Island(平塔岛) giant tortoise. It was found in 1971. Now it lives in a research station. It can still live for another 200 years. But it is the last one of this species(物种) of tortoise.
The Tadpole Shrimp(蝌蚪虾)
Maybe you’ve never seen a tadpole shrimp. This is one of the oldest species on the earth. People have found them in fresh water pools on four continents(州). A tadpole shrimp can only live for two months or less.
【小题1】When someone says extinct animals, you may think about____?
【小题2】People kill the African elephant for its_____
【小题3】According to the passage, we know that George ____.
A.is the name of a scientist
B.is 100 years old
C.is the last one of its species
D.was born in 1971
【小题4】The tadpole shrimp____.
A.is in danger because of its special illness (疾病)
B.lives on four continents
C.lives in a research stations now
D.is the second oldest species on the earth
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.A tadpole shrimp can live for 100 years.
B.The number of some animals are becoming smaller and smaller.
C.All the animals in the world are in danger of extinction
D.African elephants have nowhere to live.
知识点:常见动物记叙文细节理解 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

When you close your eyes and need to rest, sleep is just the very best. Sleep helps your body grow and stay healthy. However, in the animal world, it seems that some animals don’t need much sleep.

Giraffes usually sleep, although not for a long time. In places like zoos, giraffes have been known to sleep for between four and five hours, mostly at night. During sleep, the animal may lie down or stay standing. Standing sleep is more common among older giraffes. In the wild, however, the animals almost never sleep for longer than five minutes at a time. More often, they sleep fully standing and their eyes are half-open so they can see an enemy getting close.

Deer (鹿) do not sleep much during the day or the night. In fact, the night is a dangerous time for the animal to sleep because some of their enemies look for food at night. However, deer try their best to sleep for three to four hours. Even when sleeping, they have to be careful so that they do not become food for their enemies.

The Alpine Swift (雨燕) is a bird that lives in places from southern Europe all the way to the Himalayas. These birds spend a lot of their time flying to the warmer places and all the way to the south of Africa. The birds may spend up to 200 days flying during their journey. These birds sleep while they fly. The Alpine Swifts are able to sleep with one side of their brain while the other side pays much attention to flying and finding enemies.

Dolphins (海豚) usually go to sleep with only one side of their brain so that they use the other side of their brain for swimming and to watch out for enemies. Some dolphins do not go to sleep in the first month of their lives. Instead, they rest by pushing their bodies against their mothers so that they do not drown (淹死).Mothers need to make sure that they do not go to sleep. That is why mother dolphins are able to go for at least a month without sleeping.

【小题1】Deer stay awake most of the time to ________ .
A.smell dangerB.look for foodC.feed their youngD.move to another place
【小题2】What is special about the Alpine Swift?
A.It sleeps during the day.B.It can stay awake for 200 days.
C.It can sleep while it flies.D.It needs no sleep in warm places.
【小题3】What do dolphins and the Alpine swifts have in common?
A.Babies don’t sleep at all.B.Mothers sleep less than fathers.
C.Babies rest with their mothers.D.They sleep with half of their brain.

Even the smallest creatures(生物) have special ways to protect themselves. Spiders bite. Bees sting. Stink bugs(臭虫) stink.

Unlike spiders and bees, stink bugs do not hurt other creatures when they protect themselves. When a stink bug is in danger, it gives off a mix of chemicals(化学物质). It has a very bad odor. When animals like mice or birds smell the odor, they do not want to eat the stink bug. Also, when a stink bug releases its odor, other stink bugs nearby know that there is trouble. They will run away from the danger.

Although stink bugs do not bite or sting, they are still bad to human beings. Because stink bugs eat fruits and vegetables like beans and berries, they can damage a farmer’s crops(庄稼). When winter comes, stink bugs often move into people’s houses. It is very difficult to get stink bugs out of a house. It can be dangerous to use insect poison(杀虫剂) to kill stink bugs inside your house. Also, if you kill a stink bug in your house, your house will not smell very good.

One way you can try to keep stink bugs out of your house is to use their own defense(防卫) against them. Since the bug’s stink is a warning to other stink bugs, you can try squishing(挤压) a lot of stink bugs outside your house. This way, other stink bugs will smell the odor and know that your house is not where they want to be.

【小题1】As used in Paragraph 2, another word for “odor” is “________”.
【小题2】The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 3 refers to   _______.
A.stink bugsB.human beings
【小题3】According to the passage, how can people keep stink bugs out of the houses? ________
A.Use insect poison to kill stink bugs.
B.Kill the bugs inside the houses.
C.Put some animals like mice and birds to eat the stink bugs.
D.Squish many stink bugs outside the house.
【小题4】You may find the passage in a book about ________.
