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France & Australia

It’s winter in France. The weather is cold and windy. People are wearing sweaters and sunglasses. But everyone is having a good time. Friends are having meals in restaurants. In the park, a musician is singing with his group, and some boys are playing football in the square. One old man is taking photos of Eiffel Tower. Look at these young girls, they are playing computer games.While in Australia, it’s in shorts. It’s very hot. People are enjoying sunshine on the beach. Some girls are playing beach volleyball, and two boys are swimming in the sea.

【小题1】The people in France are enjoying the sunshine.
【小题2】The weather is windy and cold in Australia.
【小题3】A musician is singing with his group in France.
【小题4】The boys are playing basketball in the park in Australia.
【小题5】The old man is playing games in France.
知识点:描绘天气锻炼/健身(个人) 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Alex is a middle school student. It’s Sunday morning. He needn’t go to school. He is looking outside from his room. It is raining hard and windy. He really wants the rain and wind to stop right now so that he can go out.

The rain stops in the afternoon. Alex is very happy to see that. He calls his friends and asks them to go out. The clouds leave, and the sun comes. A big rainbow crosses the sky. It’s a little hard to see the rainbow. Many people think rainbows can bring good luck.

“How does the beautiful rainbow from?” Alex asks his father. “When the sun shines the raindrops, the rainbow comes out. From this we can learn we’ll never see rainbows without rain.” Alex’s father tells him. And Alex learns from his father—when we meet bad things, just enjoy them, and everything will be OK.

【小题1】How’s the weather in the morning?
【小题2】People think rainbows can bring ________.
A.bad luckB.healthC.good weatherD.good luck
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Alex is a middle school teacher.B.Tomorrow is Monday.
C.Alex likes watching TV.D.Alex wants to play in the park with his father.
【小题4】The last paragraph wants to tell us _________.
A.the rainbow comes out before the rain
B.not to be afraid of the bad things we meet
C.Alex’s father likes telling stories
D.Alex likes finding questions in life
【小题5】What’s the meaning of ‘rainbow’?

Many places in our world are becoming hotter and the weather is becoming more surprising. More and more ice is melting (融化) at the North Pole and South Pole of our Earth. Unluckily, we may not be able to stop these changes. Why? Because the weather of our Earth is so difficult to control (控制)!

I will tell you something about our world’s surprising weather: one Roman man wrote about frogs raining from the sky almost 2,000 years ago. Can this really happen? Yes, it can! What’s more, fish and other small animals can also “rain”. They sometimes happen when a storm (暴风雨) brings very strong winds. The winds blow over the surface of oceans or lakes. Small frogs and fish aren’t very heavy, so the winds take them to the sky and then they come back down with the rain.

The frog rain isn’t new in many places. In 2005, people in Serbia walked outside their homes after a storm and couldn’t believe their eyes. Hundreds of frogs were trying to jump back to water. If you’re interested to see what “frog rain”, looks like, you can go to watch the 1999 movie Magnolia.

Bad weather may cause many problems to people’s lives. It’s not easy to control the weather. However, everyone should do something to protect our Earth.

【小题1】How does the writer make us know the surprising weather well?
A.By answering some questions.B.By making a study.
C.By using some numbers.D.By giving us some examples.
【小题2】Why does the writer write the second paragraph?
A.To tell us that only frogs can “rain”.B.To tell us about a kind of strange weather.
C.To ask us to protect frogs and other animals.D.To tell us something about the danger near the sea.
【小题3】How did people in Serbia feel when they walked out of the door?
【小题4】What’s the purpose (目的) of the passage?
A.To make us love science.B.To let us care about animals.
C.To ask us to protect our Earth.D.To ask us to watch Magnolia.
【小题5】Where may the passage be from?
A.A storybook.B.A cartoon book.
C.A geography magazine.D.A travel magazine.
