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“Have you finished your lesson, George?” Said Mr. Prentice to his son, who had laid aside his book and was busy making a large paper kite.

“No, father,” replied George, hanging down his Head.


“Because it is so difficult, father, I’m not sure that I shall never learn it.【小题2】. My memory is so bad.”

“If I were to promise you a holiday on the thirtieth of the month after next, do you think you would forget the date?”


“You are good at skating, and flying your kite, and playing footballs, are you not?” “Yes, father.”

“And you cannot learn your lesson! My dear boy, you are lying to yourself.【小题4】” “But have I not tried, father?” again asked George.

【小题5】. Come, for this afternoon lay aside that kite you are making, and give another effort to get your lesson ready. Be serious, and you will soon learn it.”

A.No, I’m pretty sure that I should not.
B.You can learn as well as any one, if you will try.
C.It is easy.
D.Well, try again.
E.Besides(而且), I could not remember it after I had learned it.
F.If you don’t pay more attention to your lessons you will never be fit for anything.
G.Why not, my son?
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A Sweet Success

One weekend, Taylor, an eight-year-old girl, asked her parents to buy a toy for her, but her father encouraged her to make money by herself. "How can I make money?" Taylor thought for a while and had an idea, “Why not make cakes and sell them at church to raise money to buy the toy?”

The next day, Taylor started her plan. She borrowed $40 from her parents in order to buy tools and materials at first and promised to pay it back. Then she began to make cakes by herself. To her parents’ surprise, she made $175 by selling the cakes that Sunday.

Everyone thought Taylor would buy the toy she wanted. She certainly had made enough money for it, but she didn't. Instead, Taylor decided to buy business cards and had her father's phone number on them. Then she began handing the cards out. More people knew Taylor and came to buy her cakes. Even large companies began to try buying her delicious cakes.

Though Taylor has made a lot of money, she still works hard at school. She also likes to take part in other activities. So Taylor must carefully manage her time. For example, instead of watching TV after school, Taylor might have to bake a lot of cakes for customers. When she has dance lessons on some days, she needs to get her baking done on time so she isn't late for class.

Making cakes may take time and be hard work, but Taylor sees the fun in it. “ I think making cakes is mostly my hobby. ” She says. She also decorates the boxes that are used to pack the cakes. Taylor uses all kinds of decorations to make sure each box looks special for her customers. People love the extra feeling Taylor gives them by decorating the boxes, so more and more people come for her cakes.

Taylor's cakes are becoming very popular. She achieves a sweet success.

【小题1】Taylor started making and selling cakes at first because     .
A.she wanted to buy a toy
B.she wanted some beautiful cards
C.she loved baking cakes very much
D.her parents encouraged her to sell cakes
【小题2】What did she do after she made $175?
A.She bought a phone for her father.
B.She went on with her business.
C.She bought a toy for herself.
D.She started a big company.
【小题3】From the passage we can know     .
A.Taylor likes making money
B.Taylor is talented in business
C.Taylor likes watching TV all day
D.Taylor doesn't work hard at school

One day, a woman walked into a pet store to buy a bird for her Thanksgiving Day party. The guy said,“We only have one parrot. But I think you do not want it because it can talk…”

The woman said happily, “That’s great. I've always wanted a talking bird.”             

So the guy said,“Since you are a nice lady, I’ll give it to you as a gift.”

And the lady went home and put the bird on her bed and walked out of the room. But as soon as she walked into the kitchen,the bird started to speak dirty words as loudly as it could. The woman walked back into the room,thinking,“I can’t have this at my party!” So she took the bird and put it in the fridge.

A few hours later,while the woman was eating,she remembered that her bird was still in the fridge. Quickly, she opened the door and found it was shivering. Then she took out the bird at once. She said to the bird, “I’ll keep you out of there if you don’t use that language again. Do you agree with me?”

The bird nodded and asked,“Can I just ask a quick question?” The lady nodded and said,“Yes,you may.”

The bird pointed at the turkey behind him and asked,“What did he do?”

【小题1】The woman went into the pet store because      .
A.she wanted to buy a bird for Thanksgiving Day party
B.she wanted to buy a bird to make a big meal
C.there were lots of nice birds in it
D.she wanted to buy a bird for his son’s birthday
【小题2】The woman put the bird in the fridge because     .
A.she wanted to cook it on Thanksgiving Day
B.she thought it’s the best place for it to live in
C.the bird liked living in the cold place
D.the bird spoke dirty words
【小题3】What can we know from the passage?
A.The guy of the pet store did not know the bird could speak dirty words.
B.The guy of the pet store knew the bird could speak dirty words.
C.The woman cooked a meal with the bird.
D.The woman beat the bird with hand.
【小题4】The bird wanted to know        .
A.why the turkey was in the fridge
B.why itself was in the fridge
C.who could be in the fridge
D.how the turkey was put into the fridge
