阅读理解-单选 较难0.4 引用1 组卷78
Tom walked into a shop. It had a sign outside: “ Second-hand clothes bought and sold. ” He was carrying an old pair of trousers and asked the owner of the shop, “ How much will you give me for these? ” The owner looked at them and said “ Two dollars. ”
“ What? ” Tom said, “ I had guessed they were worth at least five dollars. ”
“ No. ” said the owner, “ They weren’t worth a cent more than two dollars.”
“Well,” said Tom, taking two dollars out of his pocket. “ Here is your money. These trousers were hanging outside your shop. The list price was six dollars and a half. But I thought that was too much money, so I wanted to find out how much they were really worth.”
Then he walked out of the shop with the pair of trousers and disappeared before the owner could think of anything to say.
【小题1】At first, the owner thought that Tom ____________ .
A.wanted to steal the trousers
B.wanted to sell the trousers
C.wanted to fool him
D.wanted to buy the trousers
【小题2】In fact, the trousers ____________ .
A.were hanging inside the shop
B.were stolen by Tom from the shop
C.had been the shop owner’s
D.had been Tom’s
【小题3】From the story we know that ____________ cheaper than the list price.
A.the owner sold the trousers two dollars
B.Tom sold the trousers one and a half dollars
C.the owner bought the trousers three dollars
D.Tom bought the trousers four dollars and a half
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A few years ago,Joe Smith,the coach(教练)of a football team,and his family were spending holiday in 3 small town.One rainy afternoon,it was impossible for them to go out to do something interesting,so the family decided to go to the cinema.Joe,his wife and their three children walked down to the town’s only cinema,bought the tickets and went into the hall.The lights were still on,and there were just six other persons there.As Joe entered,some of them saw him and started clapping(鼓掌).
Joe gave them a smile and turned to his wife,“Aha,I can’t believe they know me and I'm getting a warm welcome here,’’he said,“I guess they saw my game on TV.”
They sat down and then a young man came up and gave out his hand.“Thanks a lot,”said the coach,“I just can’t believe you know who I am.’’
“All I know is that they would not show the movie until at least ten people bought tickets,”replied the man.
【小题1】Joe and his family couldn’t go out for anything interesting that day because      
A.the town was too smallB.it was in the afternoon
C.the weather was so badD.they didn’t want to do
【小题2】When Joe and his family got to the cinema,         
A.there,were no tickets left
B.the lights were still on
C.there were so many persons in the cinema
D.the film has been on
【小题3】Joe was       when the people in the cinema gave him a warm welcome.
【小题4】Now with Joe and Joe’s family there were       people in the cinema.
【小题5】In fact the people in the cinema welcomed the coach because     .
A.they often saw the coach on TV
B.they could shake hands with him
C.with his family they were able to see the movie themselves
D.they are friendly

“Father, do you see Mother in your dreams?” the young girl asks. “You know sometimes I do.”

“Mother comes to see me a lot, you know. We sit and talk.” The father smiles. “How is your homework coming along?”

“Why do I have to study so hard?”

“It is what your mother would have wanted!”

She regrets speaking her mind. “I’m sorry, Father, I shouldn’t have said that.” She looks up and sees his eyes well up with tears.

“It’s okay, love,” he gets up and pours himself a drink. “I’ll just sit outside for a while. You finish up your work, okay?”

“I’m sorry, Father; Mother did love you very much. She told me all the time.”

“Homework, first, eh? Then we can chat about your mother.”

He heads off outside and sits in his usual chair, looking around the courtyard. The whole area relaxes the mind and somehow soothes the soul.

“All finished, Father. May I get a drink and sit with you? I have some questions.”

She comes with two drinks one for him and one for herself. He looks surprised. She never really liked him having a drink. Although he had cut back a lot from before he brought her here, it still seemed strange.

“Mother told me all about you. That is before she passed away. We would laugh together at your love stories.”

He listens without uttering a single sound.

“Why didn’t you come and take her away with you? She really wanted that. Did you know that?”

Her father looks at his daughter lovingly. “Circumstances(情况) were difficult back then. It was just the way things were. When it came time to…” he sighs. “To visit her it was too late.”

The girl smiles. “I hope I will have the same kind of love you and mother had.”

“Without all the heartache,” her father adds.

“She always knew you loved her. She told me every day,” the child mentions cheerfully. “I saw her crying sometimes when she read your letters.”

“Did she make you promise to look after me?” she inquires.

“She asked me to take care of you.”

“You promised her, didn’t you?”

“Yes, I did.”

“It is nice out here, isn't it? Mother would have been very happy here.”

She talks with some authority. Her father remains silent. A smile comes to his weary brow. He nods his head.

“Mother wanted me to give you something. I think now the time is right.” She runs to her room. Upon returning she hands her father a book. “It’s mother’s diary! She wanted me to give it to you.”

He takes the book and holds it in his trembling hands, “Thank you.”

“Mother said you would understand things better.”

“Wise woman, your mother.”

He places the book on the table as he gets up. The girl gets up and wraps herself around her father.

“I love you.” she looks up at his face.

He picks her up and hugs her. “I love you, too.” His voice trembles.

“It’s okay, Father. We have each other now and mother is in both of us.”

He kisses her head.

“Time you went to bed,” her father softly says.

He puts her down and she scampers off to get washed and ready for bed.

Clearing up everything he checks on his daughter. She is in bed waiting for her good night kiss. He tucks her in and bids her goodnight.

Just as he is to leave, she tells him. “Mother told me she adopted (收养)me when I was a baby.”

He stands at her bedroom door. Words fail him. Yes, he knew she was adopted.

“I am really lucky for being loved by my parents, even if I am not really theirs.”

“You trying to bring on the water works?” he tells her.

She giggles, “Goodnight, Father. I love you.”

“Love you, too.”

His face lights up as he wipes his dampened eyes.

The door closes and the child falls asleep dreaming of her mother.

Sitting outside he picks up the diary and opens it and reads the first line: “I love you, my dearest, if only things could have been different…”

【小题1】What can we know about the couple’s relationship?
A.They understood each other very well.B.They quarreled a lot and are separated.
C.They used to have misunderstandings.D.They were quite sure of each other’s love.
【小题2】What can we learn from the story?
A.The girl was adopted because the couple couldn’t give birth.
B.Father looks after the girl just because the girl is alone.
C.The girl feels unlucky that she was adopted.
D.Father was not very close to the girl before she moved in with him.
【小题3】Why didn’t father bring mother home when she was ill?
A.Because he was too busy with his work.
B.Because he didn’t know he was wanted.
C.Because he was too poor to afford the medical fees.
D.Because he didn’t know she was in hospital.
【小题4】Which word best describes father’s feeling at the end of the story?
A story happened when the telegraph(电报)was the fastest method of long-distance communication. One day, a young man went to an interview for a job as a Morse code operator(莫尔斯电码报务员).
Answering the ad in the newspaper, he went to the office address. When he arrived, he walked into a large, busy office filled with noise, including the sound of the telegraph. An office worker asked him to wait until he was called to go into the inner             office. Seven other people were already in the waiting area for the interview. The young man sat down and waited with them. After a few minutes, the young man stood up, crossed the room to the door of the inner office, and walked right in. Naturally             the other people wondered what was going on. They were sure that the young man made a mistake and would be refused.
A few minutes later, however, the boss came out of the inner office with the young man and said to the other people,“Gentlemen,thank you very much for coming, but the young man has got the job.”
The other people were surprised, and one of them said, “Wait a minute. I don’t understand. He was the last to come in, and we never even got a chance to be interviewed. Yet he got the job. That’s not fair!”
The boss said, “I’m sorry, but all the time you’ve been sitting here, the telegraph has been sending out the following message in Mores code: ‘If you understand this message, then come right in. The job is yours.’ None of you heard it or understood             it. This young man did. The job is this.”
【小题1】The young man got the information about the job from       .
A.the telegraphB.the newspaper
C.an office workerD.a friend
【小题2】What was the office like?
A.Large, busy and noisyB.Busy, noisy and crowded
C.Large, crowded but quietD.Busy, crowded but quiet
【小题3】How many people went for the job interview that day?
【小题4】The young man was offered the job because       .
A.he was young
B.he knew the boss
C.he heard the telegraph message and understood it
D.he was the last one to walk into the inner office
