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“One of my actors is sick! He has just one line and you’re the only one who fits his clothes!” One afternoon, the school drama director suddenly shouted to me. She seemed so nervous and worried that I felt sorry for her and said, “Ok”.
“You will be fine. It's easy!” She said. But it wasn’t easy at all. On the stage, four other actors and actresses spoke their lines, and I opened my mouth. Nothing came out. I couldn’t even breathe. I just wanted to leave. The next thing I knew, I was running off the stage.
As I was running off the stage, I accidentally knocked over a glass of grape juice that was on a table. The purple juice hit the girl next to me —Andrea, the leading actress of the drama. She gave me a nasty look. I thought she was going to kill me!
But then, Andrea quickly said, “Darling, you’re so silly! Let’s toast(干杯) to my darling’s silliness! Cheers!” She grabbed another glass of grape juice and drank it. The other actor quickly followed Andrea’s lead and saved the scene. The audience thought my mistake was part of the play!
I apologized to everyone after the play. To my surprise, they were not angry with me. They told me, “It’s all a part of being on stage.” I could be wrong, but I think I liked being on stage. I think I will try again.
【小题1】Which of the following was a problem in the story?
A.Andrea was the leading actress of the drama.
B.Andrea drank the grape juice.
C.The writer had only one line.
D.The writer forgot his line.
【小题2】There were ___________ actors and actresses on the stage.
【小题3】From the passage, we know that Andrea was a ________ leading actress.
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The writer made Andrea’s dress dirty.
B.The audience knew something was wrong.
C.The school drama director asked the writer to play a role.
D.The writer said sorry to the drama club.
【小题5】The writer will most probably _________ in the future.
A.join the drama club
B.dislike Andrea
C.stay away from the stage
D.help Andrea wash her clothes.
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When he was nine years old, the American boy Milo Cress had a question: How many plastic straws(吸管) do Americans use every day?

He quickly learned there wasn’t a simple answer. The boy tried to work it out himself. Through lots of research(调查)Cress found out that Americans use about 500 million straws every day. In hopes of reducing plastic waste, he founded(建立)the Be Straw Free project in 2011.

Cress started the project in his hometown—Burlington, Vermont. He asked a local restaurant to stop offering straws with every drink order. It was a simple change. However, it would save money. And by doing that, the restaurant would cut down on its straw use by 50 percent.

For the years that followed, Cress tried to spread(传播) his project across the United States. More and more restaurants agreed to join. They stop providing the customer(顾客) with a straw unless he or she asks for one. Last April, Seattle became the first American city to completely ban(禁 止) plastic straws.

Plastic pollution has been one of the most serious problems today. According to scientists, more than eight million tons of plastic end up in the ocean each year. Plastic straws are especially terrible. They make it easy for people to get comfortable with single-use plastics.

After his project became popular, Cress took his findings on the road. He has spoken to tens of thousands of students around the world. He wants to encourage more people to say no to plastic straws.

“Focusing(聚焦) on straws is one simple step we all could take,” Cress says. “And it makes me feel that I, as a kid, could make a difference, too.”

【小题1】When did Milo Cress start to care about the problem of straws?
A.Ten years ago.B.In the year 2011.C.In the year that he was 9.D.Before nine years.
【小题2】Cress started the Be Straw Free project in order to ________.
A.get a good score in science at his schoolB.encourage people to reduce plastic waste
C.become a famous person in his hometownD.make money
【小题3】What did Cress ask a restaurant in Burlington to do?
A.Stop offering straws to its customers.B.Prevent people from using straws to drink.
C.Count the number of straws it uses every day.D.Stop selling food.
【小题4】Plastic straws are especially terrible because ________.
A.they are the most serious problem todayB.scientists pay little attention to their influence
C.they help people get used to using single-use plasticsD.they are bad for health
【小题5】Over the years, Cress has ________.
① spread his project across the United States
② asked Seattle to completely ban plastic bags
③ counted the plastic straws in the ocean every year
④ spoken to teens around the world about plastic waste

Quinn Hill, a 6-year-old girl, became a hero when she took quick action during a medical accident that saved her mother’s life. Jennifer Hill, a 39-year-old mother of three, was at home preparing dinner for Quinn and her younger brother when she suddenly began to seize (疼痛侵袭). The last thing she remembered was sitting in a chair, looking up and unable to breathe. Quim, realizing the serious situation, took action at once.

Quinn made a decision to take her 3-year old brother and ask neighbors for help. “This is the first time that they’ve ever left our home without us,” Jennifer explained. “She even told us that she looked both ways before crossing the street. But they went to one neighbor’s home and they were not home, and after that, they went to the next home that they knew. And that neighbor was home and get back to the home with the children.”

The neighbor called 911, and Jeanifer was rushed to Catawba Valley Medical Center in Hickory, North Carolia. Doctors said that she had experienced a seizure (癫痫), her first seizure ever.

Mayor (市长) Kyie J. recognized Quinn’s bravery and sated February 5th as “Quinn Hill Day”. The mayor presented the first grader with a certificate (证书) of recognition last Monday. Jennifer expressed pride in her daughter’s actions. “She’s my angel. She’s my hero for what she did,” she said.

【小题1】What was Jeanifer doing when she began to seize?
A.Eating something.B.Sitting in the chair.
C.Preparing dinner.D.Looking after Quinn’s brother.
【小题2】How was Jennifer saved?
A.By taking the neighbors’ advice.B.Because of her own bravery.
C.With the Mayor’s encouragement.D.Thanks to Quinn’s quick action.
【小题3】What can we know from the passage?
A.Neighbors sent Jennier to hospital.
B.Quinn left her younger brother at home.
C.Quinn never left home without adults before.
D.Jennifer has experienced seizures many times.
【小题4】What is Quinn Hill like according to the passage?
A.Polite, careful and talented.B.Brave, calm and quick-thinking.
C.Humorous, clever and honest.D.Serious, loving and hard-working.
【小题5】What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Quinn Hill Day.B.The Mayor’s Pride.C.Neighbor Hero.D.A Certificate for Quinn.

Sometimes your biggest weakness can become your biggest strength.

Take, for example, the story of one 10-year-old boy who decided to study judo although he had lost his left arm in a car accident.

The boy began lessons with an old Japanese judo master. The boy was doing well, but he couldn’t understand why, after three months of training the master had taught him only one move.

“Sir,” the boy finally said, “shouldn’t I learn more moves?”

“This is the only move you know, but this is the only move you’ll ever need to know,” the master replied.

Not quite understanding, but believing in his teacher, the boy kept training. Several months later, the judo master took the boy to his first tournament (锦标赛). Surprising himself, the boy easily won his first two matches. The third match proved to be more difficult, but after some time, his opponent (对手) became impatient. Finally, the boy used his one move to win the match.

Still amazed by his success, the boy was now in the final match.

This time, his opponent was bigger, stronger, and more experienced. For a while, the boy appeared to be overmatched. Worried that the boy might be in danger, the judge (裁判) called a time out. He was about to stop the match when the master stopped him.

“No,” the judo master insisted, “let him continue.”

Soon after the match continued, his opponent made a serious mistake: He dropped his guard. Immediately, the boy used his move to pin him. The boy won the match and the tournament.

He was the champion!

On the way home, the boy and his master reviewed every move in each match. Then the boy asked what was really on his mind.

“Sir, how did I win the tournament with only one move?”

“You won for two reasons,” the master answered. “First, you’ve mastered one of the hardest throws in judo. And second, the only known defense (防卫) for that move is for your opponent to catch your left arm.”

The boy’s biggest weakness has become his biggest strength.

【小题1】How did the boy most probably feel while training for only one move?
【小题2】According to the underlined (划线的) sentence, we know that ________.
A.the boy seemed to give upB.the boy was certain to winC.the boy might lose the match
【小题3】What serious mistake did the opponent probably make in the finals?
A.He fell down on the ground.
B.He grew more and more impatient.
C.He tried to catch the boy’s left arm.
【小题4】What is the best title for this passage?
A.The Greatest Master.B.The Biggest Weakness.C.The Simplest Move.
