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Scientists will put some robot fish into the sea near Spain this year. These robot fish will help people find out the pollution in the water. If the robot fish are able to finish their work successfully, the team of scientists hopes the fish will             be used in rivers, lakes and seas around the world.
The robot fish are about 1.5 meters long. There will be a detector (探测器) in their bodies. It can find the pollution in the water, and then the robot fish will eat part of it.
Unlike other robots, they don’t need to be opearted (操作) by people far away. The robots all have an eight-hour battery (电池). They can “swim” in the sea freely and send back information to people on the beach. After their batteries run down, they will             go back to the beach by themselves.
There are five robot fish altogether (总共). Each costs (花费) about 29,000 dollars. They are part of a three-year project between engineering company BMT Group and Essex University in southeastern England.
【小题1】The robot fish will help people find out _______ in the water.
A.more fishB.some people
C.some batteriesD.the pollution
【小题2】What will the robots do if they find the pollution in the water?
A.They will eat part of it.
B.They will stop working.
C.They will tell people where it is
D.They will take it out to the beach.
【小题3】How long can a battery(电池) in their bodies work each time?
A.For five hours.B.For eight hours.
C.For twelve hours.D.For one day.
【小题4】The five robot fish cost(花费) about _______ dollars altogether.
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The robot fish can eat anything in the water.
B.The robot fish need to be opearted by people.
C.The robot fish are 1.5 meters long and they look like sharks.
D.The robot fish can go back to the beach when the batteries run down.
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French and American doctors have done an operation (手术) together in which the doctors were outside the operating room. This kind of operation is known as robotic operation.

Doctor Marescaux did the operation in an office in New York City last month, while a sixty-eight-year-old woman patient was in a hospital in Strasbourg, France.

A doctor in Strasbourg got the patient ready. He placed medical tools and a small video camera in her stomach area. Doctor Marescaux in New York watched the patient on a video screen. Then he used the computer to send messages to the robot machine.   

The robot moved the tools that cut the woman’s gallbladder (胆囊) away. The woman got well soon after the operation and left the hospital two days later.

Experts say the main problem with such a robotic operation is based on high-speed telecommunications (通讯系统) between the doctor and the robot. Technology must be able to send a doctor’s order to a robot to move the tool quickly.

Experts also say a successful robotic operation will improve an operation. For example, the robot can make such smaller movements than a person can. A robot machine can turn tools in ways that a doctor’s hand cannot.

Doctors say such a robotic operation will make possible safer and better operations in the future. They say it will improve doctor training. It will also mean that doctors could do an operation on people in dangerous places far away. And it could mean that people could have operations done by top doctors without having to travel to the city where the doctors work.

【小题1】The underlined phrase “ robotic operation” means “________.”
A.a special kind of robot invented by doctors
B.something done to mend a robot.
C.an operation done by French and American doctors
D.an operation done far away with the help of a robot.
【小题2】If we want to use the robot in the operation, we must solve the problem of   ________.
A.top doctorsB.high-speed telecommunications
C.doctor trainingD.smaller movement
【小题3】We use the robot in the operation because ________.
A.it can send messages in a high speed
B.even a top doctor can’t do the operation himself
C.it can make the operation safer and better
D.operations can be done without and doctors.
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT right?
A.Robotic operation has been used in the USA.
B.Robotic operation is good for doctor training
C.Experts speak highly of robotic operation.
D.The robot is used to watch the patient clearly.

People design handbags, clothes and shoes, Now some people say, “We could design babies!” It sounds crazy, doesn’t it? But in fact the idea is possible, although it has also caused a lot of debates(争论).

A “designer baby” means scientists can make changes to babies’ DNA that are not born. It usually happens in the very early time of the embryo(胚胎).Scientists want to stop babies from being born with certain serious illnesses by making changes to their DNA. They call it genetic engineering(遗传工程). During the 21st century, researches on the technology made progress very quickly.

People soon learned that it was not only illnesses we could change, but also a baby’s gender(性别)and look. In 1996, an American couple, Monique and Scott Collins, decided to use a doctor’s research to help them choose the gender of their next baby. They wanted to have a baby girl. Their story became famous. People started to realize how much doctors could do. For example, you could control babies’ eye color, hair color and even things like height or how athletic your baby will be.

People argue that it is not ethical(道德的)to design our babies in this way. After all, babies are not things like handbags. But they also agree that genetic engineering is helpful in the medical field. There are many examples of how doctors have saved children from illnesses by using this technology.

【小题1】The “designed baby” technology is about ________.
A.designing a handbag for ladyB.changing the genes of an unborn baby
C.doing researches on people’s design ideasD.Stopping the growth of unborn babies
【小题2】What is the scientists hope for a “designer baby”?
A.To prevent some serious illnesses.B.To change a baby’s gender.
C.To make a pretty baby.D.To have a smart baby.
【小题3】After reading the passage,we can know Monique and Scott Collins were ________ .
A.doctors who did research of genetic engineering
B.a couple who wanted to have a baby girl
C.a couple who wanted to have two babies
D.patients who suffered from illness like leukemia
【小题4】What do people think of the “designer baby” technology?
A.It follows nature’s rules.B.It can produce excellent babies.
C.It should not be used in any field.D.It has both good and bad sides.
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Genetic engineering can’t be change a baby’s gender.
B.All people agree that it’s necessary to design babies.
C.Doctors can change babies’ hair color with the help of genetic engineering.
D.Genetic engineering is always helpless in the medical field.

①Type in “A cat wants to go to space” and ask the robot to write a bedtime story. Just one second later, you’ll get the story of Max, who was on his way past many difficulties to sing among the stars.

②This robot writer is real. It’s called Chạt GPT. It was developed by US company Open AI. It can translate languages, talk with people and write songs, poems and even jokes. It’s one of the most powerful AI of its kind (范围) of a real person! According to a US report of more than 1, 000 students, over 89% of them have used Chat GPT to help with homework.

③Some schools in the US, Australia and France have banned (禁止) the use of Chat GPT. In the US, New York City public schools banned students and teachers from using Chat GPT on the district’s networks and devices (设备), CNN reported. The move comes out of worries that the tool could make it easier for students to cheat (作弊), “It does not build critical (批判的)-thinking and problem-solving skills (学术的) and lifelong success,” said Jenna Lyle, a secretary of the New York City Department of Education.

④However, not all educators say “no” to Chat GPT. Some Canadian universities are drafting (起草) policies on its use, for both students and teachers. They have no plans to completely ban the tool so far.

⑤There is no doubt (怀疑) that Chat GPT is a powerful tool that people will use. What we need to do is to “adapt (适应) our learning, teaching and examinations”. That way, we can have integrity (诚信) while we’re using the tool.

【小题1】The writer uses “the cat story” as an example to ________.
A.introduce a bedtime book
B.tell what Chat GPT can do for animals
C.show how Chat GPT learns about space
D.show what creative work Chat GPT can do
【小题2】What does Jenna Lyle think of Chat GPT?
A.It might offer the wrong information.
B.It is so far the smartest AI chatbot tool.
C.It is not good for developing students’ minds.
D.It is necessary for academic and lifelong success.
【小题3】How is the text organized? (①=paragraph ①...)
【小题4】What’s the best title for the passage?
A.The future of education.
B.What can robots bring us?
C.Will teachers be replaced by robots?
D.A good study tool or a way to cheat?
