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An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden. He took care of his ____ all the time, watering and fertilizing them.
One day a young man went by the ____ He looked at the beautiful flowers, imagining how happy he could be ____ he lived in such a beautiful place. Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was ____ He was very surprised about this and asked, “You can’t see these flowers. ____ are you busy taking care of them every day?”
The old man smiled and said, “I can tell you four ____ First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, ____ I can’t see these flowers, I can touch them. Third, I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’s you.”
“Me? But you don’t know me,” said the young man.
“Yeah, it’s ____ that I don’t know you. But I know that flowers are angels that everybody knows. We enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us.”
The blind man’s work opened our eyes, and pleased our hearts, which also made his life ____ It was just like Beethoven, who became deaf in his later life and wrote many great musical works. Beethoven himself couldn’t ____ his wonderful music, but his music has encouraged millions of people to face their difficulties bravely. Isn’t it one kind of happiness?【小题1】
知识点:寓言童话 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

An old woman had two large pots, one on each end of a pole(扁担). She _______ with the pots on her shoulder. One of the pots had a crack(裂缝)in it, while the other pot was perfect and was always _______ of water. At the end of the long walk from the local well(井) to the woman’s house, the cracked pot arrived only half-full.

This happened daily for two years, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water. Of course, the perfect pot was _______ . But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection(不完美).

One day, the cracked pot spoke to the woman while they were at the well. “I am ashamed of myself _______ this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house, ” it said. The old woman smiled and said, “ Did you _______ that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pots side? That’s because I have _______ known you were cracked. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path. And every day while we walk back, you water _______ . ”

“ For two years, I have been able to _______ these beautiful flowers to decorate my dining table. Without you being just the way you are, I would not have this _______ . ”

Each of us has our own cracks. But it’s these cracks that make our lives so ________ and beautiful.

阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

One day, a mother duck and her ducklings were on their way to a lake. All of a sudden, the mother duck saw a fox. She became ________ and shouted, “Children, hurry to the lake. There’s a fox! ”       

The ducklings hurried ________ the lake. The mother duck began to walk back and forth, dragging (拖拽) one of her ________ along the ground. When the fox saw her, he was quite pleased. He said to himself, “It looks like she’s hurt and can’t fly! I can ________ catch and eat her!” He ran towards her.

The mother duck led the fox away from the lake. The fox ________ her. Now he wouldn’t be able to harm her ducklings. The mother duck ________ her ducklings and saw that they had reached the lake. She was relieved (放心的). She stopped and took ________. The fox thought she was tired and he came closer. ________ the mother duck quickly spread her wings and flew into the air. She landed ________ the lake and her ducklings swam to her.

The fox was very upset. The mother duck had tricked him. Now he could not ________ them because they were in the middle of the lake.

A.looked overB.looked afterC.looked upD.looked at
A.a deep breathB.a nice photoC.a pleasant walkD.a good shower
A.in front ofB.next toC.in the middle ofD.across from

I was the tallest girl in my class when I started school. It made me feel _______ and I believed that I looked very fat and ugly. The small girls were seen as smarter, so they were more popular and got more _______ from teachers. I began to hate myself _______ not being small when I was seven years old, and by adulthood, I felt sad about my appearance(外表).

I didn't dare to look into the mirror _______ one day my friend pulled me to the mirror to let me see that I had a good figure. It's true that I was in good shape. Then I did something kind for _______ —I bought a beautiful dress for myself. I felt very happy! I always thought following others could make me more popular. But it's hard to be happy when you don't see your own _______.

Each small kindness I did for myself made me _______ myself more. I'd do something loving and feel happier. That focus on myself grew into deep self-love.

Today my self-love is very _______. It has helped me develop self-confidence and helped me _______ myself from an unhappy school teacher to a popular writer. Now I am seen as a very beautiful woman.

Please join me in taking steps to develop self-love. Every little loving act you do for yourself helps you build ________.

