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Aru Village is located by Lake Ra’og Co in Xizang, China. Many years ago, people from the village used rafts (筏子) to go across the lake and pick up rubbish in the water. The villagers revered (敬畏) the environment, so they started this practice to keep their lake clean.

Later, a bridge was established over the lake, so villagers no longer needed to use rafts to cross it. But the idea of cleaning the lake stayed. Tsering Dondrup, a village official who used to go to school on rafts, knew how the older villagers picked up rubbish in the lake. He and other officials did a lot to help protect the lake and its ecosystem.

The village has 43 households with 227 people now. A team of 44 people from the village are paid by the government to take turns to help keep the lake and nearby forests clean. They are also in charge of cleaning the roads and the area around the lake. They collect the rubbish and take it to the right place to be recycled.

Dampa, a 46-year-old man from the team, started picking up rubbish in the lake 20 years ago.“As part of this team, I can make about 3, 500 yuan a year. I’m happy to do my part in keeping the lake clean,” he said.

Now, Aru Village has become a model village for eco-friendly actions. Lake Ra’og Co gets about 300,000 visitors every year. Village official Xu Cong says the support of both the villagers and the government has helped maintain (保持) the beauty of the area.

【小题1】The underlined word “established” means “________” in the second paragraph.
【小题2】When did Dampa begin picking up rubbish in the lake?
A.When he was 16 years old.B.When he was 26 years old.
C.When he was 43 years old.D.When he was 46 years old.
【小题3】Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage?
A.Villagers like to keep the lake Ra’og Co clean by themselves.
B.The villagers live their life by fishing on the lake Ra'og Co.
C.There are only 44 people in Aru Village.
D.The first bridge will be set up on the lake Ra'og Co soon.
【小题4】What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Country Education.B.Everyday Life.
C.Xizang Travelling.D.Environment Protection.
知识点:志愿服务环境保护记叙文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

As 59-year-old Li Yunli remembers, the water in Dianchi Lake in Kunming, Yunnan, was so clean that local people could drink from it directly when she was a child.

But the lake was greatly polluted in the 1980s. Local people avoided it, even though they had once depended on its fish for their living. Many chose to change jobs and go elsewhere to make a living, but not Li. Instead, she set up her mind to clean the lake.

She has been cleaning the lake for 35 years now. And her hard work has made her be chosen as one of China’s 100 model environmental protection volunteers this year.

In 1987, local government started a volunteer program to deal with the growing number of water hyacinths(水葫芦). Li attended it shortly. The following year, an all-woman salvage(打捞)team was built to do cleaning in the lake. Li was the leader of the team.

Since then, she and her team can often be seen starting work at 7 am. braving sunshine and rain. The hardest period runs from June to August, when the water hyacinths grow fastest. Plants and rubbish during this period are blown in many different directions and rain sometimes makes the work harder.

“I grew up near Dianchi. I’m cleaning it not only for the lake, but also for myself and for future people,” she said. “As long as I am hard-working in taking the lead in the cleanup, more people will join us to protect Dianchi, and the lake will return to its best condition with water that can be drunk directly,” she said.

There have been positive(积极的)changes to the lake thanks to the team’s work and also to the increasing attention from the local government.

【小题1】When did Li Yunli begin to clean the lake? ________
A.At the age of 24.B.At the age of 35.
C.At the age of 59.D.At the age of 80.
【小题2】What’s the purpose of the volunteer program? ________
A.To create an all-woman salvage team.
B.To clean up water hyacinths in Dianchi.
C.To spread the importance of protecting Dianchi.
D.To call on more people join them to protect Dianchi.
【小题3】Why is June to August the hardest time for the team? ________
A.Because there is too much rain.
B.Because there is too much wind.
C.Because the water hyacinths grow fastest.
D.All of the above.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about? ________
A.How to protect Dianchi.
B.An all-woman salvage team in Dianchi.
C.The changing situations of the water in Dianchi.
D.The efforts made by Li Yunli and her team for the polluted Dianchi.
【小题5】The text is written in the order of   ________.

When somebody is in need,will you give them a hand? Do you make any judgments (判断) about them before you help them?

There was a woman who inherited (继承) a clothing store after her sister passed away. The woman already had a job of her own, but she decided to run the store on weekends.

The first day she opened, an old woman came in and looked at things here and there. However, she didn’t buy anything. When the woman asked why, the old woman said, “Well, I like these things, but I don’t have enough money.”

“I already have a job. I can afford (承担得起) to give some clothes away,” the woman thought to herself. So she let the old woman have the clothes for free.

Word soon spread about the “free clothing store”. People started coming in. They told the woman that they didn’t have enough money. She would simply give them clothes. But one day, she went in to open the store and found that there was nothing left inside.

It’s a good thing to help others when they’re poor or in need. But we must also be careful. Not everyone is nice—some people will cheat others whenever they can. Use your best judgment to decide who really needs help.

【小题1】Whom did the clothing store belong to at first according to the passage?
A.The woman’s parents.B.The woman’s sister.
C.The woman’s aunt.D.The woman herself.
【小题2】Why didn’t the old woman buy any clothing?
A.She didn’t like the clothes.B.She wanted to ask for free clothes.
C.She couldn’t afford it.D.She knew the clothes were free.
【小题3】What happened to the store in the end?
A.It became a popular store.B.It was open on weekdays as well.
C.The woman had to close it.D.There were no clothes left.
【小题4】What does the writer want to tell us?
A.There’s no need to help the poor.B.It’s a good thing to help more people.
C.Be careful when helping others.D.Be careful not to cheat nice people.

On her second or third day behind the counter, Cynthia received a phone call from her nine-year-old son, Jessie. He needed a baseball glove for Little League. She explained that as a single mother, money was very tight, and her first check would have to go for paying bills. Perhaps she could buy his baseball glove with her second or third check. When Cynthia arrived for work the next morning, Patricia, the store manager, asked her to come to the small room in the back of the store that served as an office. Cynthia wondered if she had done something wrong or left some part of her job incomplete from the day before. She was concerned and confused.

Patricia handed her a box. “I overheard(无意中听到)you talking to your son yesterday,” she said, “and I know that it is hard to explain things to kids. This is a baseball glove for Jessie because he may not understand how important he is, even though you have to pay bills before you can buy gloves. You know we can’t pay good people like you as much as we would like to, but we do care, and I want you to know you are important to us.”

The selflessness(无私)and love of this convenience store manager proves that people remember more how much an employer cares than how much the employer pays.

【小题1】Jessie needed a baseball glove for Little League.
【小题2】Patricia, the store manager and her employer began to talk in the small room in the back of the store that served as an office.
【小题3】Jessie was going to take part in Little League,but his father didn’t have enough money to buy things like a baseball glove.
【小题4】When Cynthia was asked to go to the office, she was happy and moved.
【小题5】From the story we know sometimes people cares one another more important than many things even wealth.
