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阅读下面短文,根据其内容填空和回答问题。   (1 至 5题每题答案不超过3个单词,6题须用完整句子回答。)

In China, comprehensive practical courses (综合实践课) in primary and middle schools play an important role in developing students’ comprehensive abilities. For this reason, they are becoming more and more popular among students and parents. So what abilities can students get from these courses?

●Learn to make a plan. A good plan is always necessary. It helps students do better in comprehensive practical activities. For example, they can divide the members into several groups to be responsible for different parts of the tasks.

●Learn to be independent. Students need to deal with problems independently in comprehensive practical activities. They can no longer depend on their parents or teachers so much.

●Improve communication skills. Students are encouraged and organized to take part in all kinds of comprehensive practical activities. They know how to get on with others better.

For example, on April 23, 2024, some students of Guiyang No.3 Experimental High School visited hongpiaodai, the Long March digital (数字的) hall and cultural park in Guiyang. There, they communicated with workers and learned about how they can bring the scenes of the Long March in front of visitors. “With high technology we can go back to the old days and see in person how hard the great soldiers fight during the Long March. Isn’t it amazing?” says one student. Thanks to this unforgettable experience, students knew more about the science and found something new in a different way.

Students speak highly of comprehensive practical courses. They can carry out activities smoothly under the guidance of their teachers. The most important thing to keep in mind is safety. Students must avoid going anywhere alone without teachers’ permission (允许).

Comprehensive Practical Courses

【小题1】 are comprehensive practical courses popular?

Students can develop comprehensive abilities.

What abilities can students develop?

Students can develop their abilities of 【小题2】, being independent and communicating with others.

An example and a tip.

·Some students of Guiyang No.3 Experimental High School visited hongpiaodai and they think this experience is 【小题3】.
·【小题4】 of all the students is the most important.

Do you think these courses will help you? Why?

知识点:文体活动说明文校园安全 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Who sleeps in class?

YOU may feel curious ( 好 奇 的 ) about students in other countries: Do they also have so much homework?_________________On April 8, a report came out on the lives of high school students in China, Japan, South Korea and the US. It surveyed around 6,200 students from the four countries last year. You will find the answers to many of your questions in this report.

Who studies hardest?

Chinese students spend the most time studying. Nearly half of Chinese students spend more than two hours on their homework every day._________________

Who sleeps most often in class?

Japanese students fall asleep in class most often. About 45% of them said they sometimes doze off (打 瞌睡) in class. In South Korea, it’s 32%; in the US, 21%; and 5% in China.

South Korean students don’t like taking notes. About 70% said they write down what the teacher says in class, many fewer than in Japan (93%), China (90%) and the US (89%).

Who is the most distracted (分心的)?

American students are the most active in class, but also the most distracted: 64.2% said they chat with friends in class; 46.9% said they eat snacks in class;________________

What do they do after school?

In their spare time, most Chinese students study or surf the Internet. Most American students hang out with their friends. Most Japanese students do physical exercises._________________

A. What do they do in their spare time?
B. That’s much more than students of the US (26.4%), Japan (8.2%) and South Korea (5.2%).
C. and 38.9% said they send e-mails or read unrelated (无关的) books in class.
D. Most Korean students watch TV.
【小题5】From the passage we can know that Chinese student________.
A.studies hardestB.sleeps most often in class
C.is the most distractedD.least like taking notes

Recently, Chongqing Three Gorges University has held an activity named “Cell Phone Ninja”(手机忍者). They would like their students not to use cell phones for 21 days. It is really a challenge for most students. The activity started on April 12. Each student who volunteered to take part in this activity got a bracelet(手环). If the students did not use their cell phones, there would be a photo on the screen of the bracelet to show that. If they used their cell phones, a different photo would appear on the screen of the bracelet. After the last class of each day, the students sent the photos to the school’s public We Chat. More than 800 students wished to take part in this test, and 400 were chosen. After seven days, only 103 students remained. The test was set for 21 days because some scientists believe that 21 days is long enough to help form a habit. According to the teachers in the university, the activity was not a contest. It depended on students themselves to make the decision. The teacher hoped their students could form better study habits through activities like this one.

c_______ something new and difficult which requires great effort and determination
f_______ to being to develop
If the students did not use their cell phones, there would be a photo on the screen of the bracelet to show that.
_________ the students _______ their cell phones, there would be a photo on the screen of the bracelet to show that.
【小题3】When did the activity “Cell Phone Ninia” start?
【小题4】Were 400 students chosen to take part in this test?
【小题5】Why was the test set for 21 days?
第一节 下面是电视节目主持人Peter对夏令营Camp X-treme创办人Henry的采访实录。请将下面选项中A、B、C三个采访问题填入相应的位置,完成1-3小题。
Peter: Let’s welcome Henry, the camp leader of the most popular summer camp in our city to Peter’s Show!
Henry: Thank you, Peter!
Peter: Henry, why did you open up a camp?
Henry: Ten years ago, I spent three weeks at a summer camp and had the best time of my life. I remember every day I was there, and I still have friends from then. So, I decided I wanted other children to have the same experience as me.
Peter: 1
Henry: Well, after I left school, I worked at a few summer camps. I wasn’t a camp leader then and I didn’t get any money for it, but I learned what a good leader needs to do. So, when I opened my own summer camp seven years ago, I was ready to become a camp leader. Since then I’ve organized lots of unforgettable activities. The kids love it.
Peter: 2
Henry: Actually, it’s easy to make such a decision. I will think about what kids want to learn from a summer camp. They want adventure and exciting activities. They want to go home and say “You won’t believe what I did!” So, extreme sports were the best idea.
Peter: 3
Henry: Kids have been coming to my camp for many years now, and I hardly hear any kids or parents complain (抱怨). The only problem I have is when there are too many kids who want to join. I have to tell them to come back the following year. Of course, they aren’t very happy with the news.
A. How long have you worked as a camp leader?
B. Have you had any problems since the camp opened?
C. How did you decide what kind of camp you wanted to open?
第二节   假设你对Henry组织的夏令营感兴趣,请在Camp X-treme 的网页上留言,向Henry询问今年夏令营的相关信息(如举办时间、地点或活动内容等)。请咨询一个问题,完成4小题。
【小题4】Henry, I’d like to enter your Camp X-treme.
