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Do you ever feel like there’s not enough time in the day? That time is somehow racing away from you, and it is impossible to fit everything in. But then, you step outside into the countryside and suddenly everything seems slower, more relaxed, like time has somehow changed. It’s not just you — recent research showed nature can control our sense of time.

Richardo Correia, the researcher at the University of Finland, found that being in nature may change how we experience time and perhaps, even give us the sense of time abundance (充裕). Correia compared people’s experiences of time when they performed different types of tasks in cities and natural environments. It showed that people reported a sense of expanded time when they were in nature compared to when they were in cities. For example, a walk through the countryside felt longer than a city walk of the same distance.

It’s not just our sense of time in the moment which appears to be changed by the natural world, and it’s also our sense of the past and future. Earlier research shows that spending time in nature helps to move our focus from the immediate (目前的) moment towards our future needs. So rather than focusing on the stress of the demands (需求) on our time, nature helps us to see the bigger picture. This can help us focus on what’s important so that we meet our long-term goals. This is partly because spending time in nature appears to make us less impulsive (冲动的), enabling us to think more about future benefits instead of wanting immediate ones.

【小题1】How might you feel when you walk in the countryside?
A.Everything remains the same.B.Time is racing away from you.
C.There are less hours in the day.D.Things seem to go at a slower speed.
【小题2】In what way did Correia carry out the research?
A.By doing online surveys.B.By interviewing experts.
C.By making comparisons.D.By reviewing earlier studies.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “expanded” probably mean?
【小题4】How does nature help with our sense of the future?
A.By meeting our needs.B.By changing our focus.
C.By showing us pictures.D.By reminding us of the past.
【小题5】Which is the best title for the passage?
A.What differences time brings us.B.Where our sense of time has gone.
C.Why we lose sense of time in nature.D.How nature changes our sense of time.
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The places in this book are all unique in their own ways.

Pig Beach. Around 15 lovely swimming pigs hang out on a lonely island in the Bahamas known as Pig Beach. In 2017, local people were sad to see that several of the pigs had died. It’s thought that they died from eating too much sand. And the local government also puts stricter rules in place to stop people from feeding the pigs. The question is how a group of pigs got to a lonely island? One guess is that a group of sailors left them there, with plans to come back and eat them later on. Nobody really knows.

Living Root Bridges. Villagers in India came up with a clever way to cross fast-flowing rivers and streams in the rainy season — living root bridges. One of the most famous root bridges is the Umshiang Double — Decker, which is actually two bridges on top of each other. It is 180 years old. Villagers helps special kinds of tree roots on the opposite sides of streams to join and make a bridge. You have to be patient when you are making a root bridge — they take 15 to 20 years to grow.

Chocolate Hills. They may look like something out of a chocolate factory, but don’t try eating anything from these hills — despite the name, they are made of mud, stone and grass! The green grass on the hills turns brown like chocolate in the summer. There are more than a thousand mounds (土堆) that range from 30—120 meters high. Locals say the mounds were made by a giant water buffalo (水牛) that stole villagers’ crops. To solve the problem, they left out bad food for the beast to eat, which made him poo (排便) out the hills! Another story says the hills are formed from the dried tears of a sad god.

【小题1】The name of the book might be ________.
A.World’s Farthest PlacesB.World’s Strangest Places
C.World’s Untouched PlacesD.World’s Dangerous Places
【小题2】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.It’s certain that a group of sailors left the pigs on the island and wanted to eat them later.
B.Making a living root bridge takes time so the locals should be patient.
C.People can easily get chocolate everywhere from the Chocolate Hills.
D.People only have one guess about how the Chocolate Hills were made.
【小题3】After reading the book, the readers will know ________.
①the most mysterious locations in the world
②humans have the wisdom to live with nature
③the name of a place may mean something different
④it’s easy to make such places by humans
【小题4】If there is a fifth paragraph, what might be the topic?
A.Chongqing Hotpot.B.Kobe Bryant.C.Snake Island.D.Delicious food.

With all the traditional media channels, including newspapers, magazines and television shows, shrinking (缩水), advertisers are worrying about how they can reach customers. Banner (横幅) ads for our devices are ugly and disturbing. To overcome various digital problems, the ad industry has been serving up a sneaky solution-making ads look less like ads and more like the articles, videos and posts.

This trend, called native advertising, has taken over the Internet; even the websites such as www.nytimes.com and Wall-Street.com are using it. On Facebook and Twitter, one in ten items is an ad; only the small subtitle “Sponsored (赞助的)” appearing in light grey type tells you which posts are ads.

Won’t these ads made to look like reported articles mislead people? Sometimes, yes. A study from the Interactive Advertising Bureau found that only 41 percent of general news readers could tell such ads from real news stories. And it’s getting worse. Advertisers worry that the “Sponsored” label discourages readers from clicking, so some websites are makíng the labels smaller and less noticeable. Sometimes the labels disappear entirely.

At a recent talk about the difficulty of advertising in the new, small-screen world, I heard an ad manager tell an impressive story. She had gotten a musical performance-paid for by her soft drink customer-perfectly inserted (插入) into a TV award show, without any moment of blackness before or after. “It looked just like part of the real show!” She said happily.

Look, it is great that native advertising works. But if advertisers truly believe in their material, they should have no problem labeling it as advertising.

For now native ads continue to be a fashion-with no laws governing them and no labeling standards. But that could change-the Federal Trade Commission has begun considering regulations. If the now generation of digital advertisers clean up their act according to the regulations, native ads might become more acceptable.

【小题1】What can we learn about native ads from the text?
A.They have overcome the problems of banner ads.
B.They are clearly labeled as ads on websites.
C.They are a special type of articles.
D.They are used by all websites.
【小题2】The ad manager’s story in Paragraph 4 is used to show _______.
A.it’s difficult to advertise in the new, small-screen world
B.it’s difficult to tell native ads from what they have been inserted in
C.it’s easy to insert native ads into a TV award show
D.it’s easy to make the “Sponsored” label smaller and less noticeable
【小题3】In the author’s view, the future of native ads is _______.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.How to advertise in the digital age.
B.Difficulties with native ads.
C.Truth in digital advertising.
D.What is digital advertising?
【小题5】Where can you probably find this text?
A.In a science fiction.
B.In an internet survey.
C.In a study report.
D.In a newspaper column.

Unless you don’t like cookies, you’ll pick the plate with three cookies instead of two.

Being able to tell more from less is one of the most basic math talents. And it’s one that a surprising number of animals have. A robin(知更鸟)will pick the piece of wood with more mealworms. A salamander(蝾螈)will pick the box with more fruit flies.

Animals will even pick more of something when it means they get less in all. Horses, for example, will go for three tiny apples over two much larger ones.

But animals do not have math class - why would they need to count?

Being able to know the larger of two groups is useful to animals in lots of ways. It helps them pick the tree with more food, or run to the larger group of friends for protection. For example, if a shark comes, a fish in a group of 40 is less likely to become lunch than a fish in a group of 10. So if a fish makes a decision between two groups, it’s better to join the larger one.

Many animals can also do a simple form of counting, finding out how many of something there is. Even animals we don’t usually think of as smart can tell the difference between one, two, and three. Fish and honeybees can be trained to get through a maze(迷宫) by choosing turns marked by a certain number of dots(点)-to find the way out, they have to count.

Some animals, including pigeons, parrots, crows, and mice, can count much higher than three. A pigeon(鸽子)can learn to peck(啄)a piece of wood 24 times -no more, no less-to get a treat. It can even remember its place and continue counting if stopped.

【小题1】Paragraph 2 and 3 are mainly about the animals’ ability to ________.
A.peck wood 24 timesB.get through a mazeC.tell more from lessD.do a simple form of counting
【小题2】How is the ability to tell more from less useful to animals according to Paragraph 5?
①It helps them enjoy more food.                           ②It helps them make more friends.
③It helps them stay safe from danger. ④It helps them get more treats.
【小题3】From the example of the pigeon in the last paragraph, we can infer(推断)that ________.
A.pigeons can only count up to threeB.pigeons learn to peck wood for treats
C.pigeons can continue pecking when stoppedD.pigeons are much smarter than we think
【小题4】The passage is mainly about ________ .
A.why some animals are good at countingB.how animals develop their basic math talents
C.animals’ ability to count and remember numbersD.the difference in the math talents between humans and animals
