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On February 9th, 2013, Sarah Darling was walking along the street when she met a homeless man named Billy Ray Harris. She reached into her purse, emptied out all the coins she had and gave them to the homeless man. Neither of them realized that this small act would change their lives.

Sarah didn’t realize that she had given Billy not only all her change but also her diamond ring (钻戒) that she had put in her purse earlier until the following morning. She and her husband, Bill Krejci, rushed to see if they could find Billy. The homeless man was not only in the same place, he also immediately returned the ring. The grateful couple paid him back for his honesty by emptying out their pockets of all the money they had.

Bill Krejci, a web designer, felt that he needed to do something more for this honest man. So on February 18th, he set up a special page to raise money for him. In just four days, Billy received over $85,000 and there seems to be no end yet.

That is not enough. Billy is living with a person who is generous (慷慨的) instead of living in the streets. And that’s not all—thanks to the news report, he got together again with his older brother, Edwin Harris, who he had been unable to find for 27 years.

All the good luck is just because Billy did the right thing—returning something that did not belong to him.

【小题1】What did the homeless man do when he found the diamond ring?
A.He sold it for money.B.He took it and ran away.
C.He gave it to the policeman.D.He returned it to the owner.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “that” refer to?
A.Living with a generous person.B.Receiving over $85,000.
C.Setting up a special page.D.Returning the ring.
【小题3】What can we learn from the passage?
A.A friend in need is a friend indeed.B.It is never too old to learn.
C.Helping others is helping ourselves.D.Two heads are better than one.
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Gillian Lynne never did well at school as a child. She couldn’t keep sitting quietly for long. Her mother was worried and took her to a doctor. For twenty minutes, the mother talked about the problems Gillian had at school. Finally, the doctor said to Gillian, “I need to speak to your mother privately (私下). Wait here, and we’ll be back soon.” Then the doctor turned on the radio on his desk. When they got out of the room, he said to Gillian’s mother, “Just stand here and watch her.” The minute they left the room, Gillian began to dance to the music.

They watched for a few minutes and the doctor said to the mother, “Mrs. Lynne, Gillian isn’t sick. She’s a dancer. Take her to a dance school.”

So she did. Gillian’s new dance school was full of people like her. They loved to move to think. Later Gillian went to the Royal Ballet School and became a great dancer. After leaving the school, she worked for some successful musicals (音乐剧).

It’s hard to believe that years ago, somebody would let her take medicine to keep quiet.

【小题1】Why did Gillian’s mother take her to a doctor?
A.Because she didn’t want to go to school.B.Because she wasn’t able to speak.
C.Because she couldn’t keep sitting quietly for long.D.Because she didn’t feel well.
【小题2】What did Gillian do after the doctor and her mother left?
A.She started to sing to the music loudly.B.She turned on the radio and listened to music.
C.She just stood there and watched her mother.D.She started to dance to the music on the radio.
【小题3】What was the doctor’s advice?
A.To let the girl watch some musicals.B.To let the girl take some medicine.
C.To find a new teacher for the girl.D.To send the girl to a dance school.
【小题4】The underlined word “she” refers to (指代) ______.
A.Mrs. LynneB.Gillian LynneC.the doctorD.a great dancer
【小题5】What can we learn from Gillian’s story?
A.The earlier we find problems, the better it will be.B.It is not easy to find out our true talents.
C.A doctor can tell us what our talents are.D.Parents are their children’s best teachers.

A young man with excellent grades wanted to get a job in a big company. He met the manager for the interview. The manager asked, “Who paid for your education?”

“My parents.” The young man replied.

“Where do they work?”

“They work as clothes cleaners.”

Then, the manager asked the young man to show his hands. He found the young man’s hands were so smooth, and asked, “Have you ever helped your parents wash the clothes?”


“Now go home and clean your parents’ hands, then see me tomorrow morning.”

The young man felt upset. When he got home, he asked his parents to let him clean their hands. They felt strange but happy. While the young man was cleaning their hands, he found his parents’ hands were so wrinkled (起皱的), and there were so many bruises (瘀伤) in their hands. His tears fell. After cleaning his parents’ hands, he quietly washed all the rest of clothes.

The next morning, he went to the manager’s office. The manager asked him, “Can you tell me what you did and learned yesterday in your house?” He told the manager all he did with tears in his eyes and added, “Now I know what appreciation (感激) is. Without my parents, I would not be who I am today... By helping my parents, I realize how much they’ve done for me. And I also realize the importance and value of helping one’s family.”

The manager smiled and said, “This is what I’m looking for.”

【小题1】Why did the young man meet the manager?
A.Because the manager was his friend.
B.Because the manager needed his help.
C.Because he wanted to find a job.
【小题2】What did the young man’s parents do?
A.Street cleaners.B.Clothes cleaners.C.Factory workers.
【小题3】What did the manager ask the young man to do after going home?
A.To wash the clothes.B.To talk with his parents.C.To clean his parents’ hands.
【小题4】What can we infer (推断) from the last paragraph?
A.The young man got the job.
B.The young man failed the interview.
C.The manager laughed at the young man.
【小题5】What does the text mainly tell us?
A.We should face difficulties bravely.
B.We should learn to be thankful.
C.It’s hard to get a job in a big company.

One day, two boys were fighting badly over a toy. Their father saw this. He pulled (拉) them apart, and said, “Did you know how the hunter caught monkeys long ago? The hunter would put a small-neck jar (小口颈的罐子) on the ground. Then, inside the jar, he would put the monkeys’ favorite food.”

As the children listened carefully, the father went on, “The hunter would hide somewhere, waiting for monkeys to come over.”

“When a monkey found the jar,” the father said, “it would reach inside jar, take the food, and try to pull it out. But here’s the clever part: The small-neck jar stopped the monkey from getting its hand out without giving up the food.”

“No matter how hard the monkey pulled,” the father continued, “it couldn’t free its hand without letting go of the food. But do you know what happened next?”

The children shook their heads, asking, “What?”

The father said, “The monkey always refused to let go. It held onto the food, never giving up.”

One child asked, “What happened to the monkey, Dad?”

With a smile, the father said, “The hunter would then come over and catch the monkey, my dear. So, my little sons, remember this story. In life, you must choose your battles (战斗) wisely. Know when to give up, when to move on, and when to let go of whatever is holding you back. Just like the monkey, sometimes, it’s better to give up and find a better way to reach your dreams.”

【小题1】What were the boys doing before their father told the story?
A.They were reading books.
B.They were fighting.
C.They were sleeping.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “hunter” mean in Chinese?
【小题3】Why did the hunter use a small-neck jar?
A.To make the jar look like it was full of food.
B.To help the monkey get the food easily.
C.To stop the monkey from taking the food away easily.
【小题4】What happened to the monkey at the end of the story?
A.It found a better way to eat the food.
B.It let go of the food and ran away.
C.The hunter caught it.
【小题5】What does the story want to tell us?
A.To know when to let go.
B.To fight for what you want.
C.To hold onto things whatever happens
