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In honor of Fire Safety Week, here are some fire-safety tips for you to follow:

【小题1】 play with matches or lighters.

◆Ask your parents to make sure your home has smoke detectors and a fire extinguisher.

◆Make a plan for 【小题2】 yourself in case of fire. Learn two ways out of every room. Pick a spot outside where your family will meet. Practice!

◆If there is a fire in your home, get out 【小题3】and stay out! Use a neighbor’s phone to call for help.

◆Find a route out of the building that is free from smoke (烟雾) and flames. If you have to go through a smoky area to escape, crawl (爬) on your hands and 【小题4】. The air near the floor will be cooler and less smoky.

◆If your clothes catch fire, don’t be 【小题5】. Drop to the ground and roll back and forth to put out the flames.

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serious   allow   that   in   they   what   accident   if   avoid   danger   solve   on

Playgrounds in schools and parks are usually built to be safe enough. Most of the safety rules were created 【小题1】 the 1980s after a few accidents happened on playgrounds. Some children were hurt 【小题2】 in these accidents, which worried their parents a lot. Parents thought 【小题3】 the playgrounds weren’t safe enough and the owners of the playgrounds had to pay much money to those parents. After that, schools and cities began changing playgrounds to make 【小题4】 as safe as possible.

But safe playgrounds have not really made a difference in the accidents. In fact, there have been more 【小题5】. Kids still get hurt often. Some experts (专家) believe that this is because children can learn to be careful only when they are in danger. Some 【小题6】 things can teach them to know about how to keep safe. When children have small accidents they learn how to 【小题7】 worse accidents. If children are 【小题8】 to take some risks, they can become confident and independent. They can also get better at 【小题9】 problems in different situations.

Many experts also believe that “safe” playgrounds are too boring. They say that 【小题10】 playgrounds are more challenging and exciting, kids will probably get more exercise. In some way, it is good for their health.
