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Good For you
About a quarter of the people who volunteered (志愿服务) in the last 12 months say that volunteering has helped them to manage a chronic (慢性的) illnesses.
76% of people who volunteered in the last twelve months say that volunteering makes them feel stronger.

94% of people who volunteered in the last twelve months say that volunteering makes them happier.

96% say that volunteering makes their life helpful and it is good for society (社会).

95% say that they are helping to make their community a better place.

80% of people who volunteered in the last 12 months say that they feel they have a better feeling in health.

78% of people who volunteered in the last 12 months say that volunteering helps them feel less upset.
【小题1】The main purpose of the text is to show ________.
A.volunteering is good for youB.most people want to volunteer
C.volunteering is good for studyD.many people volunteered last year
【小题2】How many people think volunteering makes them feel stronger?
【小题3】What do 96% of volunteers think of what they’re doing?
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE about volunteering?
A.96% say that volunteering makes them happier.
B.94% say that volunteering helps them feel less upset.
C.95% say that volunteering makes their life meaningful.
D.80% say that they feel they have a better feeling in health.
【小题5】In which section of a newspaper would you probably read the text?
知识点:志愿服务说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
Here are some ideas for you on how to help others through volunteering.
When people get older, it becomes harder to do many things, from walking to the store to doing the housework. Old people living alone can also feel lonely. As a volunteer, you can do a lot to help the old in your neighborhood. You could visit them and help them with their housework.
Many people with disabilities need help. You could volunteer to read books to the blind or deliver (递送) something for people who can’t get around too well.
There are lots of volunteer jobs to do in hospitals and health care centers. As a volunteer, you can make beds, deliver flowers and gifts, help serve meals, and do lots of other important jobs.
Some families don’t have enough money to buy food and clothes for their kids. Some people don’t have place to live at all. To help these people as a volunteer, you can give clothes, food or money to, or raise money for, a charity (慈善机构).
Sometimes people need more help when the holidays come. Holidays are happy, but for people who are alone or unlucky, they can be a lonely, hard time. As a volunteer, you can deliver holiday dinners to less lucky people, visit the lonely old people and serve food to the homeless.
A.Helping poor families
B.Helping the disabled
C.Helping during holidays
D.Helping your old neighbors
E.Doing the hospital work

Volunteering means spending some of your free time helping others. You may volunteer to help other people, but you can also volunteer to do something good for animals, the environment or other things that you care about. Volunteering can help others, and it can also help yourself. If you are worried about something that’s happened, doing something about it can be a great way to deal with your feelings. Volunteering can help you see your own life in new ways. Sometimes it’s easy to worry about stuff like grades or get annoyed because you don’t have the most expensive shoes or the newest computer game. Volunteering lets you spend some time focusing on others.

Doing volunteer work is a great way to have fun with your family. Here are some ideas on how you can do the work together:

☆Clean up a park or a road along a river.

☆Do some housework for the elderly or the sick.

☆Serve food at a shelter for the homeless.

☆Plant trees or flowers in your neighborhood.

☆Clean up a school or other public buildings.

Now some schools ask kids to spend some time helping others. Volunteering can make kids feel needed by some people. Volunteering can also help kids to learn important things about themselves. A volunteer job can even help kids to understand what to do when they grow up. So what are you waiting for?

【小题1】What does volunteering mean according to the passage?
A.It means giving more money to the poor.
B.It means sending more books to the children in mountain areas.
C.It means spending some of your free time helping others.
D.It means spending all of your time helping other people.
【小题2】Doing volunteer work can help you to ________.
A.see your own life in new waysB.take breaks in your spare time
C.know more great peopleD.spend some time on yourself
【小题3】As a volunteer, you can do some housework for ________.
A.parentsB.the elderly or the sickC.friendsD.the homeless
【小题4】Why does the writer write this passage?
A.To tell people what volunteering is.B.To tell people how to do volunteer work.
C.To call on more people to help the disabled.D.To call on more people to take part in volunteering.

Kelly could hardly believe that she had been so stupid! At lunchtime in a busy sandwich bar, she had hung her bag on the back of her chair. Seconds later, the bag had gone, and her mobile phone, her money, her bank cards and her keys had gone with it. Luckily, she was with her friend, Anna.

Using Anna’s phone, Kelly was able to call the bank and the phone company at once. The thief would not be able to use her cards or her phone, at least!

Back at the office, Kelly began to feel better. At least six people asked if they could lend her some money. At teatime, three workmates competed to pay for her tea.

There was one more difficulty. Kelly’s bicycle was locked. Unless she could unlock it, she would not be able to get home that night. She asked Tom if he could help. Tom appeared with a big bag of tools. He tried every tool in the bag, but couldn’t cut or break the lock. There was only one solution.

Kelly rang the fire station. Four minutes later, a red fire-engine pulled up outside the building. Some handsome young firemen freed Kelly’s bicycle

As she rode home, Kelly thought, “For every one thief in London, there are thousands of common, kind people!”

【小题1】What happened to Kelly?
A.Her bag was stolen
B.She ran out of her money.
C.Her bike was broken.
D.She lost her way in a big city
【小题2】What does underlined word “solution” mean in the Paragraph 4?
【小题3】Which is the right order according to the passage?
① Kelly couldn’t get home because her bike was locked
② Kelly called the fire station and asked for help
③ Kelly called the bank and the phone company
④ Tom couldn’t unlock Kelly’s bike
⑤ Some firemen came and helped her free the bike
【小题4】How might Kelly feel that day?
A.Upset and afraid
B.Lucky but bored
C.Unlucky but warm
D.Happy and excited
