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Today let’s talk something about weather. In 【小题1】 (we) country, different places have different weather. In Harbin, the weather is always very cold in winter. 【小题2】 in Hainan, the weather is very warm in winter and it is also very hot in summer. The weather in Kunming is very good all 【小题3】 time. You can visit it at 【小题4】 (some) time.

In London, the weather changes (改变) very often. You can see a 【小题5】 (sun) day in the morning, but then a rainy or a cloudy day one or two 【小题6】 (hour) later. People often 【小题7】 (talk) about the weather there. They often talk to you, “If you don’t like the weather, it doesn’t matter. Just wait! It will change 【小题8】 a minute.”

        Now people are able 【小题9】 (do) many things about weather. It’s called man-made weather. We 【小题10】 (wish) one day we can decide (决定) the weather.
知识点:描绘天气城市 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Wintertime is c【小题1】. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, November, December, January and F【小题2】 are winter months. They include six solar terms (节气): lidong (beginning of winter), xiaoxue (light snow), daxue (heavy snow), dongzhi (winter solstice), xiaohan (lesser cold) and dahan (greater cold).

Winter b【小题3】 at lidong (Nov 7-8), after it, most parts of the country can start to expect (盼望) cold weather. On this day, after a year of hard work, people are happy to take a break and s【小题4】 some time with family. Chinese in the north celebrate lidong as the "Small Spring Festival' People have dumplings and eat mutton (羊肉) soup.

Xiaoxue (Nov 22-23) and daxue (Dec 6-8) come after lidong. During xiaoxue, northern China can expect snow and t【小题5】 slowly falls below 0℃. Daxue means even more snow and much colder days.

When dongzhi (Dec 21-23) comes, it brings the s【小题6】 days of the year and the longest nights. Many places around the country can expect the coldest weather. Ancient (古代的) Chinese would often start counting “nine cold periods” (数九寒天) starting from dongzhi. E【小题7】 cold period has nine days. They believed that after 81 cold days, spring would a【小题8】. Xiaohan (Jan 4-6) usually brings the coldest weather of the year. There may be strong winds.

F【小题9】, during dahan (Jan 19-21), the weather fills the fields with snow. All Chinese are ready to welcome the Chinese New Year after dahan. Spring Festival, C【小题10】 most important festival, falls at this time. After that, a new round of solar terms will start.
