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The moon is the earth’s closest neighbor. It is the brightest object in the night sky. Scientists have studied the moon for thousands of years.

The moon is about 4.5 billion years old. It is made of rocks. It is covered with craters (火山口). They were made when objects hit the moon’s surface.

The moon has no weather. That means there is no wind or rain. Footprints (脚印) left by astronauts could last billions of years.

The moon has eight phases (月相). Once a month, we see a full moon. Sometimes we can’t see a full moon at all. The shape we see depends on how the earth, the sun, and the moon line up.

Only 12 people have walked on the moon. U.S. astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first one in 1969. He took a photo of Edwin Aldrin.

【小题1】Scientists have studied the moon for 4.5 billion years.
【小题2】Many objects hit the moon.
【小题3】There is no wind or rain on the moon.
【小题4】Edwin Aldrin took a photo of Neil Armstrong on the moon in 1969.
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Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” is a popular song for children. But have you ever wondered why the stars twinkle? I’m afraid many adults don’t understand this question, let’s unlock the mystery of the stars!

When we look up to the sky on a clear, dark night, our eyes can see about 6,000 stars in the sky. Some stars look like they are always twinkling and winkling. They are very beautiful. In fact, most of the stars are shining with a steady(稳定的) light. Not all stars twinkle. The stars that twinkle are generally stars. In addition to the Sun, the nearest star to the Earth, the neighboring star(比邻星), is also more than 4 light years away from Earth. Because the distance is too far, the stars we see are only a small point. Also, from the distant star travels a long way through the atmosphere(大气) down to us on Earth. At the same time, the air is moving in the atmosphere of Earth. The movement of air causes the starlight to get slightly bent. To our eyes, this makes the star twinkle. You will notice that stars closer to the horizon appear to twinkle more than other stars. This is because there is more atmosphere between you and a star near the horizon. However, there is no atmosphere in space to make the stars seem to twinkle. That’s why the Hubble telescope(哈勃望远镜), which is in space, can take such clear pictures of other galaxies(星系).

Go out tonight and take a look at the stars twinkling in the sky!
【小题1】On a clear, dark night, our eves can see ________ stars in the sky.
A.less than 6,000B.more than 6,000
C.around 6,000D.not mentioned in the article
【小题2】According to the article, most stars are shining with a ________ light.
【小题3】What makes stars seem to twinkle?
A.Air on Earth.
B.The movement of air in the atmosphere of Earth.
C.The long distance between stars and Earth.
D.The movement of stars.
【小题4】Why can the Hubble telescope take clear pictures of other galaxies?
A.Because stars twinkle in space.B.Because air is not moving in space.
C.Because the telescope is close to stars.D.Because there is no atmosphere in space.
【小题5】Which is the best title of this passage?
A.What do stars look like?B.Which song do children like best?
C.How to observe the stars from Earth?D.Why are many stars so dim at night?

For thousands of years, humans have explored (探索) the Earth. Nowadays, we are exploring space. Astronomers (天文学家) are the modern day explorers. Now, many astronomers are looking for new planets and new places for humans to live in the future. But where do astronomers start looking?

First of all, astronomers look for a star. That's because our own Earth moves around a star (the Sun).More importantly, it is the correct distance (距离) from the Sun for heat and light. So when astronomers have found the star, they look at the planets around it. In recent years, astronomers have found nearly 400 new planets with stars. However, many of these planets are either too near the star or too far away.

However, if the planet is in a good position, astronomers look for three key things: water, air and rock. Water is important because all life needs water. Humans can drink it and also grow plants with water. And plants produce air for humans to breathe and food to eat. Rock on a planet is also important. That’s because there is often water under the rock.

After many years of scrutinizing, astronomers have found a planet that is similar to the Earth. It’s Gliese 581g and it’s near a star. The astronomers think it has water and rock and the average (平均) temperature is between-31°C and-12°C. That’s cold, but not colder than Antarctica or the Arctic Circle, for example. Gliese 581g is bigger than the Earth. A year on Gliese 581g is only 37 Earth days instead of 365.But astronomers do not think these are big differences and some of them think Gliese 581g will be a new Earth. However, Gliese 581g is twenty light years from the Earth.

【小题1】What do astronomers have to find first before starting to look for a new place for humans to live?
A.A new star.B.A new planet.C.Some heat.D.Some light.
【小题2】What does the rock on a planet tell us?
A.The star is in a right position.
B.We may discover water under it.
C.The planet is too near to the Sun.
D.There can be air around the rock.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “scrutinizing” mean in the last paragraph?
【小题4】What’s the main idea of the text?
A.Gliese 581g is already a new Earth.
B.There are planets similar to our Earth.
C.Water, air and rock are important.
D.Astronomers are looking for a new Earth.
【小题5】Where does the passage probably come from?
A.A storybook.B.A travel guide.C.A film poster.D.A science magazine.

The idea of life in outer space has been talked about for a long time. Some scientists say that life development on Earth was far too unlikely for it to have happened anywhere else. Things had to be perfect for us to make it on this planet.

Other scientists say that space is too big. Stars and other planets are far too numerous for there to be no other life in the universe.

For many years, there have been reports of visitors from other planets. People all around the world have claimed to see alien spaceships or even aliens themselves.

There have been glimpses of these so-called UFOs (unidentified flying objects) flying through the air and they have even ben captured on video. Some Americans believe that the U.S. Army found an alien spaceship crashed in the desert and then lied to the press about it. Although these sightings may be true, scientists have not found significant evidence that aliens exist.

If you go out into the countryside on a clear night and look up, you can see thousands of stars. Those stars make up a tiny part of our universe. There are more stars, planets, and galaxies than we can count. Even the smartest scientists can’t even come close to defining how big space is. The number of possible stars and planets out there is bigger than our ability to count. If we are really on the only planet that can sustain life, then we are very special in a universe full of amazing things.

【小题1】What have some people claimed about aliens?
A.Aliens often appear in dreams.B.They have encountered aliens.
C.Aliens are extremely dangerous.D.Aliens are always kidnapping people.
【小题2】Why does the author mention “reports of visitors from other planets”?
A.To give an example of people who do not believe in science.
B.To explain why scientists are not interested in studying aliens.
C.To raise the issue of whether or not we are alone in the universe.
D.To inform people that a spaceship crashed in the American desert.
【小题3】What can be inferred about finding aliens?
A.It’s not possible yet.B.It’s already been done.
C.Aliens can be found in the USA.D.Scientists already know the truth.
【小题4】What would be the best title for this passage?
A.Visitors from Faraway PlanetsB.The Life and Times of an Alien Life
C.The Mysterious Crash Landing in AmericaD.The Possibility of Life on Other Worlds
【小题5】What is the genre of the article?
