任务型阅读-多任务混合 适中0.65 引用1 组卷28
阅读短文,用英文填空或回答问题 (请注意每小题的词数要求)。

“On the first day of 2024, I saw the snows of Kilimanjaro (乞力马扎罗山),” said Xu Zhuoyuan, a 17-year-old mountain climber from Hunan.

Xu’s mountain climbing journey began on a family trip to Xizang and Sichuan four years ago. Passing by Mount Siguniang in Sichuan, she enjoyed its beauty and decided to try climbing it. She fell in love with mountain climbing right then and there.

For the next few years, Xu did hard training. She went to climb peaks (山峰) over 5,000 meters and doing daily physical exercise like running, swimming and bike riding. All that hard work got her ready for the big challenges she would face on Kilimanjaro.

Above 4,000 meters on Mount Kilimanjaro, the weather is similar to a desert, with big temperature differences. The whole climb took seven days, and staying warm and avoiding heat loss (损失) were the main challenges. Xu had to keep an eye on the temperature and change her clothes when the temperature changed.

During this experience, Xu was climbing with Xia Boyu, the first Chinese climber who reached the top of Mount Qomolangma with a prosthetic (假肢的) leg. “Every time I felt like giving up, just seeing Xia was enough to inspire me. He still kept going although he was having bloodied (流血的) legs from his prosthesis,” Xu said.

Looking ahead, Xu has set great goals for herself. She plans to climb the highest peak on each of the seven continents (大陆) and visit the North and South Poles by the time she’s 18. That’s her “7+2 program”.

【小题1】The passage mainly tells the story of a young ______ ______ named Xu Zhuoyuan. (一空一词)
【小题2】To prepare for big challenges, Xu did daily physical exercise like ______________. (6个词以内)
【小题3】Xu ______________ (列举两项,10个词以内) to stay warm and avoid heat loss.
【小题4】According to paragraph 5, why could Xia Boyu inspire Xu when she felt like giving up?
____________________________________________________________________________ (10个词以内)
【小题5】What do you think of Xu Zhouyuan? Why?
___________________________________________________________________________ (20个词以内)
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If you dream of becoming a spaceman after you grow up, get started now! A spaceman needs a strong body and mind. See here what spacemen are able to do. They have many abilities that may make you amazed. Do you still have a long way to go?
Spacemen are able to live upside down (头朝下地). They do this not just during sleep, but also when eating and going to the toilet. Before they fly into space, they have lots of practice. Each upside-down training time lasts for 20 days.
Spacemen aren’t just spaceship drivers but also machine repairers and scientists. They have to know every part of the spaceship and how it works. If something goes wrong, they must know how to make it work again. Also they do scientific experiments in space.
Spacemen know how to live in the wild. They take a knife, a gun and some dye (染料) with them into space. If they land in forests, the knife and gun can protect them from wild animals. If they fall into the sea, the dye can colour the sea water around them yellow. This can help people find them easily on the sea.
Spacemen can’t get dizzy (眩晕的). A spaceship is not a plane. When it goes up, the extra gravity force can break people’s bones. Spacemen must have strong bodies for this. They can’t get a headache or be sick. With many things to take care of, they’ve got no time for sickness.
After you have read the passage, please answer the following questions:
【小题1】Can spacemen both drive and repair the spaceship?

【小题2】How many skills that spacemen should have are mentioned in this passage?

【小题3】Do you want to be a spaceman when you grow up? Why or why not?
