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The sunlit Censer Peak exhales a wreath of cloud;

Like an upended stream the cataract sounds loud.

Its torrent dashes down three thousand feet from high;

As if the Silver River fell from azure sky.

—by Li Bai (translated by Xu Yuanchong)

Inspired by the beautiful view of Censer Peak (香炉峰), Li Bai wrote this famous poem. But do you know Censer Peak really looks like an incense burner (香炉)?

The incense burner, an important part of Chinese incense culture, can date back to thousands of years ago. It is not only a tool in religion (宗教), but also widely used in people’s daily life. For example, it is often placed in the hall or on the desk in the study, because the smoke from the incense burner can purify the air, calm the mind and relax our body.

________ It is usually made from different materials. The shapes and designs are also quite different. They show the colorful cultures and beauty of China. Each design has its own story, giving us a look into Chinese art. Ancient people of different dynasties had their own favorite incense burners. For example, people in Han Dynasty liked Boshan burners the most. While the gold and silver burners in the shape of balls were the most popular in Tang Dynasty, for they were easy to carry with. And in Ming Dynasty, people preferred burners with two handles.

The Chinese incense burner has been developing since Shang Dynasty. Modern incense burners keep the Chinese elements as well as adding modern creativity, combining (结合) tradition with fashion together. With a symbolization of good luck and wealth, they are often used as gifts sent to foreign friends.

China, a country with a long history, is well-known for its different kinds of traditional art forms. Among them, the Chinese incense burner must have a place because of its special beauty.

【小题1】Why does the writer begin the passage with Li Bai’s poem?
A.To explain facts.B.To give opinions.
C.To lead in the topic.D.To express disagreement.
【小题2】Which burner is the most popular in Tang Dynasty?
【小题3】Which of the following can be put in the _______?
A.Each incense burner is an artwork.
B.Each incense burner has a long history.
C.Round incense burners attract many people.
D.Without doubt, the incense burner is important.
【小题4】What’s the best title for this passage?
A.The Influence of Chinese Incense Burners
B.The Development of Chinese Incense Burners
C.Chinese Incense Burners—The Best Gift
D.Chinese Incense Burners—A Cultural Treasure
知识点:中华文化说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

①Nobody likes to be sick. Nowadays many children go to the doctor to get medicine when they are sick. In ancient China, they also had doctors. But instead of treating a person after they were already sick, the Chinese believed that preventing an illness before it started was the key to one’s health.

②Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a long history of more than 5,000 years. It is a summary of the experience of the working people over many centuries of struggle against diseases. TCM considers human body as a whole of QI, XING and SHEN. The ideas of YIN-YANG and WU XING are important for TCM. WU XING refers to five basic things in the nature, that is, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

③One important part of TCM is Yin-Yang. The Yin-Yang symbol means balance. Hold your hand out with your palm (手掌) up. This side of your hand is the Yin side. The back of your hand is the Yang side. They are opposites, but need each other to be complete. Yin is connected with night while Yang stands for day. The symbol of Yin-Yang shows how balance is important in life and in the body.

④Another important part of TCM is chi. It is life force energy. In ancient Chinese medicine, it is believed that chi flows through the body. If chi is unbalanced or blocked, a person may become sick.

⑤How does Traditional Chinese Medicine work? How is Yin-Yang and chi balances? One way is through acupuncture (针灸), which is the way to unblock chi with the use of thin needles (针). The needles are put into the skin along points on the body where chi is blocked.

【小题1】What’s the main thought of Traditional Chinese Medicine?
A.Getting medicine.B.Preventing an illness.
C.Going to a doctor.D.Treating a sick person.
【小题2】What can we know about Yin-Yang?
A.It is something about life force energy.
B.It means five basic things in the nature.
C.Yang is a little more important than Yin.
D.Yin and Yang are opposite but connected.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “points” mean in the last paragraph?
【小题4】Which of the following shows the structure(结构) of the text?
【小题5】What can we learn from the text?
A.Keeping balance is important in our body.
B.We should spread traditional Chinese culture.
C.We’d better take medicine on time if we are sick.
D.Difference between the western medicine and TCM.

①The tradition of keeping singing and fighting crickets (蟋蟀) was from ancient (古代) time and ancient people handed it down to the present day.

②Cricket Culture in China has a 2000-year history. Before Tang Dynasty, people only liked the crickets’ wonderful singing. During Tang Dynasty, the Emperor’s (皇帝) family took crickets to bed to hear their singing during the night. Other people thought it was a wonderful hobby and followed. In Song Dynasty, cricket fighting became a popular sport. People in the city and village all collected crickets with great interest every summer.

③Although some simply enjoyed crickets’ beautiful singing, for most cricket keepers in the past, fighting was the final goal.

④“Cricket fighting in ancient time was really exciting!” said Zhou Jisheng, a historian on cricket culture. “Before putting the crickets in one box, people would weigh them and match them up according to size, weight, and color. ”

⑤Usually, the fight could finish in a few minutes. But for some strong crickets, it might last half an hour or even 45 minutes.

⑥“The two crickets bit each other with their jaws (颌). Sometimes, they might lose their legs in the fight, but they still jumped and bit until death,” Zhou said. “They were real warriors (勇士).”

⑦A cricket fight in China was just like a bullfight in Spain, but why did this small animal become a big success with ancient Chinese people?

⑧Some history experts think that ancient Chinese took the singing crickets as good luck, and the coming of crickets meant wealth would come to the family. As crickets fighting got more popular in Song Dynasty, people began sending thousands of their best crickets to the emperor as gifts. Then painters, poets, musicians, and politicians all followed the emperor’s lead and began to keep crickets as pets.

【小题1】We may read the passage in the ________ part of a magazine.
【小题2】The writer uses the words of Zhou Jisheng in Paragraph 6 to show ________.
A.how to organize a cricket fighting competition
B.how exciting a cricket fighting competition was
C.a cricket should be very strong if it wanted to win
D.real warriors were brave and would fight to death
【小题3】According to the passage, we learn that ________.
A.cricket fighting was popular in Tang Dynasty
B.the larger crickets can usually win the game
C.people still think crickets can bring good luck
D.ancient people liked to follow the emperor’s lead
【小题4】The structure (结构) of the passage is ________.

Many Chinese words have directions in them and there is lots of history hidden behind.

East and West

When going shopping, Chinese people say “maidongxi”. One theory (说法) says that in the Tang Dynasty, there were two popular markets, the East Market and the West Market, in Chang’an. When shopping, people usually went to the East Market first, and then went to the West Market. As time went by, people started to describe (描述) shopping as “maidongxi”.

Left or right

In Chinese, we say “yijianxiangzuo” (意见相左) when we have different opinions. Why is it not “yijianxiangyou”?

Most people are right-handed. They feel uncomfortable if they use their left hand to write. So in ancient Chinese, “left” means being different. If people don’t accept (接受) common beliefs, we say they are following “pangmenzuodao” (旁门左道).

“Left” and “right” also have something to do with people’s social status (地位). In ancient China, “right” can mean higher status than “left”. For example, the character “佑” means a person in a higher status would protect (保护) someone in a lower status.

Up or down

We use “shangcesuo” to mean “go to the bathroom” and “xiachufang” to mean go to the kitchen. Why?

In ancient times, the gate of the house would face south, with the bathroom in the northeastern part of the house and the kitchen in the southeastern part. On maps, north is usually at the top. So we talk about the north as “shang” and the south as “xia”. People would say they were going up to the bathroom and down to the kitchen.

“Shang” and “xia” also show social status. For example, “huangshang” (皇上) means the emperor and “dianxia” (殿下) means the princes who had a lower status than the emperor.

【小题1】People use “left” to show ________.
a. difference b. protection c. different directions d. low status
【小题2】What was an ancient house like in China?
【小题3】Which of the following sentences is TRUE?
A.In the Tang Dynasty people usually went to the West Market first.
B.The princes have the same social status as emperors in ancient China.
C.Most people feel uncomfortable if they use their left hand to write.
D.People will have low status if they don’t accept common beliefs.
【小题4】Which Chinese phrase shows the cultural meaning of Chinese words mentioned in the passage?
