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Endless in art

       Fanhua, in different regions in China, has different names such as line flower and flower drum. Pu Songling of the Qing dynasty described it as Jiaoxian (交线) in Liaozhaizhiyi. The tool used in the flower rope is very simple, only a rope. One person can play, or two people can play. Through two hands, the flower rope can be turned into a variety of patterns, such as animals, plants and a variety of daily necessities. So it’s full of fun.


       As long as there is a thin bamboo strip, a thin handle, with a strong spin (旋转), it will fly up. This is the bamboo dragonfly. The bamboo dragonfly began in the Jin dynasty. Its principle is related to jiang and lu, which have been for more than 4, 000 years in China. It was later introduced to Europe, inspiring the birth of a modern helicopter.

Lost childlike interest

       Tiaofangzi, also called hopscotch, is one of the traditional Chinese folk sports games. It was once loved by most of the children. In the 1950s and 1980s, children played it in some children’s playgrounds, parks and elementary school playgrounds. As long as there is a chalk or a branch, children will draw nine “hopscotch” on the ground, and then play together. Now, because of modern electronic products, especially mobile phones, children are gradually far away from it.

【小题1】In which SECTION of the newspaper can we read the news?
【小题2】By mentioning Pu Songling, the writer mainly wants to tell us ________.
A.the stories in his bookB.the history of Fanhua
C.the fun of the gameD.the tool of Fanhua
【小题3】The best heading for the second piece of news would be ________.
A.Show the WorldB.Inspiration from the Old
C.Learn from ChinaD.Principle of the Dragonfly
【小题4】What’s the writer’s attitude towards the modern electronic products?
【小题5】What can we infer from those toys?
A.Traditional Chinese toys are helpful for children to grow up happily.
B.Children can know more about Chinese culture while playing with the toys.
C.Traditional Chinese toys are welcomed by foreign children.
D.We can create many modern products from the toys.
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Have you been finding yourself in hot water with just about everyone in your life? Have your parents got angry with you because you didn’t clean up your room even after they had repeatedly told you to do so? Have your teachers been criticizing you for not handing in your homework on time? Maybe you are even in trouble with yourself. Are you yawning (打哈欠) all the time? Do the things that used to interest you no longer make you feel good?

Did you answer “yes” to some or even all of these questions? Do you consider yourself to be a gamer? If so, then maybe it’s time to turm off your computer and read this article carefully.

More and more study has proved that too much gaming can change your brain structure (构造). It can also lead to some physical illnesses that will remain with you for a lifetime. Your love for games is taking away your freedom to control your own future. This is not a joke!

Luckily, there are ways for you to help yourself so that you can start feeling good about your life again. The first step is to accept that you’ve got a problem. You can say this to your friends. Next, spend some time learning about what is happening inside your brain as a result of too much gaming. Think about how you feel when you are playing your favorite games. As soon as you win a round, do your hands move to start a new game without you even thinking about it? This is a clear sign of addiction (上瘾) — a brain disease.

In order to fight this disease, you may have to give up playing a particular game. Limit the amount of time you spend on gaming (the new national rules may be just what you need). You can also get help from your friends. They can, for example, help you to take up some new hobbies.

The teen brain is very flexible: it can repair itself. The key, however, is whether you are willing enough to give the chance to do so.

It is time to click “____*____”.

【小题1】What is the underlined phrase “in hot water with” in the passage similar to?
A.get into trouble withB.have fun with
C.be popular withD.be honest with
【小题2】According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A.A good gamer doesn’t have a clear sign of addiction.
B.Too much gaming can cause some lifelong illnesses.
C.The love for games can help you control your future.
D.Once you have a game addiction, it can’t be cured.
【小题3】Who is the article probably written for?
【小题4】Which is the best choice for “__*___” in the last sentence?
A.BackB.StartC.Quit (退出)D.Update (更新)

Children’s games in ancient China

During ancient times, children didn’t have smart phones, iPads or computers to entertain them. Instead, they came up with interesting games to play in their childhood. Let’s take a look.

Playing hide-and-seek
Hide-and-seek is a traditional game for children, popular around the nation. There are two ways to play: covering a child’s eyes while other kids run around to play a trick on him or more commonly, others hide and one child must try to find them.        

Setting off firecrackers (鞭炮)
Firecrackers have a history of more than 2, 000 years. It is said that there was a beast (野兽) named Nian in ancient China, and people burnt bamboo joints (竹节) to make them blast (爆炸) to drive away the beast. After gunpowder which is one of the four ancient Chinese inventions was invented, it gradually replaced the bamboo joints. Nowadays, firecrackers are still set off during Spring Festival.

Watching shadow plays
The most similar thing to watching a film during ancient times was going to see a shadow play. The artists controlled puppets (木偶) behind the screen to make the puppets move like people and tell stories. People liked listening to the music and enjoyed the beautiful puppets.

Kicking stone balls
During the Qing Dynasty (1644—1911), kicking a stone ball around was a popular sport in the northern part of China, and it was often played in the winter to keep warm. Stones were cut into small balls and kicked along with feet.

【小题1】How can hide-and-seek be played?
A.One hides and others try to find.B.One covers a child’s eyes and others run.
C.One tries to find and others hide.D.One runs and others try to catch.
【小题2】________ has something to do with the four ancient Chinese inventions.
A.Hide-and-seekB.FirecrackersC.Shadow playsD.Stone balls
【小题3】According to the passage, the game of kicking a stone ball was ________.
A.often played with hands
B.played to get the body warm
C.has the longest history of the four games.
D.popular in the 18th century in southern China
【小题4】From the passage we can learn that ________.
A.people burnt bamboo joints to welcome the beast
B.the puppets could move like people with the artists’ controlling
C.kicking a stone ball was a popular game before the Qing Dynasty
D.all the children must cover their eyes while playing hide-and-seek
【小题5】Where is the passage probably from?
A.A travel guide.B.A news website.
C.A culture magazine.D.A science report.

Playing video games from breakfast to bedtime might sound lazy. But some students did this to help fight the novel coronavirus (新冠病毒).

In early June, three 18-year old students from The Shipley School in Pennsylvania, US, hosted a 24-hour livestreaming (直播) event during which they played the popular video game Fortnite. They didn’t play for fun, but for a good cause—to raise money for nurses batting the coronavirus. The cash came from viewers who would donate to them. They livestreamed the games they played with competitor from around the planet.

Jack Robinson came up with the idea, as he has “seen nurses sacrificing (牺牲) their lives for their communities”. “We want to make a difference from the confines (范围) of our homes,” he said.

Robinson was joined by Luke Grayum and James Heckscher. Their school encourages its students to give hack to their communities. Students are required to perform charitable (慈善的) work. Robinson has built houses in Costa Rica and cleaned Los Angeles beaches. Heckscher tutors (辅导) students and collects toiletries (洗漱用品) for the homeless. Grayum ran 70 miles to raise funds to help low-income people and volunteers at a food pantry (食品储藏室).

This year, because of the COVID 19 pandemic, they had to do something from home. They turned to livestreaming video games. They chose Fortnite because it is free and has a big audience. The three competed as a team, but also allowed other players to join them. Their school headmaster, Michael Turner, even partnered with them.

They hoped to bring in (赚得) as much as 2,000 dollars (about 13,400 yuan). But in the end they raised more than 3,500 dollars. All of the money was donated to the American Nurses Association.

【小题1】Heckscher ran 70 miles to raise funds to help low-income people.
【小题2】Their school headmaster played with them.
【小题3】They chose Fortnite because it is free and has a big audience.
【小题4】They don’t allow other players to join them.
