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Bullying (欺凌) can happen to anyone. Many children around the world are bullied every year, but there are things that can be done to help.

What is bullying?

Bullying is when someone makes you feel bad or hurts you again and again. Bullying can happen at school, out of school and online. Bullying includes:

·calling people mean (恶意的) names

·laughing at people

·telling lies about people

·taking someone’s things without permission (允许)

·not letting someone play in a group

·hitting people.

What is cyberbullying (网络欺凌)?

Cyberbullying includes:

·sending bad messages online

·sharing photos online without permission

·not letting someone be part of an online group

·spreading lies online.

What can you do?

If someone is not kind to you, tell an adult that you know and like. For example, talk to a parent or a teacher. If you get bad messages, don’t reply. You should save them and give them to your teacher, your family, or the police. Ask an adult for help. Don’t share something before you make sure it is true. That will help stop the cyberbullying. Talk to your parents or teacher or an adult if you see bullying or if you are worried about a friend. Say sorry if you are not kind to someone. You can write a message or talk to the person. And always remember: think about how to be kind in the future.

For more information, visit our home page at www.kidsworld.com.

【小题1】According to the passage, which one is NOT bullying?
A.Laughing at people.B.Telling lies about people.
C.Hitting people.D.Taking someone’s things with permission.
【小题2】Cyberbullying is the followings EXCEPT _________.
A.sending messages online
B.spreading lies online
C.not letting someone be part of an online group
D.sharing photos online without permission
【小题3】If you see a bullying, you should ________.
A.talk to your parentsB.keep it a secret
C.talk about it in publicD.share it with your friends
【小题4】If you want to know more information, you can ________.
A.write a letterB.make a phone call
C.search the InternetD.read a magazine
【小题5】The writer writes the passage mainly for ________.
A.childrenB.the policeC.teachersD.parents
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How to Handle Being the New Kid at School

Being the new kid at school can be a terrible experience! It might seem like everybody else knows exactly how to act. But remember you aren’t alone. Actually, everybody is nervous on their first day and you can fit right in with the help of the following tips.

Plan ahead the night before. 【小题1】 Lay out your first day outfit (全套服装), pack a lunch, and make sure you have all your school supplies ready to go. Planning ahead can help you get a good night’s sleep and feel less nervous about your first day.

【小题2】 Make sure your clothes are cleaned and pressed and that you have showered, and brushed your teeth. If you are hoping to attract friends with similar interests, try wearing a shirt with your favourite show, musician, or sports team on it. 【小题3】

Do your best to stay calm and positive. It’s normal to feel nervous or anxious when you’re the new kid at school. If you feel nervous, start by taking some deep breaths. 【小题4】 You can listen to music that makes you feel calm or happy. Try imagining a good first day in your mind instead of keeping thinking about things that could go wrong.

【小题5】 Don’t come in on the first day with your head hanging down, your shoulders lowered, and your eyes on the floor. Walk with your head held up, your back straight, and a bright expression on your face. Make eye contact with other people, and smile if they look at you or speak to you.

A.Use your body language to show confidence.
B.Introduce yourself to your teachers and classmates.
C.Choose clothes that make you feel great.
D.This can be an easy way to start a talk and break the ice a little.
E.You should keep talking and let people know that you are friendly.
F.Remember that everyone is the new kid at some point and that it’s not a big deal.
G.You’ll feel less worried if everything is ready before you wake up for your first day.

There are lots of things that are good for your brain. Reading, for example, helps your brain to grow and work better. Solving puzzles (拼图) can help, too. Scientists now find out another way of bringing health to brains: exercising.

Babies need exercise for their brains to fully grow. Meanwhile, exercise improves children’s attention and helps them do better at school. In the elderly, exercise can help to keep their minds sharp. They can notice or understand things quickly. Exercise also improves blood flow to the brain. The brain needs oxygen (氧气) from blood. Without oxygen, the brain would stop working.

Babies do not have to try to exercise. They are almost always moving. Developing new skills like sitting, standing, walking, running and jumping forces their brains to grow.

As children get older, exercise is still important for the brains. Scientists did an experiment. They found two groups of children between 7 and 9 years old. One group exercised for an hour after school. The other group did not. Scientists then gave both groups a number of brain tests. The kids who had exercised were quicker to learn than those who had not exercised.

Finally, exercise helps adults think quickly. The older people become, the smaller parts of the brain they will get. This can make it harder for old people to remember things. For example, grown - ups who exercised for 30 minutes, five times a week did better on brain tests than grown - ups who did not exercise as much.

Exercise is also good for the patients suffering from Alzheimer’s diseases (阿尔茨海默症), which harms the brain and causes people to lose their memories.

【小题1】If you want to do something good for your brain, you can.
A.read booksB.exerciseC.solve puzzlesD.do all above
【小题2】The underlined word “sharp” in this passage means
【小题3】Babies do not have to try to exercise because
A.their brains have fully grownB.they need to keep their minds clear
C.their brains don’t need oxygen from bloodD.they move a lot when learning new skills
【小题4】From this passage, we can know
A.exercise helps children learn quickerB.the older people become the easier to remember things
C.adults who exercised worse on brain testsD.exercise can’t help patients with Alzheimer’s disease
【小题5】Which can be the main idea of this passage?
A.Exercise is good for health.B.The importance of a healthy brain.
C.Exercise helps bring health to the brains.D.Different ways of keeping he brains healthy.
