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【小题1】Sam is a lazy man who runs away from challenges and prefers to avoid any task that requires effort or hard work.
【小题2】Diana wants to find the perfect dress for her upcoming job interview tomorrow. She aims to make a great impression and feel confident during the important occasion.
【小题3】Li Hua finds joy in watching English movies. Not only does he enjoy himself, but he also learns English in the process.
【小题4】Kelly spends all her time with her work. She doesn’t watch TV or go online to learn about any new information around her and the world.
【小题5】Jim’s wife comes from China. They live happily together in China and Jim falls in love with Chinese culture.
A.If a frog stays in the well, he will never knows about the things happening outside. So “The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean”.
B.Dogs are people’s best friends in western countries. So if you love me, you should love my friends too. Love me, love my dog.
C.Sometimes we can work out two problems at the same time with an action. That’s the famous saying “Kill two birds with one stone”.
D.When someone is lucky and strong enough, we often describe him as “A cat has nine lives.” highlighting his ability to undergo challenges and spring back from difficult situations repeatedly.
E.Success is not achievable without putting in the effort. No one can become successful without working hard. A gloved cat catches no mice.
F.Making mistakes is not frightening. Even a great person makes mistakes. A horse may stumble (绊倒) on four feet.
G.People rely on clothing. Good clothes make people look better. Fine feathers make fine birds.
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“Miss Smith! What rough (粗糙的) hands Mary Jessup has !” said Daisy Marvin, as she walked home from school with her teacher.

“In my opinion, Daisy, Mary’s hands are the most beautiful in our class.”

“Why? Miss Smith, they are red and hard, how ugly (丑) they will look if she plays on a piano!” Daisy said.

Miss Smith took Daisy’s hands in hers, and said, “Your hands are very soft (柔软) and white, they look beautiful on a piano; but shall I tell you what the real difference is?”

“Yes, please, Miss Smith.” Daisy looked at Miss Smith, with eyes wide open.

“Well, Daisy, Mary’s hands are very busy. They do the dishes, take out the rubbish; they hang out clothes and fold them; they sweep the floor, clean the living room and make the bed, too; they are always trying to help her poor, hard-working mother.”

Miss Smith continued, “Besides, they dress her grandmother; they cook for her grandparents; they find time to play with them to make them happy.”

“They do good deeds (行为) to every living thing. I have seen them helping the homeless dog in the street. They are always ready to help those who need help.’’

“I shall never think Mary’s hands are ugly any more, Miss Smith.” Daisy said that with tears (泪水) in eyes.

“I am glad to hear you say that, Daisy; and I must tell you that they are beautiful because they help others gladly and cheerfully.”

“Oh, Miss Smith! I feel so sorry. I will learn from her to be a better one, I want to help others who are in need from now on.” said Daisy, looking into her teacher’s face with shining eyes.

“My dear, you are a good girl, I like you very much. But beauty doesn’t lie in how one looks but what he does.”

【小题1】What did the teacher think of Mary’s hands?
【小题2】What can we infer (推断) from the passage ?
A.Mary had no mother.B.Mary lived a comfortable life.
C.Daisy understood beauty better.D.Miss Smith didn’t like Daisy.
【小题3】What is the best title for the passage?
A.Busy DaysB.Thankful TearsC.Shining EyesD.Beautiful Hands
A little boy called Dhon lived in a small village in India. One afternoon Dhon's mother told Dhon, "I am going to bring firewood, Son. Do not go out. Play near the hut(棚屋)."
"Mama, may I go a little way in the woods to pick blackberries(蓝莓)?" he asked one day. "All right," his mother said, "but do not go very far." So Dhon went to the woods. He was happy to hear the birds singing in the trees. He stuffed some blackberries in his pockets.
Then Dhon tried to catch some beautiful butterflies. He chased them far into the woods. He ran and he jumped. He forget he had to go back home. By that time the sun had set. Dhon was frightened. He thought of his mother and he cried.
Suddenly, he saw a speck(微粒) of light flying then he heard a voice. "I am a firefly(萤火虫). Why are you crying, little boy?" "I have lost my way. I want to go home to my mother," replied Dhon. "Don't cry, little boy, I will take you home. Follow me. But you must promise never to catch me."
Dhon promised and followed the firefly through the trees. Soon he reached home and was safe in his mother's arms.
That is why there are so many fireflies twinkling like little stars near the village huts in India.
【小题1】Where did this story happen?
A.In China.B.In America.C.In India.D.In Canada.
【小题2】The underlined word "stuffed" means in English.
【小题3】From the third paragraph, we can infer that .
A.Dhon was afraid of his motherB.Dhon saw many strange animalsC.Dhon had never been such a placeD.Dhon wanted to catch some butterflies for his mother
【小题4】Why was Dhon crying in the dark?
A.Because he was very hungry.B.Because he was too tired to go home.C.Because he didn't catch any butterflies.D.Because he couldn't find the way back to his home.
【小题5】What's the best title for this passage?
A.HutsB.FireflyC.DhonD.Dhon and His Mother
