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How do you usually sleep — barefoot (赤脚) or with socks on? Scientists have found that wearing socks to bed can help you fall asleep more quickly. Isn’t that amazing?

The temperature of your internal organs (内脏器官) is called your core body temperature (核心体温). During the day, your core body temperature stays around 37 degrees. Over the course of seven or eight hours of sleep, it drops by as much as 1.2 degrees. How does this happen? Well, when your brain decides that your internal organs should cool down, it will widen your blood vessels (血管). The warmer blood from your body’s core will then go to the rest of your body. In this way, your core body temperature gradually drops.

This process is important for falling asleep. In fact, the faster your body’s core cools down, the faster you will get to sleep. According to scientists, wearing socks can help widen your blood vessels. This, in turn, lowers your core body temperature and helps you fall asleep more quickly.

If you have trouble getting to sleep, why not give it a try? Take a warm foot bath before bed and put on your socks. You’ll probably fall asleep fifteen minutes faster than usual!

【小题1】How does the writer lead into the topic?
A.By asking a question.B.By giving an example.
C.By listing a fact.D.By telling a joke.
【小题2】Which picture shows the change of your core body temperature during your sleep?
【小题3】What does the underlined word “This” mean in the third paragraph?
A.Wearing socks can make you hard to sleep.
B.Wearing socks can help widen your blood vessels.
C.Seven or eight hours of sleep is good for your health.
D.Taking a warm bath before going to bed.
【小题4】What’s the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Tips on how to fall asleep faster.B.Different people’s sleep. problems.
C.The importance of going to bed early.D.The trouble of wearing socks to sleep.
【小题5】In which part of a magazine can the text be found?
A.Sports.B.Science and technology.C.Health.D.Education.
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Mobile phone technology is developing rapidly. What will the future mobile be able to do and what will it look like? Take a look at the following mobile phones, and you’ll find that some amazing phones are now coming our way.
The packet has five touch screens with different usages(用法). When folded, the Packet is in a simple square shape. You can see the time and any messages you’ve received. Once you open it, the five screens will ____
Cob alto
It has taken only two years for touch screen mobile phones to be used worldwide. Why not the 3D phones then? With an almost all-glass design, the Cobalto phone can make Google Maps even more useful, as shown here.
Human-body Phone
We often save photos of someone we love. When we miss them, we can see the photos. And now, Japanese scientists’ human-body phone is more than just photos. With a human body shape, it's coated with a material just like human skin. When you’re holding the phone, it feels as if you’re holding someone you miss.
Paper Phone
How many times have you wanted to smash(摔碎) your phone when talking to annoying people? With the Paper Phone, you’ll soon be able to do it. As the world’s first flexible(易弯曲的) mobile phone, it can be bent freely while you’re making calls, reading e-books and playing music.
【小题1】The underlined phrase “pop up” means _____________ in English.
A.come outB.work outC.go offD.turn off
【小题2】When we miss someone very much, we can save photos of him or her with ______________.
A.the PacketB.the Cobalto
C.the Human-body PhoneD.the Paper Phone
【小题3】We can learn from the passage that _________________.
A.the Packet has five touch screens with different usages.
B.the Cobalto has been used in the phone market for ten years.
C.the Paper Phone is easy to break, but difficult to make calls.
D.talking on the Human-body phone makes people annoyed easily.
【小题4】What’s the best title for the passage?
A.The importance of Mobile Phones
B.The future of Mobile Phones
C.The changes of Mobile Phones
D.The difference of Mobile Phones

In September 2020, a tragedy (悲剧) happened in Tasmania, Australia. As many as 380 pilot whales (座头鲸) became stranded (搁浅) in shallow water there and died. This might have been Australia’s largest stranding event on record, the BBC reported.

But mass (大规模的) whale stranding is not uncommon. For centuries, it has happened all over the world. Scientists say the cause is often unknown. But they have offered many different explanations.

Some say the whales chase fish for food and end up in shallow water because they are not paying attention to where they are going.

Others think the stranding has something to do with Earth’s geomagnetic field (地磁场). They say that a geomagnetic compass (罗盘) in whales’ brains helps them know their location. Changes in Earth’s magnetic field can affect the whales’ compasses and send them in the wrong direction.

Another explanation suggests that mass stranding is caused by the close relationships that whales have. Pilot whales travel in large groups. One lead whale might mistakenly lead the whole group to shallow water. “And if one gets into trouble, the others will not leave,” said Sheryl Gibney, a leading biologist from New Zealand. “Some will come in and try to help, they get trapped (受困) on the beach, then more will come.”

Unfortunately, once the whales become trapped, they will likely die. Less than 10 percent of stranded whales survive, according to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

【小题1】What do we know about the stranding?
A.It happened on the east coast of Australia.
B.It happens in September each year.
C.It caused the death of almost 400 pilot whales.
D.It was very popular with tourists.
【小题2】What does Paragraph 4 and Paragraph 5 try to explain?
A.Why pilot whales might get stranded.
B.Why pilot whales have close relationships.
C.Why pilot whales prefer shallow water.
D.Why pilot whales travel in large groups.
【小题3】What does the word “survive” in the last paragraph mean?
A.get trappedB.stay aliveC.give upD.die out
