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   Do you always feel lonely? When do you feel lonely? Is loneliness a good feeling? Nowadays more and more people are having this kind of feeling in their daily life. When someone feels lonely, he or she will have an experience of being alone because of low levels of social contact and relationships.

       There are two kinds of loneliness: emotional loneliness and social loneliness. Emotional loneliness is about the relationship between parents and their children. When children leave their parents for a while, they usually show the pain, such as crying and trying to search for their parents. Therefore, emotional loneliness is caused by leaving a person that someone is close to, such as a parent. On the other hand, social loneliness is the loneliness that one experiences when he or she leaves a wide social network. One doesn’t feel that he or she is a member of a group, or one doesn’t have friends to talk to when he or she is sad.
       Besides, loneliness is different from being alone. Being alone is about not having contact with people. But loneliness is a subjective experience: if people think they are lonely, then they are lonely. People can be lonely when they are alone, or in a group. What makes people lonely is the fact that they want more social interaction. People can be in a group and feel lonely because they don’t get to talk to enough people. On the other hand, one can be alone and not feel lonely, though there is no one around him or her. That person is not lonely because maybe he or she doesn’t want to have social interaction at that time.
       So, what about you? Will you feel lonely if you stay alone? Or you just enjoy the time being with yourself.
【小题1】Why did the writer start the passage with questions?
A.To let readers answer these questions.
B.To ask for more ideas about loneliness.
C.To make readers interested in the passage.
D.To check students’ understanding of loneliness.
【小题2】What are they in common, a person with emotional loneliness and one with social loneliness?
A.They have no friends to talk to.
B.They have a small social network.
C.They have a feeling of being lonely.
D.They don’t get on well with their parents.
【小题3】What does “a subjective experience” mean?
A.A hot subject.
B.A person’s own feeling.
C.A pain in the body.
D.A person’s special plan.
【小题4】What does the passage mainly talk about?(No more than 15 words)
知识点:情绪说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Pre-exam stress is one of the biggest problems in students’ lives. It makes you feel bad and stops you from thinking clearly. So here are some tips to help you lower the stress of exams.

Be organized and start early.   The best way to deal with exam stress is to have a good study plan. Decide which subjects to study every day and how much time to spend on each one. And don’t wait until the last minute to study everything.

Don’t be afraid to ask.   When we don’t understand something, we feel stressed. It’s normal. But don’t worry about it, do something about it! 向你的老师求助。 You may find it hard to believe but all teachers want their students to do well in exams.

Healthy body, healthy brain.   Your body needs exercise for your brain to work better. So don’t study all the time. It can just make you more stressed. Do some sport, go to the gym or just go for a walk but get up and move!

Eat and sleep well.   It’s important for your brain to rest , so try to get eight hours’ sleep every night. Eat a healthy diet and avoid drinks with caffeine that can stop you from sleeping well.

Don’t keep your stress to yourself.   Finally, if you have followed all this advice and you still feel stressed, then don’t keep it a secret. Talk to someone, your mum or your dad, a friend or a teacher and tell them how you feel. We all need help sometimes.

One of the biggest problems that students meet is feeling stressed before the exam.
What will happen if you study all the time?
What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to?
