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Daisy likes reading Modern Girl magazine because it often has a personality quiz. These quizzes are multiple-choice (多项选择的) questions about personal preference. By answering the questions and reading the explanation of your score, you can discover what kind of person you are.

Here is one of Daisy’s completed quizzes. Give her 1 point for each (a) she chose, 2 points for each (b) and 3 points for each (c).

1. I prefer spending my spare time ________.
□ (a) with my family       ☑ (b) with my friends       □ (c) by myself
2. If I have a problem, I would rather ________.
☑ (a) talk to my parents than to my friends
□ (b) talk to my friends than to my family
□ (c) work it out by myself
3. I prefer to study ________.
□ (a) at home with my family around
□ (b) with my friends
☑ (c) by myself
4. For my birthday I would prefer to ________.
□ (a) be with my family
□ (b) have a party with lots of friends
☑ (c) go out with just my best friend Score
4—6       Your family are very important to you. You enjoy being with your friends but your family come first.
7—9       You have lots of friends and like to have fun. You are close to your family but your friends are also important to you.
10—12       You probably have one or two close friends, but you’d rather relax with a good book than go to a party. You are independent and happy to do things yourself.
【小题1】How many points did Daisy get in this quiz?
【小题2】What kind of person are you if your score is eight?
A.Your family and your friends are both very important to you.
B.Your family are the most important to you.
C.You are very independent and happy to do things yourself.
【小题3】This quiz helps you find out ________.
A.whether you are a kind person or not
B.how many people are in your family
C.what kind of person you are
【小题4】If a girl gets the score 11, ________.
A.she is independent
B.she is a lazy girl
C.she depends on her parents to do all things
【小题5】What do you think the article is?
A.An ad.
B.A questionnaire (调查表).
C.A poster.
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