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It is more than sixty years since the death of Lei Feng, and yet his spirit of selflessness is still alive, inspiring Chinese young people. In fact, the wish to help others can always be found among common people.

On September 5, 2022, when an earthquake hit Luding, Sichuan, 28-year-old hydropower station (水电站) worker Gan Yu chose not to leave but stay at his workplace, saving villages downstream from being flooded. People think he is a hero like Lei Feng, but he doesn’t feel that he should be compared to the young hero. “Lei Feng is a role model to all Chinese young people. The things he did may seem small, but behind them was a nobility (高贵的品质) that we can all achieve,” he said.

Zeng Qiangfei, 24, is also from Sichuan. In 2013, when an earthquake happened in his hometown, he was studying in a middle school. Zeng remembered seeing rescuers (救援者) and volunteers gather there to help. When he grew up, he became a volunteer himself. After a terrible quake hit Turkey and Syria this year, he flew there to help. During the rescue, he always saw local people bowing quietly to rescuers like them. “I grew up listening to Lei Feng’s stories. He is an excellent young man who spared no effort to help others,” said Zeng.

This view is shared by a 56-year-old British man named James Elroy Edginton, who lives in Hunan, the hometown of Lei Feng. Working at a local college, Edginton volunteers to help students from poor families, and is warmly regarded as a “foreign Lei Feng”. “I am honored to be connected with the spirit of Lei Feng His qualities are timeless and borderless (无边界),” he said.

【小题1】Which of the following words can best describe Gan Yu?
【小题2】Why did Zeng Qiangfei become a volunteer when he grew up?
A.Because he wanted local people to thank him.
B.Because he was quite moved by Gan Yu’s story.
C.Because he learned about volunteering at school.
D.Because he was influenced greatly by volunteers.
【小题3】Which one of the statements below is a fact according to the passage?
A.Gan Yu is a hero like Lei Feng.B.Zeng Qiangfei is warm-hearted.
C.Lei Feng’s hometown is in Hunan.D.Edginton is a “foreign Lei Feng”
【小题4】What’s the best title for the passage?
A.The ways of helping othersB.The spirit of Lei Feng never dies
C.The stories of young heroesD.Chinese volunteers are everywhere
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For many American 10-year-olds, summer is always a time for goofing around(消磨时光), hanging out with friends, and playing outside until the sun goes down. However, for Liam Hannon, the summer of 2017 was a bit different. That year, Liam did not want to go to summer camp, so he made a deal with his dad to stay busy and active. He joined a program to give back to the community. Specifically, he was given a task to help homeless people.

Liam pointed out to his dad that there were a lot of homeless people just outside their home in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These people were hungry and Liam thought he could do something to lift their spirits. Liam and his dad began making sandwiches. Together, they made 20 lunches that first week, which they then handed out to the homeless people. When the week was over, Liam realized he was not ready to put away his bread knife just yet, so Liam’s Lunches of Love was born.

“No one should be hungry,” Liam wrote on his GoFundMe page. He created the online page with his father as a way to help raise money for Lunches of Love. Donations that were received through GoFundMe have enabled Liam to buy a better cart(手推车)and make thousands of additional lunches. Liam also gets help from friends and volunteers to make and deliver the lunches. His friends love drawing pictures and writing encouraging messages on the brown paper bags that the lunches and healthy snacks are packed in. “I’ve seen people who are feeling really down. But when we hand them a lunch, their faces just light up,” says Liam.

But be didn’t stop there. Liam has another project called Legos(乐高)of Love. People send in their old toys, which are then sorted and given to children who are living at homeless shelters.

One thing is certain: This now 12-year-old knows how to pay it forward(让爱传播出去). His Lunches of Love is an example of how even something as simple as a sandwich can change the world.

【小题1】What did Liam Hannon do in the summer holiday of 2017?
A.He went to summer camp.
B.He hung out with his friends.
C.He helped many homeless people with his father and friends.
D.He drew pictures and wrote encouraging messages on the paper bags.
【小题2】How did Liam help the children at homeless shelters?
A.By raising money for them.B.By making sandwiches for them.
C.By buying old toys for them.D.By creating a project called Legos of Love.
【小题3】Liam’s story mainly tells us________.
A.we should ask our friends for help
B.we should enjoy the summer holiday with our family
C.simple help can make a big difference
D.projects make a lot of fun

Feng Jing is an 8-year-old student from Guangdong. Because of a terrible disease (疾病), the boy had to stay in Shenzhen Children’s Hospital for months. The long stay in the hospital made Feng’s mother worried. “My son enjoyed learning at school. However, after he came here, he spent a lot of time playing online games,” the mother said.

Luckily, a volunteer from a reading program came to help Feng. The volunteer read interesting books to Feng. Feng’s mother was happy to see that. The boy could spend more time on books. And that stopped him from using phones.

Chen Jie, a woman from Shenzhen Children’s Library, is in charge of (负责) the reading program. “Why do we have the program? Because we want to give better reading service to kids in hospital. We hope it can help them get interested in reading and feel the fun of reading,” Chen said.

Now, the program has around 70 volunteers. They’re from all walks of life (各行各业), such as teachers and reporters. Joy Yang is one of the volunteers. “I’m glad to give a hand to those kids in need. They need our company (陪伴),” she said. “I hope they can feel comfortable and calm (平静的) through reading.”

【小题1】Feng’s mother was worried because of his terrible disease.
【小题2】The volunteer helped Feng by reading interesting books to him.
【小题3】The reading program wants to help sick kids with reading.
【小题4】The volunteers in the program are mainly teachers and reporters.
【小题5】Joy Yang hopes reading can help the kids do better in their subjects.
Dear Estelle,

I hope you’re well and not working too hard! I’m busy preparing for my exams these days. That’s why I haven’t written for such a long time. I can’t wait for the holidays but I’ve really enjoyed this term.

Since the beginning of this year, we’ve been doing this project called “World Class”. Have you heard of it? Not everyone in the class could take part, but luckily I could. The school chooses a “twin school” in a completely different area of the world. Our head teacher chose a school in Uganda(乌干达). They gave us someone to write to from that school. For three months, I’ve written to a girl called Louisa, who is the same age as me.

It’s been so interesting to hear about her life. I can’t believe that her school doesn’t have any electricity. She goes to school from eight o’clock in the morning until six o’clock in the evening. I can’t believe how lucky we are here! She’s also told me that she often can’t go to school because she has to look after her baby brother and sister. She’s tried to teach me some of her language and it’s really difficult.

I love it because it’s the first time I’ve thought about what life must be like somewhere else. I can’t believe people miss classes here when everything is so easy for us. I hope more people could help out with projects like this. At the weekend, we are going to have a sports day to help raise money to send to the school. Perhaps one day I’ll be able to go to Uganda and meet Louisa.

Lots of love,


【小题1】How did Suzanne feel about this term?
【小题2】What did Suzanne do after she took part in the “World Class”?
A.She wrote to a girl from Uganda.
B.She went to another area of the world.
C.She chose other students to join the project.
【小题3】What can we learn about Louisa’s daily life?
A.She does not use the computer in class.
B.She stays at school for eight hours a day.
C.It’s difficult to look after her baby brother and sister.
【小题4】What’s Suzanne’s hope?
A.More people will help out with the children like Louisa.
B.People from different countries can become good friends.
C.She can travel to another country and see what life is like there.
【小题5】Why will they have a sports day?
A.To start a new project with some friends.
B.To get some money for the “twin school”.
C.To let others know not everything is so easy.
