完形填空 适中0.65 引用1 组卷14

Good relationship can make us happy and comfortable. But ________ can we get on well with others? First of all, we should believe in others. Everybody has their own ways to ________ things, so we should understand each other. Besides, it is ________ for us to communicate with each other for we can’t live alone. We should ________ happiness and sadness with our friends. What’s more, we should be kind to others and try to offer necessary help to those in trouble. Treating others honestly is also a good way to get on well with others. These ________ will help us to get along well with others.

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For this Father's Day, many children bought ties, socks or golf balls, but my present had to be the best. After spending several days shopping, my __________for the best gift came to an old plane. My dad and I would never forget that Father's Day.

“Is this your first time flying?” Our pilot asked my dad. I felt a little___________, knowing that in a few minutes I would be in the sky for the first time. My nerves were making me want to give up, but I knew it would be a good father-daughter__________.

After a little hesitation(犹豫), my dad started the engine. We taxied to the runway slowly. After being cleared for take-off, we went faster. I could feel the plane shaking slowly while it was___________from the ground. After the pilot gave some instructions, my dad was flying the plane. Suddenly, we experienced a quick fall and then the plane went up again, which made me feel as if I were on a roller coaster. The plane started to move up and down and the pilot quickly took over the control. I could see the___________ on my dad's face.

The pilot started to tell the control tower over the radio that we had hit turbulence(气流). It was a sunny day with few clouds so I didn't __________how this was possible. But it was indeed very windy a few thousand feet up. I held onto my seat, trying to tell myself we were going to be OK. After a few minutes jumping up and down, the plane leveled off(在平流层飞行)and I started to breathe __________again.

Finally, it was time to return. We started to go down and it seemed that we were going to miss the runway and land in trees, but___________we landed on the ground, gradually slowing. It seemed like forever until the plane actually stopped. I was excited to___________off and it felt good to have my feet back on the ground. The smile on my dad's face __________ I had given him the best gift. The unforgettable Father's Day was complete with an old plane, and huge smiles on our faces.


A man drove all night and felt very tired, so he decided to stop in a _________ place to have a sleep without being disturbed(被打扰). He found a nice place and stopped his car. When he started to sleep, he _________ a knock on the car window. He looked up and found a jogger(慢跑运动者)standing there.

He opened the car window and jogger asked, “Excuse me. Do you know _________ it is?” “It is 7:15.” he answered.

The jogger thanked him and ran on down the road.

A few minutes later, just as the man started to sleep _________, there came another person who knocked on the car window. He was also a jogger.

He opened his window and this jogger also asked the _________.

“It is 7:23.” he said.

The jogger thanked him and went on _________. At that time the man looked around and found there were _________ morning joggers. “If they keep coming to ask me what time it is, I can’t get any sleep.” he thought. So he put a sign on his car window. The sign _________, “I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS.”

The man thought he would get a good sleep, but he heard _________ knock on the window.

He looked up and a jogger was standing __________ the car. The jogger said to the man, “It is 7:45.”

A.how farB.whose carC.whereD.what time
A.anotherB.otherC.othersD.a few
