语法选择 适中0.65 引用2 组卷38

Artificial intelligence or AI in short, is the science to make computers and machines ________ like humans.

So far, AI scientists and engineers have made a lot of cool technologies. AI is rapidly catching up ________ the human ability ________ faces. As a result, facial recognition ________ a lot in the world. Chinese police use this technology to identify criminal . Once they caught a criminal when he attended ________ concert. ________ also checks the ID of ride-hailing (网约车) drivers and lets people pay for things with a smile.

AI is also used in self-driving cars ________ are believed to be the future of driving. Most drivers may wave or nod at passers-by to let them cross the street, ________ self-driving cars don’t have this ability. Carmakers are testing a light signal system ________ them “speak” to humans. The system can show ________ self-driving cars will do. For example, if a driverless car is yielding (让路), it will flash two white lights side to side. A rapidly flashing light tells passers-by ________ the car is about to speed up.

Service Robots also show you how ________ AI is. ________ that you come back home from school and your robot housekeeper is waiting for you at the door. After dinner, he teaches you to play the piano, just like a real music teacher. Such thoughts soon ________ in the real world. In the future, more and more service robots will become good home helpers.

AI is ________ powerful that it can help human beings and even replace us in many jobs.

A.to think and workB.think and work
C.thinking and workingD.thought and worked
A.readingB.to readC.readD.to reading
A.usesB.usedC.is usedD.is using
A.to helpB.helpedC.helpD.helps
A.To imagineB.ImagineC.ImaginedD.Imagining
A.happensB.happeningC.happenedD.will happen
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Imagine—you are running to catch a train, only to find that you forgot your identification(身份)card! There is no way you can get on board without _______ ID card.

Don’t worry. In the near future, people _______ just need a digital(数字的)ID on their smartphones(手机).

_______ March 11, at a two sessions news conference(两会新闻发布会), Premier Li Keqiang said that the government would introduce a digital version of the national ID cards this year. One aim(目标)is to better meet the basic living needs of more than 100 million people _______ live away from their home provinces.

These people have to go to school or work at _______ places other than their homes. _______ to prove(证明)that “I am who I am”, they have to run back and forth across provinces to provide ID on the spot. _______ is a waste of time, money and manpower(人力), noted The Paper.

Digital ID cards can allow relevant(相关的)information _______ by a simple scan(扫描)with a smartphone, said Premier Li.

The government would also provide convenience for people who do not used smartphones, _______ the elderly. People’s information security(安全) ________ privacy would also be taken note of, said the Premier.

The digital ID could be used to open bank accounts(账户), check into hotels and buy high-speed railway tickets, among other things.

A.Some timeB.SometimesC.SometimeD.Some times
A.to achieveB.to be achievedC.being achievedD.to being achieved

Robots (机器人) seem new to most people, but they have a long history. ________ one was made by a Greek.

The robots in the films are usually stronger, ________ and cleverer than people. In real life, most robots are used in factories. They are used to do many dangerous, difficult or boring ________. Some people can’t look after ________ and robots can help them. For example, some people can’t see, and they use dogs ________ themselves move around. This kind of dog is called a guide dog (导盲犬). But not scientists are making robots help them. In the future, robot dogs ________ take the place of (代替) these guide dogs.

Today robots are ________ used in American hospitals. In the hospital, a robot ________ meals from the kitchen to the sick people’s rooms. It never lost its way because it has a ________ of the hospital in its computer system (系统).

Robots can help us in a lot of different ways. However, they ________ take the place of humans.

A.FirstB.SecondC.The firstD.The second
A.fastB.more fastC.fasterD.fastest
A.helpsB.to helpC.helpingD.help
A.can’tB.may beC.mayD.must
A.can everB.can foreverC.will everD.will never

Mr. and Mrs. Green’s house in America is controlled by a computer. The computer ______ the couple’s habits well. Every morning the computer turns on the lights at 6:30. The water in the shower keeps at a right temperature for the couple ______ it. If someone gets up in the night, floor lights will be turned on automatically(自动地) to show ______ way to the bathroom. The air conditioner(空调) keeps the house at a comfortable temperature. The fridge keeps a check on the food ______ it, and sends the local supermarket an e-mail when ______ food is needed. A camera works when a stranger gets close to the house but does not work ______ it is a family member or a friend. The microwave (微波炉) is also linked(连接) to the Internet, it ______ cook the food for the right time.

The couple love their home, but they don’t like one thing. They sometimes feel that the computer is ______ grandmother. “One night, we came home later than usual. As we were walking into our house, the lights ______ off exactly. We felt like bad kids, and ______ said ‘sorry!’ to the computer.” said Mrs. Green.

A.knowB.knewC.is knownD.knows
A.useB.usingC.to useD.to using
A.muchB.moreC.mostD.the most
A.turnedB.are turnedC.was turnedD.were turned
A.nearB.nearerC.nearlyD.the nearest
